Clausthome & Martins Ratniks
source: 2013sonicacts
The performance Unknown Planet is an electromagnetic fantasy journey departing from Earth and entering Internal Space where sources of inspiration and expression are electromagnetic spectrum, electricity and ranges of radio frequencies. By means of electronic equipment built especially for these purposes we are trying to establish a dialogue with the visible and invisible energy inside and surrounding us and with infinite states of forms, collages and sceneries.
It is not an audiovisual experiment but an attempt to capture moments experienced along this journey of life and to show the captured feelings, emotions and a sense of adventure to others.
source: rixcorg
The Latvian sound artists collective “Clausthome” (Lauris Vorslavs, Girts Radzins) and video artist Martins Ratniks will present a sound and video modulation performance unclosing saturated sound landscapes and collages of the electromagnetic waves, created by scanning and retranslating a real-time audio and video signal modulations. In their daily practices “Clausthome” collective is engaged in experiments with modulations and sound feedback as well as in collecting diverse radioa signals and scanning of radio frequences. Martins Ratniks is one of most renowned Latvian video artists, whose experiments in the field of art and technologies has been acknowledged both in Latvia and abroad. This will not be the first collaboration between “ Clausthome” and Martins Ratniks, previously they have been working togeher on such projects as “ Spectrosphere” (2006) and “ Unknown Planet” (2012).
source: lapanaceeorg
Dans « Unknown Planet » (Planète inconnue), le spectre électromagnétique, l’électricité et les fréquences radio sont l’inspiration et la matière première pour un voyage fantasmatique dans les ondes. Grâce à du matériel électronique fabriqué spécialement pour ce projet, les artistes mettent en place un dialogue avec l’énergie visible et invisible qui nous entoure et nous traverse, créant une infinité de formes, de collages et de paysages.