Christin Marczinzik & Thi Binh Minh Nguyen
oculus rift installation
source: news87870
秋千设计的概念虚拟地展示了童年最喜欢游戏场地的魅力。除非你以前上的小学是在因为安全因素拆除了秋千的社区。你可能记得在秋千上前后荡然后假装你在飞翔,或者是在驾驶一艘宇宙飞船的情节。工程和设计团队Christin Marczinzik和Thi Binh Minh Nguyen已经设计出了一个程序使你不用再假装就能享受飞翔的感觉。
Swing是一个适用于Oculus Rift或者是Kinect SDK的虚拟现实程序,让你一边坐在秋千上一边玩这个程序。当你将自己荡到“巡航速度”时,该程序根据你的动作调整并且启动一个飞越人群的视觉程序。结合失重和动力的感觉,创造了一种真实的飞行感觉,使你像孩子一样爱上秋千。
Swings的创始人开发该产品是他们在Burg Glebichenstein University of Art and Design Halle(哈勒艺术和设计学院)研究的一部分,该项目由Bernd Hanisch教授主导。截至3月,该项目是未来改进设计的原型。
source: psfk
Unless you went to grade school in one of those neighborhoods that removed all the swings for safety reasons, you probably remember swinging back and forth pretending you were flying, or piloting a spaceship. Engineering and design team Christin Marczinzik and Thi Binh Minh Nguyen have produced a program that says you won’t have to pretend anymore.
Swing is a virtual reality program compatible with the Oculus Rift or the Kinect SDK, that you play while riding on a swing set. Once you pump yourself up to “cruising speed,” the program adjusts to your motion and times a visual program of flying through crowds. Combined with the weightlessness and momentum sensation that made you love the swings as a child, it creates a tangible illusion of flying.
The sky is not the limit for Swing, since another included program lets you fly through space, past celestial images from light years beyond the edge of our solar system.
The combination of swings with VR is so natural, we here at PSFK are a little surprised it took so long for somebody to do it. The motion and disconnectedness the swings naturally bring are an intuitive match for the disconnected visuals of VR. It adds a visceral, tangible element that has been missing from even the best VR.
Swing’s creators developed it as part of their studies at Burg Glebichenstein University of Art and Design Halle, under the guidance of professor Bernd Hanisch. As of March, the program is a prototype for future designs to improve on.
The team has released no further information about Swing as a project or a future commercial project, so for now our flights of swing fancy must remain confined to our imaginations. If you’d like to see more from Marczinzik or Nguyen, explore their websites to see what they develop next.
source: fileorgbr
Swings have always held a special fascination for us. As children, we used to play with them. Today we like to reminisce about the enjoyment which we felt while swinging. We felt disconnected from reality, weightless and free.
“Swing” brings these feelings back and makes a dream come true: the dream of flying. Thus, the swing becomes a physical component of an interactive installation. The use of 3D oculus enhances the swinging experience with virtual reality, creating a unique immersive adventure and sending you to a crafted watercolor world.
While swinging you leave the drab monotony of everyday life behind, find a place to ease your mind and regain your strength. You rise smoothly into the virtual world. The flight level depends on how long and how high you actually swing.
The starting point in the digital world is the same as in the physical world: the ground. Here everything is pale and dull. When you have the courage to swing more intensively, you will fly higher and the vibrancy of colors will increase. The climax is in space. Upon reaching it the world reaches its maximum in color intensity. If you want to go down, you have to stop swinging, but the colors around you will stay vivid and bright.
Christin Marczinzik is an Interaction & Multimedia Designer, born in 1988 in Magdeburg, Germany. She graduated as a Bachelor in Industrial Design. Since 2013 she lives in Halle (Saale), Germany, where she studies Multimedia Design (M.A.) at the Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design.
Thi Binh Minh Nguyen is a designer focused on Media Installations & New Games, born in 1987 in Vietnam, raised in Germany. She was nominated for international awards and now she’s studying Multimedia Design (M.A.) at the Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design in Halle (Saale), Germany.
source: fileorgbr
Balanços sempre nos fascinaram. Quando crianças, costumávamos brincar neles. Hoje, gostamos de recordar o prazer que sentíamos enquanto balançávamos. Sentíamos que nos desconectávamos da realidade, leves e livres.
“Swing” traz de volta essas sensações e transforma um sonho em realidade: o sonho de voar. Assim, o balanço se torna um componente físico para uma instalação interativa. A utilização de um óculos 3D intensifica a experiência de balançar com realidade virtual, criando uma aventura imersiva única que nos leva a um mundo feito de aquarela.
Ao balançar, você deixa para trás a monotonia insípida do dia-a-dia, encontra um lugar para relaxar a sua mente e recuperar suas energias. Você se eleva suavemente até o mundo virtual. A altura do voo depende de por quanto tempo e quão alto você balança.
O ponto de partida no mundo digital é o mesmo que no mundo físico: o chão. Aqui, tudo é descolorido e sem graça. Quando você tiver a coragem para balançar com mais intensidade, você voará mais alto e a vivacidade das cores vai aumentar. O clímax está no espaço. Ao chegar no espaço, o mundo alcança a intensidade máxima de cor. Se você quiser descer, precisa parar de balançar, mas as cores continuarão vivas e brilhantes à sua volta.
Christin Marczinzik é uma designer de Interação & Multimídia, nascida em 1988 em Magdeburg, Alemanha. Ela fez seu bacharelado em Desenho Industrial. Desde 2013 vive em Halle (Saale), Alemanha, onde faz pós-graduação em Design de Multimídia na Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design.
Thi Binh Minh Nguyen é uma designer focada em Instalações de Mídia & Novos Jogos, nascida em 1987, no Vietnam, criada na Alemanha. Ela foi indicada para prêmios internacionais e agora está fazendo pós-graduação em Design de Multimídia no Burg Giebichenstein University of Art and Design, em Halle (Saale), Alemanha.
source: lulacerdaig
Outro momento de realidade virtual é com “Swing”, das artistas Christin Marczinzik e Thi Binh Minh Nguyen, com programação de Felix Herbst. Também com a ajuda de óculos 3D o visitante vai e vem num balanço de criança e pode chegar ao céu de uma paisagem virtual. Quanto mais alto balançar e com mais intensidade, as cores vão ficando mais vibrantes. Na volta ao chão, ao contrário da falta de cor da paisagem inicial, está tudo mais vivo e brilhante. É claro que teve fila para o balanço.