

Row Colors: Invertuals 2

source: itsnicethat

These oversized, misshapen, foamy straightjacket bundles were made by Eindhoven-based duo Raw Color for design collective Dutch Invertuals. In a sweet range of minty pastels they look like they should provide a comfy bed, but wrapped around a head they’re more likely to suffocate.

Created a couple of years ago as press material for Dutch Invertual’s participation in home furnishings exhibition Salone Internazionale del Mobile, the series creatively illustrates the malleability of material by taking flat foam and creating strange, abstract human sculptures. Unusual, striking and a little bit scary, you also know that if a bunch of you dressed up like this and had a play fight, it would be the most fun ever.
source: rawcolornl

Invertuals is a photo serie created for the group Dutch Invertuals, used as press-material during the Salone del Mobile, Milano 2010, all the participants are covered up with big foam volumes. Through the characteristics of the material; the stiffness, volumes, mat structures and the usage of their minty colours, we created these statues. Giving a suggestion about the appearing of the exhibition. Here the subject is inspired on volumes being created through the material. Forming a landscape with these massive objects, the fact ‘volumes’ is coming back in the design of the exhibition, here hugh plastics bulbs are blown with air, creating a platform for the designer being exposed.

Dutch Invertuals is a collective of designers with different disciplines. Initiated and curated by Wendy Plomp the group exhibited several times together during
Dutch Design Week, Eindhoven and Salone del Mobiel, Milano. Together they create exhibitions in which their contemporary viewpoints are expressed through images, objects, materials, insights and stories. The participants were Daphna Isaacs, Edhv, Jon Stam, Laurens Manders, Mieke Meijer, Raw Color, Studio Jo Meesters, Verger and Wendy Plomp.
source: blogdeldiseno

Invertuals 2 es una colección de fotografías creadas para el grupo Dutch Invertuals, usada como material de prensa durante el Salone del Mobile en Milán. Los participantes de la exposición son cubiertos de grandes formas de espuma. A través de las características de los materiales: la rigidez, los volúmenes, la estera y el uso de colores menta, Rawproject creó ‘estatuas’. El concepto se inspiró en los volúmenes creados mediante el material. Formando un paisaje con esos objetos masivos, el aspecto ‘volúmenes’ vuelve en el diseño de la exhibición. Dutch Invertuals es un colectivo de diseñadores de diferentes disciplinas, iniciado por Wendy Plomp. Juntos crean exhibiciones en las que sus puntos de vistas contemporáneos son expresados a través de imágenes, objetos, materiales, la intuición y historias. Los participantes fueron Daphna Isaacs, Edhv, Jon Stam, Laurens Manders, Mieke Meijer, Raw Color, Studio Jo Meesters, Verger and Wendy Plomp.