

sleep suit

source: forrestjessee

Forrest Jessee is a designer and educator. He structures his work open-endedly, believing a trans-disciplinary approach allows for new opportunity and possibility. His work explores fashion, graphic design, architecture, and exhibition work. Clients include Harvard University’s Graduate School of Design, Columbia University, Platforma Bogotá, and Lille3000. Most recently he designed Diller Scofidio + Renfro’s newest publication on Lincoln Center through Damiani Press. Columbia University’s Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation named him Director of the Graphics Project in 2012, where he also serves on the faculty as an Assistant Adjunct Professor.

His unorthodox portfolio has brought international attention from both inside and outside the design world. Projects have been featured in publications such as Surface Magazine, Arbitare, Le Monde, The New York Times, The Chicago Tribune, and La República. At the same time, his work has gone down the runway at Bogotá’s fashion week, been shown on The Discovery Channel, been exhibited across Europe as part of an experimental textiles show, appeared on thousands of blogs including Gizmodo and CNET, and appeared on Japanese national television.

He was educated at Columbia University’s Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation, where he received the graduation prize for service to the school and promise of real professional merit through attitude and character. He also received a William Kinne Traveling Fellowship to continue independent research on rainforest and urban edge conditions in Brazil. Previously he attended the Architectural Association School of Architecture and Sewanee, the University of the South, where he served on the Order of Gownsmen Academic Honors Society.
source: forrestjessee

The design has been developed into a manufacturable and cost effective material to produce. The applications can range from packaging material to support material for the human body to anything that requires either support and protection. It can be formed into any shape and can support weight. The project is currently on tour throughout Europe in a show, Futurotextiles 3, which features future visions and innovation in textile design.
source: archdaily

Forrest Jessee has recently unveiled his Sleep Suit inspired by Buckminster Fuller’s practice of Dymaxion Sleeping – 30-minute naps over 24 hours – while simultaneously exploring the materiality requirements to accommodate such a function. Interaction between the human body and the suit is the form generator as well as the threshold medium between the internalized occupant and their immediate surroundings.

The suit is comprised of structural pleats that serve multiple purposes. The interrelation between the occupant and the surroundings are challenged through the reinterpretation of personal space, and offer opportunity for varying sensations of associated temporality. The EVA foam pleats ensure the internal environment is breathable, while offering comfortable support for the body in numerous positions. Thus, the main emphasis is that you can take your 30-minute nap in virtually any location, while filtering the immediate surroundings without completely disconnecting the occupant.

Laser cut from a single sheet of material, this Sleep Suit is easily manufactured, with opportunities for other geometrical forms to be utilized in place of pleats such as honeycomb or corrugations. Currently trying to find an interested manufacturer, the Sleep Suit has applied for a patent.

This could be the answer to all those all-nighters that students of architecture endure prior to final studio presentations. Why waste time sleeping for 8 hours when you have the Sleep Suit!
source: paperblogfr

Sleep Suit est une sorte de sac de couchage créé par Forrest Jessee, architecte et designer new-yorkais.
Conçue en mousse EVA, la combinaison Sleep Suit, tel un cocon moelleux, permet de faire la sieste en pleine rue, au bureau, dans les escaliers…
Sleep Suit created by New York based architect/designer Forrest Jessee is a sort of portable sleeping bag.
Made in EVA foam, Sleep Suit acts as a transportable and adjustable cocoon that allows for constant air flow in a variety of different positions and environments.
You can get in and out of it in less than a minute and then sleep just about anywhere.
source: ufunknet

“Sleep Suit“, créé par le designer Forrest Jessee, est un gadget qui vous permettra de dormir n’importe où (en théorie, mais je doute que cela passe bien au bureau…). “Sleep Suit” est une sorte de de combinaison étrange dans laquelle vous vous glissez et qui agit comme une sorte de cocon qui rend moelleuse n’importe quelle surface.
source: ixiqi

这是设计师Forrest Jessee带来的Sleep Suit全地形睡袋,将柔软的材料做成蜂窝状结构,穿脱都方便 (因为不用把身上穿的衣服脱掉,直接套上就成,所以尤其适合在办公室等公共场所休息之用~),不但能起到和外界环境隔开的作用,而且透气通风,绝不闷热,不论是在办公桌上、地板上,还是在草坪上、水泥台阶上,它都能让人美美地小憩,那样子,就像是身上开出了一朵千层百叠的花~ (所以,从这个角度来说,粉色等鲜艳的颜色可能会更有视觉效果,哈哈)
source: 2risate

Quante volte vi siete addormentati in un luogo pubblico? In metropolitana, in biblioteca, a scuola, al parco: quando le palpebre si fanno davvero pesanti può capitare di addormentarsi ovunque, ignorando qualsiasi esigenza di privacy e tranquillità.
La Sleep Suit è opera del designer Forrest Jessee, ed è pensata proprio per reinterpretare il concetto di “spazio personale” quando si dorme in un luogo pubblico: la tuta permette a chiunque di ritagliarsi un pò di privacy in qualsiasi contesto e situazione.

La tuta è in effetti un bozzolo trasportabile disegnato in modo da offrire a chi lo indossa una propria area di intimità e privacy, ma allo stesso tempo garantendo un’adeguata circolazione dell’aria ed il giusto supporto per le zone sensibili del corpo. Secondo il creatore di Sleep Suit, insomma, questa curiosa crisalide sarebbe perfetta per farsi un bel pisolino.

Immaginate di poter letteralmente cadere addormentati in qualsiasi momento senza dovervi preoccupare di dove siete. Sleep Suit è una di seconda pelle che muta il rapporto con l’ambiente circostante, e garantisce tutti i comfort necessari a chi ha bisogno di un pò di riposo. O per chi ama essere dileggiato in pubblico.
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