

فرناندو روميرو
페르난도 로메로

Soumaya Museum

FR-EE Fernando Romero Enterprise

source: highlike

Work: The Soumaya Museum is home to a private art collection of nearly 70,000 works from 15th to mid-20th century, including the world’s largest private collection of Auguste Rodin sculptures. Programmed and designed by FR-EE, the museum reflects the eclectic taste of the collector, as well as his desire to create a new cultural institution for the public and the city. The 150-foot tall structure rises at the heart of a new cultural and commercial district, Plaza Carso, also planned and designed by FR-EE. The museum’s form, a rotated rhomboid supported by 28 curved steel columns of varying size and shape, is clad in a skin of 16,000 hexagonal mirrored-steel, references the traditional colonial ceramic-tiled building facades and gives the museum a diverse appearance depending on the weather and the viewer’s vantage point, while optimizing the preservation and durability of the entire building. , A seven-ring structural system creates cantilevers on multiple sides and stabilizes the museum’s continuous six-level promenade of exhibition, presentation and gathering space. At the top floor, visitors enter a column-free exhibition hall filled with natural light. In addition to galleries, the Soumaya Museum includes a 350-seat auditorium, library, restaurant, gift shop and offices.

Project: Museo Soumaya Client: Museo Soumaya “Fundación Carlos Slim” Completion: 2011 Site: Lago Zurich #245, Col. Ampliacion Granada, Del. Miguel Hidalgo. Mexico DF. C.P. 11320 Construction Area: 17,000 m² (since ground level) Architect: FR-EE / Fernando Romero Enterprise Project Regency: Inpros Civil Constructor: PC Constructores Façade: Gehry Technologies FR-EE / FERNANDO ROMERO TEAM: Fernando Romero and Mauricio Ceballos with: Matthew Fineout, Ignacio Méndez, Sergio Rebelo, Laura Domínguez, Herminio González, Omar Gerala Félix, Ana Medina, Ana Paula Herrera, Mario Mora, Juan Pedro López, Guillermo Mena, Libia Castilla, Raúl García, Manuel Díaz, Alan Aurioles, Ana Gabriela Alcocer, Luis Ricardo García, Iván Ortiz, Tiago Pinto, Juan Andres López, Olga Gómez, Hugo Fernández, Kosuke Osawa, Francisco Javier de la Vega, David Hernández, Jorge Hernández, Joaquín Collado, Mariana Tafoya, Eduardo Benítez, Pedro Lechuga, Thorsten Englert, Luis Fuentes, Luis Flores, Rodolfo Rueda, Víctor Chávez, Max Betancourt, Wonne Ickxs, Dolores Robles-Martínez, Sappho Van Laer, Ophelie Chassin, Elena Haller, Abril Tobar, Diego Eumir Jasso, Albert Beele, Homero Yánez, Cynthia Meléndez, Hugo Vela, Susana Hernández, Gerardo Galicia, Alberto Duran, Camilo Mendoza, Dafne Zvi Zaldívar, Cecilia Jiménez, Ángel Ortiz, Raúl Antonio Hernández, Alma Delfina Rosas, Wendy Guillen, Raúl Flores, Daniel Alejandro Farías, Jesús Monroy, Saúl Miguel Kelly, Iván Javier Avilés, and Cesar Pérez.
Photographer: Raul Soria
source: fr-ee

Museum buildings tend to be conceived either for maximum functionality – acting as neutral containers for art – or as iconic structures that represent a city at a particular historic moment. The Museo Soumaya was designed as both: a sculptural building that is unique and contemporary, yet one able to house a collection of international paintings, sculptures, and decorative objects dating from the fourteenth century to the present.

The exterior of the building is an amorphous shape perceived differently from every angle, reflecting the diversity of the collection inside. The building’s distinctive façade is made of hexagonal aluminum modules facilitating its preservation and durability. The shell is constructed with steel columns of different diameters, each with its own geometry and shape, creating non-linear circulation paths for the visitor. The building encompasses 20,000 square meters of exhibition space divided among five floors, as well as an auditorium, café, offices, gift shop, and multipurpose lobby. The top floor is the largest space in the museum, with its roof suspended from a cantilever that allows in natural daylight.

