franck vigroux and antoine schmitt
source: flussieu
Audio and visual performance, Tempest associates the analog instruments of Franck Vigroux with the visual algorithms of Antoine Schmitt, to create a real system-universes of pure chaos, that can be seen in the movements of millions of particles and can be heard through the roaring of air.
By manipulating the internal forces of this chaos, the performers give birth to audio and visual shapes that develop in time, with more or less stability, more or less evidence, recreating the sound and fury of a kind of original maelstrom, where indistinct molecules start to group as bacterias, to become shape, to become life.
After the performance last May at Mutek festival in Montreal, in Flussi they will present their strong sensorial impact show.
Franck Vigroux
Proteiform musician and composer, leader of the French and international music scene, he manages to combine in his music the electro-acoustic research on analog devices (synthesizers, modules in feedback, tapes) with the most racy electronic music and with the club music. Aggressive and elegant, immersive and edgy, with influences ranging from Pan Sonic to musique concrète to hörspiel, Vigroux’s sonic universe is often obscure but capable of engaging the listener to physical and emotional level.
He regularly collaborates with musicians and visual artists from the likes of Mika Vainio, Antoine Schmitt, Elliott Sharp, Ben Miller, Zeena Perkins, Kaspar Toepliz, Joey Baron … as well as theater and contemporary dance. Since 2000 he repeatedly performed in the United States, in Europe and in Japan either in festivals or in clubs, receiving also awards and mentions.
Antoine Schmitt
Installation artist based in Paris, Antoine Schmitt creates artworks in the form of objects, installations or situations : dynamic systems, of minimalist aesthetics, to address the notion of programmed movement, as shape and as point of view.
Originally programming engineer in human computer interactions and artificial intelligence, he places the program at the core of most of his artworks, to question the modalities of the free being in complex systems of reality.
Antoine Schmitt, alone or through collaborations, has undertaken a confrontation of this approach with more established artistic fields like music, dance, architecture, literature or cinema, of which he revisits the codes. His work has received several awards in international festivals (transmediale, Ars Electronica, UNESCO International festival of Video-Dance, Sonar, Digital Turku, Vida 5.0 and many others).
source: antoineschmitt
Franck Vigroux (music) and Antoine Schmitt (images) 2012
Just after the big bang, the universe was completely shapeless, filled with matter and energy, but irregularities were born , which became atoms, suns and planets… Within the primitive soup on Earth, indistinct molecules started to group as bacterias, to become life, animals, humans… Tempest recreates the sound and fury of these original maelstroms within which it searches for the origin of form, it looks for other forms.
Audio and visual performance, Tempest associates the analog instruments of Franck Vigroux with the visual algorithms of Antoine Schmitt, to create a real system-universes of pure chaos, that can be seen in the movements of millions of particles and can be heard through the roaring of air. By manipulating the internal forces of this chaos, the performers give birth to audio and visual shapes that develop in time, with more or less stability, more or less evidence.
source: appcrownmakers
Le projet Tempest associe les instruments analogiques de Franck Vigroux aux algorithmes visuels d’Antoine Schmitt pour créer un vrai système-univers de pur chaos, que l’on voit dans les mouvements de millions de nanoparticules et que l’on entend dans le rugissement de l’air. En manipulant les forces internes à ce chaos, les performers font naître des formes sonores et visuelles qui se développent dans le temps, de manière plus ou moins stable, plus ou moins lisible. Tempest s’applique à recrée le bruit et la fureur de ces maelstroms originels pour y rechercher la source de la forme, pour y rechercher d’autres formes. La performance est intense, intégrant images et musique dans une composition dont les logiques sont transcendées par l’impact.
source: fnacspectacles
Dans Tempest, le musicien Franck Vigroux et le plasticien Antoine Schmitt s’inspirent du Big Bang et cherchent dans le maelström originel les sources de formes toujours en devenir. C’est un univers tout aussi protéiforme, celui des figures humaines flottant dans l’espace, qu’explorent Edmund Campion et Kurt Hentschläger dans Cluster-X.
source: ticketsvibusde
Nach dem Urknall war die Welt eine homogene Masse an Energie. Aber es gab kleinste Unregelmäßigkeiten, an denen Energie zu Materie kondensierte. Atome vereinten sich zu Sonnen, Planeten, Galaxien. Komplexe Moleküle begannen sich zu reproduzieren. Auf der Erde entwickelte sich Leben. Algen, Bakterien, Pflanzen, Tiere – der Mensch.
Antoine Schmitt und Franck Vigroux zeichnen in der audiovisuellen Performance ´Tempest´ (´Sturm´) den Anfang aller Form nach. Antoine Schmitt befragt seit längerem in seiner kybernetischen Kunst die dynamische Interaktion zwischen Mensch und Natur. Er programmiert Algorithmen, in denen sich zunächst Abermillionen kleinster Partikel im Chaos bewegen. Franck Vigroux macht dieses Ur-Rauschen mit einem analogen Instrumentarium hörbar. Nach und nach entstehen Symmetrien und Klangstrukturen, die kulminieren, zerfallen und sich neu erfinden. Die Geburt eines Universums in Echtzeit.
source: biennalenemoarcadifr
Pour cette première soirée du Transient Festival, Franck Vigroux délivre une musique puissante et abrasive aussi rythmique qu’atmosphérique, entre sonorités industrielles et noise. Antoine Schmitt a conçu la vidéo générative centrée sur la figure de la croix de Kasimir Malevitch comme symbole de la conscience artistique. La figure elle-même est constituée de milliers de pixels, qui explosent dans l’espace en fonction des niveaux d’énergie du son.
