

데이지 풍선

Daisy Balloon


source: highlike
Work: Construction There is fear in that we are all different from one another, but that is also the gateway to self-consciousness. Self-consciousness was once whole, but in the modern trend where all things whole get broken down, it too is about to get deconstructed. For that reason, people now seek to reconstruct their consciousness by extending it onto others. Through this process of extension, we have learned to unravel things down to their basic elements. We are succeeding at digging up new knowledge of what it is we all share. This knowledge that bonds different people together seems to appear suddenly, but in reality it is already coded into our planet, our universe. We construct things from the most basic building blocks. What are we to discover from this process? To find the answer, we must continue to turn our gaze toward those around us. (Piece of Peace “World Heritage Exhibit Built With Lego® Brick”)
DAISY BALLOON is a balloon unit of worldwide balloon artist Rie Hosokai (born 1976) and art director/graphic designer Takashi Kawada (born 1976). Since forming in 2008, they have produced many balloon art works based on the themes of “perception and quality.” Above all, the balloon dresses have fascinated many people through the intricacy of detail that suggests architectural qualities. Their daily fieldwork consists of searching for philosophical themes and interacting with people and objects, but their vision is constantly looking toward achieving essential harmony with their surroundings.
Photographer: Minakawa Satoshi
source: lokotopia
A verdade é que toda noiva quer um casamento diferente, uma cerimônia diferente e principalmente, um vestido diferente. Rie Hosokai é conhecido por criar peças irreverentes Daisy Balloon, por exemplo, que é um projeto de moda todo feito com balões.
Depois dessa inusitada criação, o artista japonês criou um vestido de noiva feito com peças de LEGO, mais nerd e diferente que isso eu não consigo imaginar.
source: daisyballoon
Daisy Balloon is balloon artist Rie Hosokai (born 1976) and art director/graphic designer Takashi Kawada (born 1976). Making the world their stage, this balloon unit travels the globe to exhibit their art.
source: nonzen
日本艺术家 Rie Hosokai 用日常生活中常见的气球和乐高积木做材料,经过编织之后创造出各种具备可穿性的高级礼服,夸张的密集造型令人惊叹。Rie与艺术指导及平面设计师 Takashi Kawada 搭档,以 Daisy Balloon 之名进行气球艺术创作,作品在世界各地展出,并夺得过无数国际气球艺术大奖,他们还为音乐妖后 Björk 设计过演出礼服。
source: novateru
С японской мечтательницей Ри Хосокаи (Rie Hosokai) мы давно знакомы. Несмотря на свой уже не школьный возраст и серьезный статус дизайнера, Ри навсегда сохранила в сердце кусочек детской беззаботности, наполненный при этом глубокой взрослой философией (не обращайте внимания: так умеют только японцы). Не зря совместно с коллегой Такаши Кавада (Takashi Kawada) Хосокаи создаёт чудесные платья из воздушных шариков. Но шаров дизайнеру показалось мало, она перешла на кубики. Так из пластикового конструктора было создано эксклюзивное свадебное платье.
Необыкновенный, будто из пикселей собранный наряд стал частью токийской выставки «Piece of Peace». Каждый арт-объект тут собран из всем знакомых кубиков Lego. И каждый наполнен определённым смыслом.