Architect and World Economic Forum “Global Leader of Tomorrow” Fernando Romero is one of today’s most relevant international architects. A graduate of Mexico’s Universidade Iberoamericana, Romero is an alumnus of Rem Koolhaas, with whom he worked at the Office for Metropolitan Architecture (OMA) in the Netherlands from 1995-2000.
Upon his return to Mexico in 2000, Fernando founded FR-EE Fernando Romero Enterprise. In 2010, Fernando opened a FR-EE office in New York. Fernando seeks to translate the contemporary moment and culture through his architecture, using state of the art materials and technologies, supported by thorough, comprehensive research, and collaboration with other disciplines.
Fernando’s strong research background has lead to the publication of several volumes, notably Translation (Actar, 2005), Hyperborder (Princeton Architectural Press, 2007), and Simplexity (Hatje- Cantz, 2010). He has won numerous awards, including the Honorary Fellowship by AIA – American Institute of Architects, the Bauhaus Award (2004/2005) and Mexican Society of Architects Award (2009). Romero has lectured at Columbia University, and is a member of the AIA-American Institute of Architects and CAMSAM-Mexican Chamber of Architects.
source: archdaily

From the architect. FR-EE’s design for the 17,000 m2/180,000 ft2 Soumaya Museum pays tribute to its eclectic art collection of nearly 70 000 objects from 15th to mid-20th century, including the world’s largest private collection of Auguste Rodin sculptures. The 150 feet tall Soumaya Museum rises at the heart of the new real estate development Plaza Carso in Polanco, a vibrant and cosmopolitan neighborhood in Mexico City. The museum’s distinct shape and strong presence, creates an identity for the 1940ies ex-industrial area and serves as a catalyst for further cultural development, including a theatre by Anton Garcia-Abril and the contemporary Jumex art museum by David Chipperfield. The surrounding public space is activated through a grand staircase leading to the museum entrance, which serves as an informal plaza for the visitors and locals from the adjacent Carso complex. A skin of 16 000 hexagonal tiles of mirrored steel, references the traditional colonial ceramic-tiled building facades and gives the museum a diverse appearance depending on the weather and the viewer’s vantage point, while optimizing the preservation and durability of the entire building.

Inside, the visitors are first met by Rodin’s The Thinker in a generous white vestibule encouraging guests to explore the museum. Walking up the continuous promenade which spirals through the museum’s six levels, guests will find masterpieces by Van Gogh, Matisse, Monet and Dali among others. The ramp leads to the top floor exhibition hall with a sculpture landscape graciously complimented by the natural light. The Soumaya Museum’s complex geometry and sculptural shape results from the integration of 28 unique curved steel columns of varying size and shape into the building shell. To achieve cantilevers on multiple sides the structure is stabilized by a system of seven rings located on each floor. Soumaya Museum’s additional public and private areas include a 350 seat auditorium, library, restaurant, gift-shop and administrative offices.
source: daum

이 프로젝트는 그런 면에서 부럽다고 해야 할 지 대단하다고 해야 할 지 그런 느낌입니다. 기본적으로 건축이란 그 내외에서 벌어지는 생활이 중요하게 마련이지만, 때로 이런 뮤지엄처럼 건물 자체가 하나의 상징으로 남고자 하는 욕망의 분출구가 되기도 합니다.

멕시코시티에 있는 소우마야 뮤지엄이라는 명칭의 이 건물은 세계적으로도 유망한 젊은 건축가 중 하나인 페르난도 로메로(FR-EE)가 설계한 건물입니다. 28개의 독특하게 휘어진 철강 기둥도 그렇고, 파충류의 피부처럼 입혀둔 육각형의 패널도 그렇고, 목표하는 형상을 완성도 있게 표현해 내기 위해 하나부터 열까지 얼마나 많은 전문가들이 함께 고민했을지 상상이 갑니다. 1971년생인 이 건축가는 세계적인 건축가인 렘 콜하스가 이끄는 OMA의 일원으로 역시 유명한 프로젝트인 ‘카사 데 뮤지카’ 같은 프로젝트를 이끌었고, 고국인 멕시코로 돌아가서 꾸준히 자신의 생각을 표출할 기회를 갖기 위해 노력했다고 들었습니다.