Également au programme de cette soirée orientée ambient-drone-noise, les très prometteurs Paskine et Crypto Tropic (Nebulo + Druc Drac).
source: mutekorg
Franck Vigroux’s analog instruments and Antoine Schmitt’s visual algorithms come together in the name of pure chaos and three-dimensional spectacle in this dazzling audiovisual performance. Vigroux’s multifaceted and challenging body of work sits at the crossroads of electroacoustics, theatre, and contemporary music. His electronic explorations notably won him Radiotelevisione Italiana’s Italia Prize in 2011. Schmitt is a designer, programmer and engineer whose artistic practice revolves around forms “programmed to be free”. He has won prizes at Berlin’s Transmediale and Austria’s Ars Electronica contest. Their Tempest project, with its million of floating particles and rip-roaring ruckus, reimagines our shapeless universe moments after the Big Bang. With the help of their sophisticated machinery, Vigroux and Schmitt give rise to new audio and visual matter, letting these new, chaotic forms slowly take shape.
source: franckvigroux
A composer and improviser, Franck Vigroux lives in a universe where noise, improvisation, electroacoustic, industrial, hörspiel, and contemporary music meet. On stage he can play many different roles: guitar player, turntablist, revox manipulator, electronic performer. He also directed numerous videos, such as Dust (30′) in 2007.
Franck Vigroux performs solo or regularly collaborates for live acts with Mika Vainio, Transistor (with Ben Miller), Reinhold Friedl he also collaborated with Kasper Toeplitz, Elliott Sharp, Zeena Parkins, Joey Baron, Bruno Chevillon, Marc Ducret, Push the triangle, Kenji Siratori, Ars Nova ensemble instrumental, performs with video artists Antoine Schmitt (with Tempest), Kurt d’Haeseleer (with Aucun lieu), Philippe Fontes (with Police).
Since 2000 he repeatedly performed in the United States, in Europe and in Japan either in festivals or in clubs. In 2003, he founded his own label D’Autres Cordes records, some albums are also published by others labels such as Signature Radio France and Hypermodern (Japan).
In 2008 he founded the Compagny D’autres cordes dedicated to performing arts:
2009 “Septembres” by Philippe Malone directed by Michel Simonot
2010 “Broken Circles” for ten musicians interpreted by Ars Nova ensemble instrumental, conducted by Philippe Nahon
2011 Un Sang d’Encre with Marc Ducret texts by F.Kafka
2010 Nous autres? – for 2 dancer and 1 electronic musician and interactive video installation
2012 Camera piece for Timpani, Piano, electronics, doublebass, guitar, tape.
2013 Aucun Lieu piece for 1 dancer 1 musician, video installation
In 2011 he composed “D503″ inspired from the novel ” Us ‘ (Eugene Zamiatine) a piece for Radio France ACR which runs for Prix Italia 2011. He has been comissioned for electroacoustic composition or live electronics acts by Radio France and GRM (2009, 2010, 2011, 2013).
source: franckvigroux
Artiste protéiforme il évolue dans un univers où se croisent musique contemporaine, électronique, noise, théâtre, danse et vidéo.
Alternativement guitariste, platiniste, électroacousticien, performer électronique, improvisateur, compositeur il est également concepteur de spectacles. Il a collaboré avec les musiciens Elliott Sharp, Mika Vainio, Reinhold Friedl, Kasper Toeplitz, Marc Ducret, Joey Baron, Bruno Chevillon, Zeena Parkins, Push the triangle, l’Ensemble Ars Nova, Hélène Breschand, Ellery Eskellin.
Depuis 2010 il se consacre plus particulièrement à l’écriture pour la scène. il collabore avec des écrivains : Kenji Siratori, Philippe Malone, Laurent Gaudé, Rémi Checchetto, des vidéastes et plasticiens: Philippe Fontes, Antoine Schmitt, Kurt d’Haeseleer, Scorpène Horrible, la chorégraphe Rita Cioffi, le metteur en scène Michel Simonot, ou le comédien Jean-Marc Bourg.
Il réalise également de nombreuses vidéos dont un film de 30’ « Dust » en 2007 et écrit des pièces radiophoniques (D-503 France Culture 2010), Alla breve France Musique (2011)
Il écrit, ou compose et joue la musique de spectacles pluridisciplinaires dont:
« Septembres » (2009), mise en scène Michel Simonot, texte de Philippe Malone)
“Un Sang d’encre” 2010 avec Marc Ducret textes de F.Kafka, F.Ponge, M.Gluck
« Nous autres? » (2011) chorégraphie de Rita Cioffi, dispositif d’Antoine Schmitt
“Tempest” 2012 avec Antoine Schmitt
“Passeport”(2012) texte d’Antoine Cassar, avec Jean-Marc Bourg
«Aucun lieu» (2013) mise en scène Franck Vigroux, vidéo Kurt d’Haeseleer, danse Azusa Takeuchi
“Racloir” (2014) avec Alexis Forestier, textes H.Müller et W.Benjamin
Depuis 2011 il est artiste associé avec Scènes Croisées (48), et artiste en résidence à Anis Gras (94) à Arcueil, il est co-directeur artistique des festivals Instants Sonores (48) et Bruits Blancs (94).