Broken Doll
source: lookinarttv
Elene usdin is a paris based artist who works primarily in photography. she is part of the creative collective heartland villa that also includes art directors lionel avignon and stefan de vivies. usdin’s work is very diverse and includes work for commercial clients, fashion publications and herself. many of her pieces are seemingly candid often featuring the artist herself as the subject. she also integrates lots of props and masks into her works giving them a surreal touch.
source: bewaremag
Voici la dernière série de Elene Usdin, une photographe parisienne tout droit sortie de l’Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs de Paris.
Sa dernière série , « Broken Doll« , s’inspire comme son nom l’indique des poupées ( les vielles faites de laine et de tissus) qu’elle met en situation.
source: newscnmd
摄影师Elene Usdind带给我们从头到脚的惊喜,每一张照片除了具有较强的视觉冲击力以外,似乎还看到一段段一连串的故事栩栩如生般,让人真实感受到摄影艺术带给我们心灵的震撼。