

دومينيك ويلكوكس
דומיניק וילקוקס
Доминик Уилкокс

Pre-Handshake Handshake Device


source: dominicwilcox

Many people in the world seem to be at war with each other. We see families split through disagreements, gang warfare on the streets, politicians arguing, whole civilisations and religions constantly battling. This device aims to help those who are at odds with each other make a first move toward reconciliation.

A traditional handshake can sometimes be just too big a step for those entrenched in their dislike of the other. No matter how important it is for two people to reconcile their differences they simply can’t get over their pride and lower themselves to the symbolism of a handshake with the other party.

I designed this product in an attempt to give those people a new, more acceptable alternative. I hope that this device will lower the bar for initiating reconciliation from the heights of the full contact hand on hand handshake to a more palatable non contact handshake. I plan to contact embassies around the world where resentment is prevalent. I would like to see all family counseling offices have one in their meeting rooms. I would encourage anyone who has fallen out with a friend, family member, work colleague, gang member or world leader to use the Pre-handshake Handshake Device and let bygones be bygones.
source: yankscallitsoccer

The good old handshake ritual. John Terry has been at the center of a few handshake controversies and yes, finds himself in the middle of yet another discussion about the pre-match ritual. Chelsea will host Manchester United on Sunday with Anton’s brother Rio potentially on deck to snub JT.

Over the weekend QPR hosted Chelsea in the FA Cup fourth round. In this being the first meeting between Anton and JT since JT “allegedly” racially abused Ferdinand by saying a few choice phrases that would make Dave Chappelle flinch, Anton was set to give Terry the Wayne Bridge treatment.

While pundits and old players alike came out publicly to say that it would be good for Anton and Terry to shake hands (not sure how that conclusion was reached), it turns out that the entire QPR squad was set to reject Terry overtures (unlike Bridge’s wife). With this getting out, the FA decided to step in and ruin the fun for all of us by cancelling the handshaking ceremony to avoid any “unwanted attention”.

With another match coming up that has the potential to draw attention this ritual, the FA may have another similar decision to make. Rio is set to line up at Stamford Bridge on Sunday, but it is widely believed that he will be willing to shake Terry’s hand, with the Telegraph reporting that Rio doesn’t want to add any more fuel to an already tense situation.

Both Chelsea and Manchester United have the option to ask the FA to suspend the handshake if either one believe that it could raise tension on what will already be a high-powered fixture. Either way the final decision will rest with the FA.

The FA is surely to wait on the decision, most likely because Rio is almost certain to end up on the injury report. This way they can save all the media energy for the handshake the entire soccer world will be watching as Liverpool travels to Manchester United on February 11.
source: pogledajto

Britanski umjetnik Dominic Wilcox, inspiriran nedaćama svijeta u kojem živimo, osmislio je instalaciju koja može pomoći u pospješivanju jednostavnijih rješenja za neke probleme između ljudi bez nepotrebnog definiranja tko je napravio prvi korak. Njegov projekt nazvan Pre-Handshake Handshake Device naprava je koja sadrži već „odrađen“ dio rukovanja, a za potvrdu čina samo je potrebno umetnuti ruku u jednu od gumenih crnih rukavica.

Kako autor kaže, velik broj ljudi na svijetu je u svađi, mnoge obitelji se raspadaju, političari se svađaju i raspravljaju, a dijelovi naše civilizacije u konstantnom su ratu. Naprava za rukovanje trebala bi pomoći svima njima na putu prema pomirenju. Tradicionalno rukovanje ponekad može biti prevelik korak i bez obzira na želju da se situacija riješi i njenu važnost, potencijalni akteri jednostavno ne mogu pobijediti ponos i „spustiti se“ na simbolično rukovanje s drugom stranom. Autor naglašava da je napravu dizajnirao kako bi takvim ljudima ponudio prihvatljiviju alternativu i da će ona potaknuti iniciranje pomirenja bez direktnog kontakta između posvađanih strana. Planira kontaktirati ambasade diljem svijeta, a i nada se da će se instalacija naći u domovima mnogih obitelji i sobama za sastanke niza korporacija. Wilcox želi ohrabriti svakoga tko je zbog nesuglasica ostao bez prijatelja, člana obitelji, kolege ili člana bande da koristi Pre-Handshake Handshake i zaboravi na prošlost i neslaganje.

Dominic Wilcox rođen je u Sunderlandu, školovao se u Edinburghu, a živi u Londonu. Umjetnik je koji radi na području svakodnevnog. Uobičajeni svagdašnji objekti, okoliši, zgrade ili ljudske interakcije, sve vrste normalnih i jednostavnih svakodnevnih situacija područje su njegova djelovanja. Wilcoxovi radovi, često prožeti dozom humora, naglašavaju banalnosti kolotečine, uvijek dajući situacijama koje uzimamo zdravo za gotovo novu i drugačiju perspektivu.
source: blogslainformacion

Muchas personas en el mundo parecen estar en conflicto continuo. Vemos familias separadas por desacuerdos, guerras entre bandas en las calles, políticos discutiendo, religiones y civilizaciones luchando constantemente. Este dispositivo es una ayuda para efectuar un primer paso hacia la reconciliación.

Estos son los términos en los que describe Dominic Wilcox esta máquina de pre-apretones de manos (Pre-Handshake device) para arreglar situaciones enquistadas por el tiempo o por el orgullo. Un apretón de manos tradicional a veces puede ser un paso demasiado grande para los atrincherados en su aversión por el otro.

Da igual lo importante que sea el asunto que muchas veces se convierte en irreconcilliable para dos personas que, simplemente, no pueden superar su orgullo y simbolizar un apretón de manos para sellar la paz. Este producto en un intento de dar a la gente una alternativa más aceptable bajando el listón del acto.

La Pre-handshake device permite simbolizar la confraternización pero recubiertos de unos asépticos guantes anti-bacteriológicos, para minimizar el contacto y poner un material resistente como mullido colchón donde reposen los odios de cada uno. Una vez se ha logrado el contacto vestido, hacerlo desnudo sólo es cuestión de tiempo.

Este dispositivo pre-apretones es una de las obras de la exposición “Conversaciones Incómodas” que se celebra en New York del 15 al 18 de mayo, en el marco de la Semana de Diseño de 2010. El desafío de los expositores era crear una pieza que provocara y facilitara las conversaciones difíciles entre los individuos.

Su creador tiene previsto ponerse en contacto con las embajadas de todo el mundo donde el resentimiento prevalece y le gustaría verlo en las cenas familiares de navidad, en las salas de reuniones de las oficinas y hasta en los platós de TV dedicados a las riñas de prensa rosa.

Posibilidades de comercialización: 80%, porque lo pasado, pasado está; y no hay riña que cien años dure.
source: gigazinenet
