
Didier Faustino

דידייה פאוסטינו

Double Happiness

Didier Fiuza Faustino  Double Happiness

source: boredpanda

Paris-based architect Didier Faustino made this cool swing set out of a converted advertising billboard for the Shenzhen-Hong Kong Bi-City Biennial of Urbanism and Architecture. Now many people ask to do the same to every billboard in America.
“Double Happiness responds to the society of materialism where individual desires seem to be prevailing over all. This nomad piece of urban furniture allows the reactivation of different public spaces and enables inhabitants to reappropriate fragments of their city. They will both escape and dominate public space through a game of equilibrium and desequilibrium. By playing this “risky” game, and testing their own limits, two persons can experience together a new perception of space and recover an awareness of the physical world,” says the artist on his website.
source: minimumwageartblogwordpress

mr. faustino is looking out for your best interest.

didier faustino transformed this billboard into a swingset as an urban escape for the daring and the non-consuming masses. from the fantastic art blog we-find-wildness:

Double Happiness responds to the society of materialism where individual desires seem to be prevailing over all. This nomad piece of urban furniture allows the reactivation of different public spaces and enables inhabitants to reappropriate fragments of their city. They will both escape and dominate public space through a game of equilibrium and desequilibrium. By playing this “risky” game, and testing their own limits, two persons can experience together a new perception of space and recover an awareness of the physical world.

source: adweek

Parisian architect Didier Faustino turned the skeleton of an advertising billboard into a swingset for the Shenzhen-Hong Kong Bi-City Biennial of Urbanism and Architecture. Catchy name. The sculpture, which Faustino calls “urban furniture,” is about the reappropriation of public spaces, just like every other art installation since about 2007 or so. Faustino’s piece is a much cooler example of this than most, though. And while it looks rickety and unsafe, we all played on worse as kids.
source: elmaxilab

Didier Faustino, nascido em 1968 em Chennevières-sur-Marne, é um artista contemporâneo francês. A placa no sopé da 1SQMH trabalho indica sua terra natal, em Lisboa. Um arquiteto por formação, Faustino “é definido como um alquimista, um arquiteto, artista e editor da revista.” Faustino vive e trabalha entre Paris e Lisboa. Em 2002, fundou com Pascal Mazoyer o Escritório de Mésarchitectures. Ele é o vencedor dos “novos álbuns de jovem arquitetura”, em 2002, e participa em várias vezes no Veneza Bienal de Arquitetura.
source: eternalnetworkfr

Artiste/architecte, Didier Fiuza Faustino est né en 1968 au Portugal. Il vit et travaille à Paris. Didier Fiuza Faustino développe son travail au sein du Bureau des Mésarchitectures, « groupe de réflexion et organisation multicéphale qui prône le dialogue comme préalable à toute architecture ». A travers ses projets qui mêlent architecture, performance, installation et vidéo, il mène une réflexion sur le corps dans ses dimensions physique, sociale et politique, comme en témoignent ses Habitats Concept et sa Maison d’un mètre carré.