



source: dwbowen

This installation consists of a series of 42 x/y tilting mechanical devices connected to thin dried plant stalks installed in a gallery and a dried plant stalk connected to an accelerometer installed outdoors. When the wind blows it causes the stalk outside to sway. The accelerometer detects this movement transmitting the motion to the grouping of devices in the gallery. Therefore the stalks in the gallery space move in real-time and in unison based on the movement of the wind outside. In June and July of 2010 this piece was installed at Laboratoria Art & Science Space in Moscow and the sensor was installed in an outdoor location adjacent to the Visualization and Digital Imaging Lab at the University of Minnesota. Thus the individual components of the installation in Moscow moved in unison as they mimicked the direction and intensity of the wind halfway around the world. As it monitored and collected real-time data from this remote and distant location, the system relayed a physical representation of the dynamic and fluid environmental conditions.
source: greendiary

Trees and plants swaying to the beats of wind is a familiar sight to all of us. However, have you ever heard of an object, organism or installation that dances with the breeze, even if it’s enclosed within an airtight compartment? Interactive artist David Bowen has created quite a number of such installations, dubbed as Tele-Present Wind, which mimic the swaying of the plant outside.

Consisting of 21 x/y tilting devices, the installation is connected to dried plant stalks, which are placed inside the gallery. An identical dried plant stalk connected to an accelerometer is installed outdoors. An accelerometer measures the wind force on the stalk outside and transmits the data to the stalks inside in real time. Responding to the gathered data, the indoor device starts to tilt in accord with the one outside.
source: art-ba-ba

大卫·鲍文(David Bowen)的个人作品展“Drift”日前在查尔斯顿Redux当代艺术中心开幕。在此次展览上,鲍文探究了机械和有机体系的交叉点。这位艺术家的艺术实践通常受到对收集以及资料形象化的兴趣驱使,运用的材料则包括简单的机械以及电子元件,再与一些自然的元素和信息体系结合到一起。此次展览主要展出了两件作品:“Fly Lights”及“Tele-Present Wind”。“Fly Lights”是一个装有普通家蝇的球形容器,球形容器外围装有能够吸引观众注意力的聚光灯。苍蝇在容器里的运动会使得这些聚光灯亮起来。“Tele-Present Wind”则有42根干枯的植物茎秆组成,每一根茎秆都固定在一个电子基座上。Rebekah Drysdale在展览期间对大卫·鲍文进行了专访。

在这件作品中,我用了一种名叫艾菊的植物,它在明尼苏达州是入侵种的植物。在明尼苏达州的德卢斯,它只有单一的茎秆,就像我在作品中所使用的那样。你可以看到,它在随风摆动。我在这种艾菊茎秆的基部,安装了一种叫做加速计的装置,它们能够测量x/y的倾斜量。植物茎秆随着风摆动则会引起加速计的倾斜,倾斜的数据由明尼苏达州的一台电脑收集起来,然后再实时传送到南加州这间画廊的装置中。也就是说,画廊中展出的这件装置作品实际上是再现了风在明尼苏达州的物理效果。通过网络你可以买到任何东西。在Spider Pharm.Inc上,你可以花费5美元买回5克家蝇卵。这些苍蝇本来出生在亚利桑那州,然后我将它们带到南加州来。这件作品的创作理念是:我们能感受到苍蝇的轻微运动。而大量的苍蝇才能使这些聚光灯活跃起来。这些苍蝇能够生活大概40天,它们的死亡也是这件作品的一部分。当它们死亡时,这件作品也就开始衰退了。这件作品主要是关于对比的。我运用了自然和机械的体系。当我在用这两种体系进行艺术创作时,我能够不断地发现一些未曾预料到的有趣的事。苍蝇的行为是可预计的,反之,机器和机器人——你也许会将它们与有系统的、可预言的方式联系在一起——则会具有一种无法预计的属性。技术在现在已经变成一种十分容易获得的东西,而我所创作的东西有大部分都是DIY。其实我并没有发明许多新的东西,我只是利用了一些诸如加速计、喷墨印刷机或是感光器之类的事物来完成我的作品。当我第一次开始从事艺术和技术方面的工作时,我会因为一种特殊的传感器或是电路板感到兴奋。我会想,“这真是一件很棒的事,我可以利用它们来创作一件特别的作品。”在我的近期作品中,我越来越多地思考了创作理念。我曾经想,我要创作一件能够在画廊空间中再现风的物理运动的作品,然后我就顺着这个思路走下去。