

source: thvndermag

David Szauder aka. Pixel Noizz es un artista originario de Budapest y afincado en Berlín. David es una artista multidisciplinar que trabaja con la imagen como videoartista, vj, performer digital, artista multimedia. Su obra gira en torno a los errores digitales y los algoritmos fallidos aunque no es un artista glitch ortodoxo. Hoy en Thvndergallery, nuestra sala de exposiciones virtual, tenemos una muestra de obras del artista húngaro.
source: culturacolectiva

El artista húngaro David Szauder, conocido como Pixel Noizz, indaga los rincones de la memoria donde las ideas y los recuerdos se fragmentan, y traduce estas composiciones en fotografías “dañadas”. La serie de Szauder, que lleva por nombre Failed Memories, explora la “naturaleza imperfecta de la memoria”, la que coarta la imagen clara de los pensamientos que generamos. Cuando por alguna causa física o emocional se pierden trozos de alguno, estas lagunas inundan la imagen y la vuelven borrosa.
source: zupi

Nossos cérebros armazenam imagens para serem relembradas mais tarde, assim como arquivos são guardados em um hd. O que acontece com a memória humana, é que quando tentamos acessar essas imagens, de alguma maneira elas estão nubladas, corrompidas.

Na série, o artista tenta sempre adicionar uma narrativa curta a cada imagem, que corrompidas despertam a curiosidade. Assim o espectador tenta juntar as peças do quebra-cabeça, para recobrar essa memória simulada.
source: blckdmnds

David Szauder mora em Berlim e seu trabalho explora colagens digitais com fotografias. No projeto Failed Memories o artista questiona o funcionamento da memória, no qual ao olharmos uma fotografia somos capazes de lembrar de detalhes por apenas um curto período de tempo. A longo prazo começamos a nos esquecer dos detalhes e substituímos essas lacunas por nossas próprias memórias autogeradas, fragmentos de memória. O artista compara esse fenômeno ao funcionamento das placas de vídeo e projeta seu pensamento em fotografias antigas com interferências visuais.
source: ignantde

David Szauder’s latest series ‘Failed Memory’ is a work inspired by the parallels he sees between human and digital memory: ‘Our brains store away images to retrieve them later, like files stored away on a hard drive. But when we go back and try to re-access those memories, we may find them to be corrupted in some way.’ David Szauder always adds short narratives to accompany each photo, which often give insight why the subject appears in such way and how their mind has been altered. There is for examples the regular churchgoer starting to doubt himself, a group of friends getting too deep into their discussion of metaphysics or a glamorous woman is driven to paranoia by the bubbles in her champagne. We think his visual narratives are exciting like crime stories and more than worth ‘reading’.
source: wewant-morea

Born in Hungary but living in Berlin, digital artist David Szauder has a collection of series which interact between old and found images and digital manipulation. ‘Glitch art’ is a new genre which is now growing very popular within the digital art age. A glitch is certainly what many of us has experienced at least once in their life you are surrounded by technology. It is a temporary fault in the system and produces a distorted image. According to Iman Moradi, who wrote a brief account on glitch art, defined that there are two types of glitch art. One being ‘Pure Glitch’ where it was produced at random, real, and appropriated. Where as Szauder’s work classifies into ‘Glitch-alike’ because of the deliberate nature where the works were planned and designed, making them artificial.

The characteristics of the images used suggest they are vintage, with scratched and grains still intact. Combined with Szauder’s used of glitch technique add another dimension of deterioration. Fragmented memories in which the name of his series indicates.