

Дерека Пола Бойла
ديريك بول بويل


source: beautifuldecay

The work of artist Derek Paul Boyle can often seem humorous. Everyday objects are presented in simple juxtapositions that can be pleasantly surprising. His work begins with suppositions, trusted concepts, and expectations and ‘plays’ with them. Boyle depicts the familiar from a different conceptual angle to make his subject matter new. He says:
“I am interested in the power of contradiction, objects as events, and incompatible states of the self – what was once bound is made free, the known made unknown. In a wavering step between angst and serenity, fear and pleasure, I want to give form to anxiety, a shape to tension.”
source: jotta

Derek Paul Boyle incorporates aspects of performance and appropriation art into his work, intervening with his subjects in a way that leads to absurdist and humourous conclusions.

His work frequently centres around everyday materials such as nails or mirrors. In works such as “floral fabric covering a plant” or “pushing a picture of an open road up an open road” he brings together objects that are seemingly associated, yet contradictory, highlighting the strangeness of their connection.

Another recurring theme in his work is the manipulation of language and figures of speech. By deliberately misconstruing expressions and turns of phrase, he playfully creates a tension between the words and their meaning. Taking everyday terms and twisting them, he inspires us to question the way in which we communicate with each other.

The work is incredibly immediate and accessible, and Boyle is impressively prolific. Whilst this immediacy means that each piece doesn’t necessarily have a lasting impact on it’s own, the whole becomes greater than the sum of its parts. When viewing each piece in quick succession, the viewer gradually begins to formulate an insight into the way in which Boyle views the world, creating an understanding of his somewhat skewed perspective.
source: ideafixa

O artista Derek Paul Boyle brinca com a justaposição de objetos cotidianos de forma bem humorada e surpreendente.

“Eu estou interessado no poder da contradição, objetos como eventos e estados incompatíveis para os mesmos -o conhecido se torna desconhecido. Em uma etapa oscilando entre angústia e serenidade, medo e prazer, eu quero dar forma à ansiedade, um novo modelo à tensão. “, diz o artista.
source: japontimeslivedoorbiz

これらのギャグのようなアート作品は、デレク・ポール・ボイル(Derek Paul Boyle)氏のユニークな作品です。一番上の画像の作品は、レンガに切手を貼った作品で、郵便局の人も、このレンガを受け取る側も「なんじゃこりゃ!」と思わせるような作品です。受け取った人の驚きと郵便局の人の驚きを想像すると面白い、想像して楽しむアートの一つだと思います。また、その下の黄色の注意と書かれたくちゃくちゃのテープの画像は、空に浮かぶ注意のテープなので、突風注意というアートのようです。想像して楽しんだり、頓知問答的な要素を含んでおり、新鮮な感じで捉えられることが出来る作品となっているので、皆さんも色々自分自身の解釈で彼の作品を見ていってください!