
Cheng Guo

Mouth Factory

Cheng Guo

source: highlike

Work: Mouth Factory(2012) Apparatuses, videos, images “Mouth Factory” is a series of functional machines specifically designed to be operated by the mouth of the user, Which includes Chewing drill, teeth lathe, tongue extruder, blowing rotomolding machine and vacuum form machines. This project aims to explore the capabilities and versatility of mouth this wondrous organ and its relating facial expressions, re-contextualised within the realm of production. As a comment on human enhancement, “Mouth Factory” also reveals the aesthetics of manufacturing through a series of performative devices. By focusing on mouth, these manufacturing devices become an embodiment that renders and amplifies the reciprocal relationship and effects between our body and our tools.
Photographer: Grey Chen
source: todayandtomorrow

‘Mouth Factory‘ by Cheng Guo is one of the cooler projects I’ve seen lately. Cheng has build a series of functional machines specifically designed to be operated by the mouth of the user, which includes chewing drill, teeth lathe, tongue extruder, mouth breath rotational molding and vacuum form machine.

The project explores the capabilities and versatility of this wondrous organ and correlating facial expressions, re-contextualised within the realm of production. As a comment on human enhancement, the project aims to explore the aesthetic of production through a series of performative devices. By focusing on the mouth, the production devices acquire a fantastic quality that amplifies and render visible the reciprocal relationship and effects between our body and our tools.
source: itsnicethat

Up until now the mouth has merely been a cavity into which one places cake and, occasionally, mutter a sonnet. Finally, we can put it to good use with the various instruments from Cheng Guo’s Mouth Factory.

These elegantly engineered tools will leave your hands free to make a sandwich or write a letter or even play the piano, thus serenading your weekend DIY antics. The graduate of design products at the Royal College of Arts lists his tools as “chewing drill, teeth lathe, tongue extruder, mouth breath rotational moulding and vacuum form machines” – all functional celebrations of your mouth’s potential.
source: hopkinsts

‘Mouth Factory’ por Cheng Guo é um dos projetos mais legais que eu vimos recentemente. Cheng construiu uma série de máquinas funcionais projetados especificamente para ser operado pela boca do usuário.

O projeto explora os recursos e versatilidade deste órgão maravilhoso e correlaciona expressões faciais, re-contextualizadas dentro da esfera da produção. Explorando a tematica do aprimoramento humano, o projeto visa explorar a estética da produção através de uma série de dispositivos performaticos. Ao concentrar-se na boca, os dispositivos de produção adquirem uma qualidade fantástica que amplifica e torna visível a relação recíproca e efeitos entre nosso corpo e nossas ferramentas.
source: rusdentalru

Современные ученые постоянно удивляют нас новыми открытиями. Но сегодня изобретатель представил публике совсем необычное устройство. Как вы смотрите на то, чтобы, к примеру, просверлить отверстие в стене, не задействовав физическую силу?

Современный человек просто обязан заботиться о гигиене полости рта, особенно сейчас, когда вокруг множество не очень полезных для здоровья пищевых продуктов. Можно постоянно пользоваться освежающими дыхание спреями, средствами для отбеливания зубов, но все это бесполезно, если не поддерживать нормальную гигиену полости рта. Однако на этот раз речь пойдет о совершенно ином способе использования зубов. Новый проект изобретателя Чэн Го будет интересен тем, кто ленится или по каким-либо причинам не может использовать руки. Это целый набор инструментов, приводимых в действие силой челюсти и прилегающих тканей. Правда, некоторые критики уже успели заметить, что данные механизмы, возможно, и гениальны, но больше похожи на устройства для пыток Ганнибала Лектера, чем на инструменты, которые принесут пользу человеку.
source: cluster1cafedaum

Cheng Guo가 디자인한 Mouth Factory 또한 도구의 사용을 다른 시각에서 관찰한 결과물이다. Mouth Factory는 말 그대로 입으로 사용하는 도구이다. 입김으로 만들어지는 회전 몰딩, 진공성형, 씹으면서 작동하는 드릴, 혀를 사용한 압출기 등의 공구이며 생산방법 영역이 우리의 몸과 도구가 갖는 연관성을 탐구하고 재해석해 보자 하는 것이 목적이다.
source: vyrasbalsaslt

Mouth Factory – tai penki skirtingi įrankiai, kuriuos sukūrė menininkas iš Kinijos Cheng Guo. Įdomiausia tai, kad jie visi valdomi burna.

Burną naudoja kiekvienas, gal tik ne visada pastebi – tai vinys kalant, pieštukas rūšiuojant popierius ir panašiai. Tačiau tai niekuo neypatingi reikalai – daug sudėtingiau būtų burna išgręžti skylę sienoje.

Dabar bus galima. Kaip gręžti, ir likusius 4 įrankius galima išvysti šiame filmuke.