13′ geodesic dome
source: youredm
Nestled inside of the Society for Arts and Technology’s (SAT) signature dome, Entropia is the work of French sound artist, Fraction, and visual artists Nature Graphique, Louis-Philippe St-Arnault, and Creation Ex Nihilo. The audiovisual spectacle saw its first iteration last winter while Fraction held a residency at SAT, and is inspired by the aesthetic and symbolism of Buckminster Fuller’s geodesic dome. Fraction proposes the concept to “immerse the audience inside a dynamic environment that blurs the line between installation and performance.”
SAT’s dome employs real-time generative visuals which play on the luminous nature of Entropia’s 13′ geodesic dome in the center of the space. Visual and audio components of the installation are generated by a slew of programs, including: MadMapper, TouchDesigner, Resolume, MaxMsp, Ableton Live, Lemur and IanniX. The audience even has space to sit down while taking in the multi-sensory experience. It looks positively stunning.
source: nature-graphique
Construite autour d’une composition électronique sonore ambisonics 3D et augmentée par une trame visuelle générative sur plusieurs dimensions, Entropia se situe à la frontière de la performance et l’installation audiovisuelle.
L’oeuvre évoque la synergie naturelle des systèmes multidimensionnels complexes, à l’image d’un système humain ou d’un organisme cellulaire, d’un particule atomique ou électrique… pour enfin tendre vers un équilibre : le chaos.