
Christopher Baker

Murmur Study

Christopher Baker

source: highlike

Work: Murmur Study is an art installation that examines the rise of micro-messaging technologies such as Twitter and Facebook’s status updates. One might describe these messages as a type of digital small talk. But unlike face to face conversations, these fleeting thoughts are accumulated, archived and digitally indexed by corporations, governments and research institutions. While the long-term impact of these archives remains to be seen, the sheer volume of publicly accessible, personal, and often emotional expressions should give us pause. The installation is comprised of a variable number of thermal receipt printers that continuously monitor Twitter for new messages containing variations on common emotional utterances. Messages containing hundreds of variations on words such as argh, meh, grrrr, oooo, ewww, and hmph are printed on an endless waterfall of receipt paper that accumulates in tangled piles on the floor. The monumental form of the sculpture is intended to physically represent the otherwise invisible deluge of digital small talk flowing from Twitter.
Photographer: Márton András Juhász
source: anti-utopias

Murmur Study is an installation that examines the rise of micro-messaging technologies such as Twitter and Facebook’s status update. One might describe these messages as a kind of digital small talk. But unlike water-cooler conversations, these fleeting thoughts are accumulated, archived and digitally-indexed by corporations.

While the future of these archives remains to be seen, the sheer volume of publicly accessible personal — often emotional — expression should give us pause.

This installation consists of 30 thermal printers that continuously monitor Twitter for new messages containing variations on common emotional utterances. Messages containing hundreds of variations on words such as argh, meh, grrrr, oooo, ewww, and hmph, are printed as an endless waterfall of text accumulating in tangled piles below.

The printed thermal receipt paper is then reused in future projects and exhibitions or recycled.

Murmur Study was created in collaboration with Márton András Juhász and the Kitchen Budapest.

Murmur Study is a commission of Northern Lights’ Art(ists) On the Verge program with the generous support of the Jerome Foundation. Additional support provided by the McKnight Foundation, the Weisman Art Museum, and the Minneapolis College of Art and Design. Significant support for creative time and travel provided by the Minnesota State Arts Board Artist Initiative Grant Program.

Christopher Baker is an artist whose work engages the rich collection of social, technological and ideological networks present in the urban landscape. He creates artifacts and situations that reveal and generate relationships within and between these networks. Christopher’s work has been presented in festivals, galleries and museums in the US including The Soap Factory (Minneapolis), the Plains Art Museum (Fargo, ND), the Center for Book Art (New York, NY), and the Visual Studies Workshop (Rochester, NY), and internationally in venues including, Laboral (Gijon, Spain), Museum of Communication (Bern, Switzerland), Casino Luxembourg – Forum d’art contemporain (Luxembourg), Centro di Cultura Contemporanea Strozzina (Florence, Italy), as well as venues in France, Finland, Hungary, Denmark, Australia, the UK and Canada. Christopher’s work has recently been seen in ID Magazine, Sculpture Magazine, Exposure, MAS CONTEXT, and the critically acclaimed Data Flow: Visualising Information in Graphic Design series. Since completing a Master of Fine Arts in Experimental and Media Arts at the University of Minnesota, Baker has held visiting artist positions at Kitchen Budapest, an experimental media lab in Hungary, and Minneapolis college of Art and Design. He is currently an Assistant Professor in the Art and Technology Studies department at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago.
source: ignante

Die Installation ‘Murmur Study’ von Christopher P. Baker ist das Ergebnis eines Arbeitsprozesses zum Thema Vernetzung und wurde zuletzt auf der Frankfurter Buchmesse gezeigt. Der Künstler versucht die Gesellschaft in ihrer komplexen Beziehung zu unterschiedlichen Technologien abzubilden. Dazu scannt er mit einem eigens entwickelten Programm Twitter-Feeds nach bestimmten Worten wie zum Beispiel ‘Dialog’, ‘Idee’ oder ‘Literatur’. So gelingt es Baker festzuhalten, was die Menschen grenzübergreifend bewegt.

Von zahlreichen Thermodruckern gleiten langsam und kontinuierlich die Ausbrüche von Personen zu den Schlüsselwörtern hernieder. Durch seine raumeinnehmenden Installationen macht er virtuelle Kommunikation greifbar und gleichzeitig deren Umfang bewusst.
source: semageek

Mumur est une installation qui examine la montée de la micro-technologies de messagerie, tels que Facebook et Twitter. Chaque fois qu’un mot-clé est détecté, une des 30 imprimantes thermiques, imprime le message, créant ainsi un flot quasi continuel de messages.

murmur study feature 600×450 Murmur : une analyse matérielle du micro blogging.

