source: highlike
Work: The Lego wigs were just a mind play of me (Elroy Klee). I was playing around with the Lego blocks in my mind. What I can do with it and what wasn’t already made with Lego. Because there is a lot made by the well known bricks. At the end we wanted to offer the images as a campaign for Lego, challenging the female target group to do something with Lego. We skipped this idea and used the images for our portfolio and finally they were exposed at a gallery as fine art. The making of the wigs was a real challenge. Because I made the wigs first with no measurements of the models head it was a suprise on the day of the shoot if the wigs will fit. At the end I used a sander to remove the sharp bricks on the inside of the wigs.
Concept & art direction: Elroy Klee www.elroyklee.com Photography: Niki Polman & Ebo Fraterman Model: Hazel Vijfhoven Mae up: Esther Knobben.
Photographer: Niki Polman & Ebo Fraterman
source: versionb
The design studio Elroy Klee, based in Holand, have created the adverts for Lego that resemble pixelated wigs. They have created three hair styles. The african afro, the short crop and the blonde layers. They used only black red and yellow pieces and were designed and built specifically for the models who then had to balance them on their heads while the photographer captured the works of art.
source: thatslikewhoa
Dutch artist Elroy Klee created a series of hair wigs made entirely out of LEGO bricks for the “Mindplay: Bricks on Me” fashion photoshoot. We have seen LEGO used to create a log of amazing stuff, but couture-esque hairstyles is a new category and we’re impressed. We love the black afro, the layered blond cut and the sassy red crop wigs that were constructed in segments before they were assembled into a whole piece after being fitted to each model’s head. Kudos also go out to the models who had to remain incredibly still while managing to look awesome to prevent the LEGO wig from crashing to the ground. We admire Klee’s concept to use LEGO blocks as high-fashion accessories for this advertisement photo shoot. Surely he has presented LEGO blocks in a way that has not yet been considered.
Klee is a former graffiti artist and owner of a design studio where he works as a freelance art director/illustrator in the fields of conceptualization, illustration, 3D and set design. His work is a mixture of urban street art, experimental transformer style, typo and a bit of Dutch design with extraordinary use of colour and craftsmanship.
source: elroyklee
Former graffiti artist and owner of a design studio with 12 people, ELROY KLEE, is a freelance art director / illustrator working in fields of concepting, illustration, 3D and set design. His work is a mixture of urban street art, experimental transformer style, typo and a bit of Dutch design with extraordinairy use of color and craftmanship.
source: geekndev
Elroy Klee s’est lancé dans une drole de tâche: designer des coiffures, tout en LEGO. Et ce n’est pas qu’un concept ou qu’un montage: il s’agit de coiffures réelles, mises en place sur de vrais mannequins. Une idée un peu farfelue qui prouve, encore une fois, qu’avec des Legos on peut vraiment tout faire.
source: secretsinmyshoes
A lo largo de la historia de las marcas nos encontramos con algunas que no necesitan presentación, es el caso de LEGO, los famosos ladrillos de juguete que cumplen 80 años.
Ole Kirk Christiansen cuando creó juguetes para sus hijos y posteriormente el famoso ladrillo y, comenzó a verderlos en su taller de carpintería, dudo mucho que se hiciera a la idea de lo que iba a suponer para la industria de los juguetes y las marcas.
Versionado para cualquier situación del día a día, hoy para celebrar su trayectoria quiero dejaros unas imágenes de ladrillos de colores en el mundo de la moda.
source: 1tora
Конструкторы Lego уже давно перестали быть игрушкой для детей, и в последние годы все глубже затягивают в свои сети взрослых, вдохновляя их на оригинальные творческие проекты. Из кирпичиков Lego строят макет страны будущего и олимпийский стадион, копию римского Колизея и фигурки разнообразных блюд. Дизайнер Элрой Клее (Elroy Klee) тоже не остался равнодушен к творческому потенциалу этих разноцветных кубиков, и воспользовался ими для реализации своего fashion-проекта под названием Mindplay: bricks on me.
Будучи fashion-дизайнером, сотрудничая с модными глянцевыми журналами, модельными агентствами и арт-студиями, Элрой Клее недалеко отошел от своей специализации, и создал из кубиков конструктора Lego три необычных стильных прически. Точнее, три оригинальных парика для блондинки, чернокожей брюнетки и девушки с рыжими волосами. Форму и дизайн париков сперва моделировали на компьютере, чтобы они идеально подошли моделям не только по размеру, но и по имиджу и характеру, а затем автор взялся за игрушечные кубики Lego.
source: designontherocks
Você pode até ter pensado que era uma frase conotativa, mas não é. Esta foi a ideia do diretor de arte Elroy Klee, literalmente colocar LEGO na cabeça de algumas mulheres, sob a forma de pirucas plásticas.
source: germanbricktrucktrial
“Hamburg, 8.30 Uhr, wieder mal Regen. Perfekter Halt fürs Haar – Drei Wetter LEGO. Zwischenstopp München, es ist ziemlich windig. Perfekter Sitz – Drei Wetter LEGO. Weiterflug nach Rom, die Sonne brennt. Perfekter Schutz – Drei Wetter LEGO.” Da haben sich ein paar Designer von Elroy Klee echt was nettes ausgedacht.