Construction Overhead
source: searchousenet
由藝術家薩拉‧索倫森格蘭迪(Sara Grundy)所設計的這款「建築帽」(Construction Overhead)有趣、幽默,將小人國的想像世界做成有趣的帽子造型。瞧~這些可愛的小小工人,正在努力的建築他們的帽子建築。
「建築帽」(Construction Overhead)背後的靈感為何?薩拉‧索倫森格蘭迪(Sara Grundy)笑著說:「延續維多利亞時期的帽子傳統,我將這樣的經典帽子重新設計賦予新生命,帽子的想像雛型如魔術帽、貝雷帽、高帽以這些經典造型所帶來的新創意,正如孩子們閱讀的《格列佛遊記》將幻想場景帶到了小人國,重溫童書故事的經典,也鼓勵大家發揮異想天開的創意,重新讓夢想起飛!」
source: blogmamet
Sara Grundy dari Sorensen-Grundy Milliners membuat ini Victoria atas topi mini. Yah, dia mungkin telah mulai bangunan itu, tapi tampaknya dia outsourcing sisa proyek untuk beberapa pekerja kecil dengan alat yang lebih kecil dan peralatan. Ini akan memakan waktu lebih lama dengan cara ini Sara! Saya harap Anda setidaknya membayar mereka dengan benar. Aku yakin para pekerja kecil memiliki hipotek kecil untuk membayar. Dan keluarga kecil untuk mendukung. Seperti, mereka harus menaruh makanan kecil ke meja kecil. Mereka jagung bayi tidak membayar untuk diri mereka sendiri!
source: mymodernmet
After Sara Grundy’s clever hat called “Construction Overhead,” which featured miniature men making a Victorian top hat, spread throughout the web, she was inspired to create a whole series. This new one, called “Nesting Instinct,” shows a straw hat constructed by some very lively birds.
As she tells us, “Echoing scenes from the 1950 Cinderella animation, birds are doing the work. Each bird is using its nest building skills to weave the strands of straw into a hat shape. Their collaborative effort shows the final stages of production whilst at the same time displaying how a handmade straw hat is actually sewn together using a long strip of straw ribbon.”
Grundy had to sew the straw ribbon to make the hat first and then wire it for support. After picking up vintage birds at a “car boot sale” (the UK version of a flea market), she then made the birds’ legs and attached them to their bodies and onto the hat.
When asked if someone could buy this, Grundy replied, “They could be for sale but, not as wearable hats, more like art pieces so it would include a perspex box and some sort of head display. This would be expensive. I would have to think about it!”
Whimsical. Love.