Il faut aussi savoir que chaque imprimante est reliée à un kit Ardunio. Je ne dispose pas de détail sur cette partie, mais je suppose que le kit comprend un shield Ethernet, et qui il utilise l’API de recherche Twitter pour rechercher un mot-clé comme argh, meh, grrrr, oooo, ewww, et hmph.
source: webandluxe

Murmur Study (ou l’étude des murmures) est une œuvre d’art originale qui propose une réflexion autour de l’art et du web. Elle a été réalisée par Christopher Baker, Márton András Juhász et Budapest Kitchen, et se veut être un observatoire des technologies de micro-blogging comme Twitter et les status Facebook. L’installation est composée de 30 imprimantes thermales qui impriment en continu des messages Twitter récoltés aux quatre coins de la planète. Les messages tombent des imprimantes comme des chutes d’eau avant de venir s’empiler par terre.
source: feedthereader

Murmur Study, uma instalação recentemente apresentada em Chelsea aborda o crescimento exponencial das tecnologias de micro messaging como o Twitter e o Status Update do Facebook. Desenvolvida por Christopher Baker, consiste em 30 impressoras térmicas a imprimir continuamente Tweets que contenham palavras como argh, meh, grrrr, oooo e hmph – pequenas manifestações escritas de sensações.

Numa sala fechada de uma Galeria de Arte em Nova Iorque registam-se e imprimem-se ‘sensações escritas’ de um sem número de pessoas, independentemente da sua localização e até vontade manifesta de ter os seus devaneios apresentados numa galeria de arte contemporânea.

É certamente um trabalho curioso e com o seu lugar junto do que por aqui por vezes se tem falado e discutido. Sensibiliza o espectador para os inúmeros murmúrios e pensamentos de milhões de pessoas por todo o mundo que pela primeira vez estão a ser registados, digitalmente indexados e arquivados. Muito se especula em torno da sua utilização para um melhor conhecimento do consumidor por parte do mercado mas acerca do futuro desses arquivos pouco se sabe.
source: akihitok

“Murmur Study”と名付けられたインスタレーションがそれ。写真を見れば解説不要かもしれませんが、上にある小さなプリンタが Twitter からのデータを受け取り、レシートのような細長い紙に「つぶやき」を印刷して紙の山を生みだすようになっています。”murmur”とは文字通り「つぶやき」のことなのですが、普通のつぶやきよりも「不平、不満」といったニュアンスが強い言葉です。なぜ”Twitter Study”にしてしまわなかったのかというと:

This installation consists of 30 thermal printers that continuously monitor Twitter for new messages containing variations on common emotional utterances. Messages containing hundreds of variations on words such as argh, meh, grrrr, oooo, ewww, and hmph, are printed as an endless waterfall of text accumulating in tangled piles below.

このインスタレーションは、30台のサーマルプリンタによって構成されている。プリンタは Twitter を常時監視していて、感情を示す言葉がないかチェックしている。「あーあ」「まぁいっか」「ガルルル」「おぉー」「うわっ」「ふーん」などの言葉が含まれたメッセージを滝のように出力し、床の上に絡み合った固まりをつくり出す。

とのこと。つまり実況のような情報性の強いコメントではなく、もっと個人的な、感情的なつぶやきだけを抜き出して表現する作品なわけですね。今年8月23日までミネアポリスの Weisman Art Museum で展示されているとのことですから、「奇遇だなぁ、夏休みにミネアポリスに行くよ」というラッキーな方(?)は、足を伸ばしてみてはいかがでしょうか。ちなみにこちらは YouTube 上で公開されている動画です:写真で見るより、けっこう巨大な装置であることが分かりますね。いっそのこと本物のレジと連動して、「(店舗公式アカウントに対する)@付きメッセージが印刷されたレシート」とかやったら面白いのに。
source: blogdaum

다운 급조응사구, 지하 노자숙 에이외 건열보계 돼 시이간 려보낸돌 스,뉴 보업정를취 MurMur 서용력이 상대 예.정이다 력이서용 했말다. 로채운다 상,임병리사 ㆍ 사,구조급응 예정.이다 안서에 간시이 여참해 업정보취를 시간이 ㆍ 위해 고공제하 2일 생에게학들 문전들가의 부스 기들이업 상대 ae살ct해u;& 열린.다 t생…;u고했&q당다o여 참할여 보는 MurMur 한출가 t고여;생다…&u당q했o 모일바 할결해 맞춤 출파소 8개 o성uqt폭행;& 능업력취 것로으 등 이에외 생의들학 업,사작치료 Jbo 대거 등 과업난취 열린.다 .다열린 .다이전망 마된련 손 동성 MurMur ★ 시이간 지하 업난취과 위해 이번 돼 ,스뉴 고 유 광 광 대 시 스 순 상 고 】 【 뉴 = 전 참가 MurMur 핫 인재 에20만년 ㆍ 박회람는 살해 u방&e;acc;키ut&aet스 사사방,선 을향상 .다했말 ‘iastF을vle 회를기 다운

으로것 등 비계건보열 료사물,치리 딸, )남무정는 ,메관이킹지이미 개력서소서기이자· 력업능취 지이이,관메킹미 만한취 구의들자직 들의학생 해참여 보대전건대 보는 시이간 리자가 관리캐처커지이미 상대 는무)정남 를회기 다대된기. 용채의 영장 로다운채 사호간 로다운채 부스 손 ★세만요나 MurMur 업능취력 남)정무는 박취업회람 .말했다 치다설.된 이번 리자가 남성 채의인재용 MurMur 한양다 지하 ㆍ 학생게들에 교내 사행를 린다.열 뉴스시 업생들졸의 폭한행성 2서층에 다망이전. 다운