솔직히 이런 규모의 박물관 프로젝트를 하는 것도 쉽지 않고,
그 마저도 이런 모양으로 짓도록 건축주의 허용을 이끌어 내는 것도 쉽지 않습니다. 이 건물의 건축주는 건축가의 장인어른이고, 그 장인어른이라는 분은 세계 최대 부호 중 한 사람인 멕시코 텔맥스텔레콤의 회장님이라고 합니다. 유명한 조각가인 ‘로댕’의 애호가이시기도 하고, 역시 이 뮤지엄을 로댕으로 채우기도 했습니다. 참고로 뮤지엄 이름은 ‘소우마야’는 작고하신 건축가의 장모님 성함이랍니다.

스페인에 가면 ‘안토니오 가우디’라는 건축가의 작품을 볼 기회가 많죠.
마찬가지로 그런 기괴하면서 퀄리티 높은 작품이 다수 남아 있게 된 이유 또한 좋은 후원자로서의 건축주가 있었기 때문입니다. 이렇게 생각하면 건축을 연구하는 것보다 돈 많은 건축주에 대해 연구하고픈 욕심이 생길 수 있지만, 그렇다 하더라도 좋은 건축을 만들어 낼 역량이 없으면 단명하는 건 어쩔 수 없으니까요. 그냥 각자 자기 할 일 열심히 하고, 그 과정에서 좋은 인연들을 통해 함께 성장하는 게 정답, 아닐까요?

이 프로젝트는 워낙 강한 형태를 보여주기 때문에 공간을 상상하기 어렵습니다.
건축 초보자 분들이라면 단면도를 보는 걸로 내용 읽기를 시작해봐도 좋겠다는 생각이 듭니다.
모양이 삐뚤빼뚤하다고 사람까지 삐뚤빼뚤 생활할 수는 없으니까요.
보시다시피 내부는 수평공간을 기본으로 여느 건축들과 별반 다르지 않은 공간구성을 보여줍니다. 저층부의 로비는 두세 개 층을 틔운다거나, 지붕층의 경우 전체 천창을 이용한 갤러리를 만든다거나 하듯 말입니다. 일반인이라면 이 도면으로 ‘코어’라는 개념을 이해해보는 것도 좋겠습니다. 말 그대로 핵심인데, 핵심이라기보다는 기본기능을 기능적으로 조합하여 묶어둔 공간을 ‘코어’라고 합니다. 일반적인 빌딩에 가면 엘리베이터와 계단실, 화장실 등의 공간이 모여 있고, 모든 층에서 같은 위치를 유지하잖아요? 공간의 효율성, 공사의 편리성, 사용의 편의성 등을 고려한 결과입니다. 이 건물에서도 지붕층을 제외한 모든 공간에서 보이죠. 가장 기능적이어야 할 코어마저도 곡선이 들어간 이유는 전체적인 일관성을 고려한 때문입니다.
source: archreport









source: dronov

Музей, расположенный в Мехико, был завершен в 2011 году. Проект этого строения выполняли архитекторы группы Fernando Romero Enterprise площадь этой улитки составляет 17 000 м.кв. В нем разместилось почти 70 000 арт объектов датированных начиная с 15-того века и заканчивая серединой 20-го века, в том числе крупнейший в мире частная коллекции скульптур Огюста Родена. 45 метровый гигант музей музей возвышается над центральной частью новехонькой девелоперской площади Plaza Carso в Поланко, в космополитическом районе Мехико. Задача, которая стоит перед музеем – это стать точкой притяжения и катализатором дальнейшего культурного развития, вместе с театра Антоана Гарсия-Абриля и современным художественным музеем Дэвида Чипперфилда.

Покрытие фасада из 16 000 шестиугольных зеркальных стальных плиток , придает музею изменяющийся внешний вид в зависимости от погоды и точки зрения зрителя, при этом повышая долговечность здания и сохраняя расходы на его охлаждение в столь жарком климате.

Внутри, посетителей встречает Роден Мыслитель в чистейшем белом вестибюле настраивая их на нужный внимающий лад. Поднявшись по непрерывным витым спиральным пандусам через шесть уровней музея, гости найдут шедевры Ван Гога, Матисса, Моне Дали и другие. Скульптурные пейзажи любовно дополнены естественным светом.

