



source: klenyanszki

“X marks the spot” is an epilogue or even more, a new chapter that follows my graduation project “My logic is gone or did I just find it? …because nothing is more abstract than our own reality.”

It is all about looking for the hidden possibilities related to form and function and my own fantasy. My inspiration is my house and my environment (it’s kind of a kitchen chemistry), which becomes a playground. I like to work with common objects and discover their possibilities, give a new function for them. I try to play with the borders of the nonsense; something that looks foolish at the first place can always find its right place at the end. But like in every game and story it is impossible to tell what will happen and how the end is going to be. The whole project can become a tea party or a toy story. It doesn’t really matter how we call it, because eventually it is just a game, which is about the fact that you can enter another world.

The following image is:
My logic is gone or did I just find it?
…because nothing is more abstract than our own reality

About Artist: A search for balance with a problem solving attitude characterises my work. Within my current practice I carefully examine and deconstruct personal – but universally known – challenges such as parenthood, gender, and the malleability of self identity through the passage of time. Works, such as “Pillars of home”, “to make time”, “House/hold” or the “Mothers in Arts Residency” aim to give solutions that range from the practical to the absurd.

Although my approach is analytic, the nature of the work is highly playful and experimental. To give a new perspective I often play with the borders of nonsense with a constant attraction to physical and mental tension.
source: ignantde
Last year we’ve already introduced Csilla Klenyánszki and her series ‘X marks the spot’. Now she is back with her latest work ‘Good luck’, a personal research for balance and the interpretation of it. The minimalistic images of the series try to show the moment of perfect balance, where we feel like we have to hold our breath in tension, or the whole thing will fall apart. We become witness of a very fragile moment. Csilla says that ‘concentration but also a little bit of luck is necessary to achieve it’.
source: photogrist
Csilla Klenyánszki is a talented photographer and artist, who was born in 1986 in Budapest, Hungary and currently based in Rotterdam, the Netherlands. Csilla creates still-life photographs by building teetering constructions that hang together just long enough for her to photograph them. She usually thinks in images and is constantly looking for hidden possibilities.
source: doctorojiplatico
“Trato de abordar mi trabajo como lo haría un niño, sin ningún prejuicio y con los ojos completamente abiertos, sobre todo buscando posibilidades ocultas relacionadas con forma, función y mi propia fantasía. Me inspiro en mi casa y entorno, que se convierten en un patio de recreo. Me gusta trabajar con objetos comunes, descubriendo sus posibilidades, y dándoles una nueva función. El objetivo final es crear una imagen, inusual, pero familiar al mismo tiempo.” On Hold es una investigación personal acerca del equilibrio “donde los diferentes tipos de elementos tienen que interactuar, trabajar juntos, ya que se mantienen físicamente entre sí, evitando que las imágenes se desintegren”, a cargo de la fotógrafa Csilla Klenyánszki, nacida en Budapest y criada en Vác, Hungria, que en la actualidad reside en Rotterdam, Holanda.