
Faig Ahmed

Faig Ahmed 22222

source: faigahmed

Carpet is the icon of Eastern tradition, it’s canonical and has visual boundaries. My art is directed towards transforming these boundaries beyond any recognition. To be honest, things I do are now always right and beautiful ones, I do it without thinking, it’s my instantaneous expression. Same changes happen in the world of today each day – ideas that have been formed for ages are being changed in moments. I just make bold experiments, putting them into the art scene, trusting myself and my art in viewers will.

Faig Ahmed
Born Baku, 1982 Lives and works Baku

Faig Ahmed graduated from the Sculpture faculty at the Azerbaijan State Academy of Fine Art in Baku in 2004. Since 2003, he has been working with various media, including painting, video and installation. Currently, he is study¬ing the artistic qualities of Azerbaijani traditional rugs – he disassembles their conventional structure and randomly rearranges the resulting components of the traditional composition then combines these fragments with contemporary sculptural forms. Our opinions and decisions are resulting from the influences of our childhood. If we could know all the details of someone’s life we could easily predicted his reactions and choices. Tradition is the main factor creating the society as a self regulated system. Changes in the non-written rule happen under influence of global modern culture. The carpet is a symbol of invincible tradition of the East, it’s a visualization of an undestroyable icon.In my art I see the culture differently. This is more of expectation of a reaction because it’s exactly the change of the points of view that changes the world.Slight changes in the form of a carpet dramatically change it’s structure and maybe make it more suitable for the modern life.The Eastern culture is very reach visually. I cover it all in minimalistic forms, destroying the stereotypes of the tradition and creating new modern boundaries. A man can widen the borders and change them but no one has ever dare to break our spirit.
source: artsy

Faig Ahmed’s surreal sculptures incorporate ancient carpet-weaving techniques from his native country of Azerbaijan into forms that anyone would identify has hyper-contemporary. His intricately patterned weavings are mounted on architectural structures, fabricated in wood or plastic. Sometimes the stark contrast between white form and traditional tapestry is startling enough on its own; other times, Ahmed alters the patterns to suggest digital manipulation, pixelation, and distortion. He has exhibited at prestigious fairs and museums, including the Venice Biennale and the National Center of Contemporary Art in Moscow.
source: lostateminor

Faig Ahmed is a mixed-media artist based in Azerbaijan who creates incredible handmade carpets that are not exactly your typical floor rug. He takes the design of a traditional Azerbaijani rug and distorts, rearranges, and reinterprets them in his own way. Ahmed says of his work, ‘The carpet is a symbol of invincible tradition of the East, it’s a visualization of an undestroyable icon’. After looking at his work, regular rugs just seem boring.
source: lamondamagazine

Mezclemos conceptos, hagamos algo nuevo. Cojamos, por ejemplo, un elemento aburrido como podría ser una alfombra comprada en el Rastro y mezclémosla con estética Tumblr. El resultado probablemente no nos quede tan fascinante como las alfombras que ha hecho el artista Faig Ahmed, que ha renovado completamente la tradición persa de tejer tapices creando nuevos efectos visuales típicos del Op-Art (o de las distorsiones estándar del adorado PhotoBooth) en piezas que bien podrían estar decorando un museo como en el salón de una bloguera postmoderna. A nosotros nos gustaría poder tener una alfombra para decorar la entrada de la redacción, pero teniendo en cuenta que el precio de dichas creaciones es como si lo hubieran tejido unas monjas albinas ciegas, nos tendremos que contentar con el tapiz que nos puedan hacer nuestras abuelas. Por soñar que no quede.
source: blog-universbroderie

Le métier du fil dans la confection de tapis est un des plus anciens du monde, maîtrisé avant la sédentarisation humaine. Une tradition culturelle millénaire que réinterprète le jeune artiste Faig AHMED. Faig PROJETTE les fils, joue du volume de mur à mur, sculpte l’espace et la lumière pour donner à des motifs traditionnels une modernité frappante. Le fil vole, sa projection toute en maîtrise lui permet de matérialiser la lumière et la forme en volume, en rayons…

« I’ve been always fond of investigating and researching every detail of anything that had interested me and sometimes this researches reached inconceivable depths mixing up with my imagination. I’m heretofore harried by a question others have left in childhood – ‘what is inside?’. that’s why I’m changing habitual and visually static objects making them spatial, giving them a new depth. and this as if reveals the essence of this object – the object that was mediocre just a minute ago. »
source: casavogue

Natural do Azerbaijão, o artista Faig Ahmed possui um trabalho capaz de unir técnicas milenares de tapeçaria persa a um novo olhar multidimensional. Para ele, a “distorção” de algo que vem do passado pode transformar a maneira como as pessoas interpretam sua cultura. “Me sinto atraído por tapetes por serem um importante símbolo da cultura oriental”, explica Ahmed. “Alterando-os, eu consigo ver o impacto que as mudanças exercem sobre as pessoas que pensam não ter contato com suas raízes culturais, quando na verdade elas estão por aí a todo momento.”

Para tecer seus tapetes algo psicodélicos, o autor vai atrás dos formatos e materiais clássicos, usando lãs em cores tradicionais como vermelho, vinho, azul e bege. Em meio a esses padrões rígidos, o artista insere movimentos, formas desconstruídas, angulações desconexas e diferentes tons. Como quando um computador ou vídeo game tem uma falha no sistema e a tela fica toda cheia de formas e cores confusas. É nesse tipo de imagem que o artista transforma os tapetes milenares. Ele afirma que quando está criando, faz tudo sem pensar, de forma espontânea.

Faig Ahmed é natural de Baku, onde tem seu estúdio e além de tapeçaria também faz trabalhos como pintura, instalações e vídeos. Seus projetos buscam unir formas tradicionais e modernas, ampliando as fronteiras existentes na arte.
source: cftorkr

아제르바이잔 작가 페이그 아메드(Faig Ahmed)는 중동의 역사와 사회 문화를 대변하는 아이콘이라 할 수 있는 ‘카페트’를 변형하여 그 지역의 오랜 관습을 비트는 작업을 한다. 2차원이 아닌 3차원 공간으로 카페트를 입체화 한다. 또한 전통적인 카페트에서는 사용하지 않던 네온에 가까운 비비드 한 컬러로 카페트 패턴을 지우거나 늘인 듯 한 컬러링 기법을 사용하기도 한다. 이를 통해 사회 문화적 관습에 대한 비판적인 관점을 제시한다.
source: toodaylab


来自阿塞拜疆的艺术家 Faig Ahmed 大胆地打破平面的局限,将本地的传统刺绣进行了结构和重新演绎。在他的作品里,千丝万缕的彩线跳出原有的二维平面,交织成一个精致依旧却又富有动感的奇妙空间。张爱玲曾把自己笔下的人物比作“绣在屏风上的鸟”,然而,在富有冒险精神的艺术家手中,即使是平面的刺绣,也不会“死在”一个平面里。相反地,这些细腻的线条,跃出空间,展现着旺盛的生命力。