Скульптурная форма музея выражает признательность 28-ми уникальным изогнутым стальным колоннам различного размера и формы которые как ноги слонов у Дали несут на себе кожу фасада. При этом структура стабилизирована с помощью системы семи колец, расположенных на каждом этаже, которые консольно выходят за зону влияния колонн. Дополнительными зонами музея являются: зал на 350 мест, библиотека, ресторан, сувенирный магазин и административные офисы.
source: arqa

El Museo Soumaya forma parte de un desarrollo urbano de uso mixto ubicado en el borde del distrito de Polanco, una de las zonas más exclusivas de la Ciudad de México. Está situado en una antigua zona industrial que data de la década de 1940 que hoy presenta un potencial comercial muy alto.
El Museo Soumaya tiene un papel clave en la reconversión de la zona: como extraordinario programa cultural, actúa como un iniciador en la transformación de la percepción urbana. Por otra parte, su situación institucional activa el espacio público con funcionalidades que van más allá de las comerciales y las subvenciones del nuevo barrio de la intensidad urbana que requiere.

Con el fin de crear una nueva identidad para el área, el edificio necesito adquirir una fuerte presencia urbana. Así, el Museo Soumaya se concibió como un edificio escultórico que es a la vez único y contemporáneo.

Su morfología de vanguardia y su tipología definen un nuevo paradigma en la historia de la arquitectura mexicana e internacional.

 Desde el exterior, el edificio es una forma orgánica y asimétrica que se percibe de manera diferente por cada visitante, proyectando la diversidad de la colección que alberga en su interior. De hecho, los trabajos que se exponen, entre otros, contienen la segunda mayor colección de esculturas de Rodin en el mundo, varios autores de literatura medieval y renacentista, así como el trabajo de diversos pintores impresionistas. 

Esta colección heterogénea se encuentra contenido en un espacio de exposición permanente, distribuido en seis niveles, lo que representa aproximadamente 6.000 m².

El edificio también incluye auditorio, biblioteca, oficinas, un restaurante, una tienda de regalos y una sala de usos múltiples.

La estructura del edificio está compuesta por 28 columnas de acero curvado de diferentes diámetros, cada uno con su propia geometría y forma, ofreciendo al visitante una circulación suave no lineal durante todo el edificio. Ubicados en cada nivel, siete anillos proporcionan el sistema que cubre la estructura y garantiza su estabilidad. El piso superior es el espacio más generoso del Museo, su techo está suspendido de un impresionante voladizo que permite que la luz natural fluya libremente. Por el contrario, la cubierta del edificio es casi opaca, ofreciendo pequeñas y escasas aberturas hacia el exterior. Esto puede ser interpretado como una intención de crear un refugio para la colección de arte. La fachada está hecha de módulos hexagonales de aluminio para optimizar la conservación y durabilidad de todo el edificio.
source: archdaily

Arquitetos: FR-EE / Fernando Romero Enterprise
Localização: Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra 303, Ampliación Granada, Miguel Hidalgo, 11529 Cidade do México, Distrito Federal, México
Arquitetos Responsáveis: Fernando Romero, Mauricio Ceballos
Área: 17000 m²
Ano: 2011

Do arquiteto. O projeto de FR-EE para o Museu Soumaya, com 17.000 m², presta homenagem à sua coleção de arte eclética de cerca de 70.000 objetos desde o século 15 a meados do século 20, incluindo a maior coleção privada do mundo de esculturas de Auguste Rodin. O edifício possui 45 metros de altura e se ergue no coração do novo empreendimento imobiliário Plaza Carso, em Polanco, um bairro vibrante e cosmopolita da Cidade do México. Sua forma distinta e presença forte criam uma identidade para a antiga zona industrial dos anos 40 e serve como um catalisador para o desenvolvimento cultural, incluindo também um teatro de Anton Garcia-Abril e o museu de arte contemporânea Jumex, do arquiteto David Chipperfield.

O espaço público envolvente é ativado através de uma grande escadaria que leva à entrada do museu, funcionando como uma praça informal para os visitantes e moradores do complexo Carso vizinho. Uma pele com 16.000 azulejos hexagonais de aço espelhado, referenciando-se às fachadas de azulejos de cerâmica coloniais tradicionais, dá ao museu uma aparência diversa, dependendo do tempo e ponto de vista do espectador, otimizando também a preservação e durabilidade de toda a edificação.

No interior, os visitantes são recebidos pela escultura O Pensador, de Rodin, em um vestíbulo branco generoso incentivando a explorar o restante do museu. Subindo o promenade contínuo que espirala através de seis níveis, os visitantes encontrarão obras-primas de Van Gogh, Matisse, Monet e Dali, entre outros. A rampa leva ao topo da sala de exposições, com uma paisagem de esculturas graciosamente complementada pela iluminação natural.

Geometria e forma escultural complexas resultam da integração de 28 colunas de aço curvado, com dimensões e formas variáveis para a envoltória do edifício. Para atingir balanços em vários locais, a estrutura é estabilizada por um sistema de sete anéis localizados em cada andar. Espaços públicos e privados adicionais do Museu Soumaya incluem um auditório de 350 assentos, biblioteca, restaurante, loja de presentes e escritórios administrativos.
source: wikipg

موزه سومایا (Museo Soumaya) موزه‌ای است در شهر مکزیکو سیتی ، پایتخت کشور مکزیک که حاوی «مجموعه خصوصی» کارلوس اسلیم ، میلیاردر مکزیکی و ثروتمندترین مرد جهان در سال۲۰۱۰ میلادی ، می‌شود . در این موزه ، بیش از ۶۰ هزار اثر هنری که عمدتا آثار اروپایی و مکزیکی را شامل می‌شود ، به نمایش گذاشته شده‌اند .

کارلوس اسلیم این موزه را به یاد همسر درگذشته‌اش ، سمیه جمایل ساخت . بازدید از این موزه رایگان است .

مجسمه معروف مرد متفکر اثر آگوست رودن، مجسمه نوازنده ترومپت ، ساخته سالوادور دالی ، مجسمه عشق پنهانی ، ساخته آنتونیو روستی و تعدادی از برجسته‌ترین آثار هنرمندانی چون پل سزان ، کلود مونه ولئوناردو داوینچی در این موزه نگهداری می شوند .

طراح این ساختمان فرناندو رومرو معمار و استاد طراحی مکزیکی می‌باشد .

این موزه سندان شکل بدون پنجره که نمایی داره مرکب از صفحات 6 ضلعی آلومنیومی در مکزیکو سیتی به وسیله ی شرکت آزاد فرناندو رمئو به تازگی ساخته شده ، موزه سومایا از 28 ستون فولادی قوسی شکل با قطر ها و هندسه متفاوت پدید آمده که این ستون ها ، این شکل غیر منظم رو خلق کردند ، ساختمان در بالا عریض تر می شود و در جایی که قسمتی از سقف قابل حرکته اجازه می دهد که نور طبیعی گالری طبقه بالا رو روشن کند .

این ساختمان 6 طبقه از بیرون شکلی ارگانیک و غیر متقارن دارد که با آنچه که بازدید کننده تا حالا دیده متفاوت است و نمای بیرونی منعکس کننده تنوع مجموعه داخل ساختمان است .
source: balackorg

Museo Soumaya
Le design de FR-EE pour le Soumaya Museum de 17000 m2 rend hommage à sa collection d’art éclectique de près de 70 000 objets du 15e jusqu’au milieu du 20e siècle, y compris la plus grande collection privée au monde de sculptures d’Auguste Rodin. La forme distincte du musée Soumaya et sa forte présence, crée une identité pour l’ex-zone industrielle de 1940 et sert de catalyseur pour le développement culturel.
Une enveloppe de 16 000 tuiles hexagonales en acier miroir, fait référence aux façades coloniales traditionnelles de construction en céramique-mosaïque et donne au musée une apparence variée en fonction de la météo et du point de vue du spectateur, tout en optimisant la conservation et la durabilité de l’ensemble du bâtiment.
La géométrie complexe et la forme sculpturale du musée Soumaya résulte de l’intégration des 28 colonnes d’acier courbé uniques de taille et de forme variable dans l’enveloppe du bâtiment. Pour réaliser les cantilevers sur plusieurs côtés, la structure est stabilisée par un système de sept anneaux situés à chaque étage. Les espaces publics et privés supplémentaires du Musée Soumaya comprennent un auditorium de 350 places, une bibliothèque, un restaurant, une boutique de cadeaux et des bureaux administratifs.