Франк завод
Something for Everyone
source: frankplantnet
Frank Plant is a Barcelona based American sculptor. He studied sculpture at the University of the Arts in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. After finishing his B.A. in fine arts in 1993 he moved to Amsterdam and during this period he began to develop his drawings in steel. These are simple and direct studies of the forms and compositions of everyday objects and situations
Welded steel has always been the principal medium for Plant’s work, whether in his two dimensional pieces such as his fingerprints series or his earlier three dimensional kinetic metal sculptures, that incorporate found objects. In 1999 Plant moved to Barcelona and began to diversify the materials he uses in his sculpture.
“My work is about physical and social observations. I think of things in terms of compositions whether that be an object, a line of text or a social situation. It’s important to me that the work be open and accessible. I look equally for harmony and discordance and find them similarly revealing and fascinating. I’ve been imbued with a sense of social awareness and hence choose to deal with these issues, as I see them, sometimes in my work. Finding and examining the subtle manners of communication of and between humans for me is all about exposing the balance and symmetry or lack thereof in our everyday existence.”
source: frankplantnet
The Kalashnikov or AK-47 (standing for Avtomat Kalashnikova model 1947) was invented by Mikhail Kalashnikov and has had what could be considered an illustrious trajectory in becoming first the standard issue rifle for the Russian military and then exported en masse to cold war battlegrounds in the middle east and especially Africa.
In some countries, Mozambique for example, it is seen as a key element in their struggle against colonialism and imperialism and was even adopted as an image on their flag on May 1st 1983 (Recent years have seen a sharp debate to have it removed). Kalashnikov has been quoted that he is proud that for many his invention is synonymous with liberty, he has also stated that it was Germany’s fault that he became a fabricator of arms otherwise he would have happily stayed an agricultural engineer which was what he was previous to being drafted into the Red Army during WWII.
As for the name I’ve given the piece, Something for Everyone, it has to do with this type of work which I feel leaves no one indifferent. I start with concern/interest in the composition of the object but ultimately am also aware of it’s socio-political as well as historical significance. As far as scale is concerned I was due for a big one. This piece should not be confused as a pro arms stance or celebration of the weapon itself but more an opportunity for reflection.
source: plusmood
Frank Plant is a Barcelona based American sculptor. He studied sculpture at the University of the Arts in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. After finishing his B.A. in fine arts in 1993 he moved to Amsterdam and during this period he began to develop his drawings in steel. These are simple and direct studies of the forms and compositions of everyday objects and situations
Welded steel has always been the principal medium for Plant’s work, whether in his two dimensional pieces such as his fingerprints series or his earlier three dimensional kinetic metal sculptures, that incorporate found objects. In 1999 Plant moved to Barcelona and began to diversify the materials he uses in his sculpture.
source: kimkiyoungtistory
강철로 그린 드로잉, 믹스미디어 아티스트 프랭크 플랜트. 프랭크 플랜트는 바르셀로나 기반의 미국 조각가입니다. 필라델피아, 펜실베이니아에있는 예술 대학에서 조각을 공부했습니다. 학위가 끝난 후 1993 년 예술에 그는 암스테르담으로 이동하고 이 기간 동안 그는 강에 자신의 그림을 개발하기 시작했다. 일상 사물의 상황과, 형태, 성분의 단순하고 직접적인 연구를 하고 있습니다.
용접 강은 언제나 자신의 지문 시리즈 또는 그 이전 입체 운동 금속 조각, 통합 발견 개체로 자신의 2 차원 조각의 여부, 공장의 작업의 주요 매체로 하고 있다. 1999 공장에서 바르셀로나로 옮겨 그가 조각에 사용하는 재료를 다양화 하기 시작했다.
“내 작품은 신체적, 사회적 관찰에 있습니다. 나는 개체, 텍스트 또는 사회적 상황 줄 수 있는지 작품의 관점에서 일을 생각합니다. 이 작품은 개방적이고 액세스 할 수 있는지 저에게 중요합니다. 나는 조화와 불일치 동일하게보고, 그들에게 유사 누설, 매혹적인보세요. 전 제 일을 가끔, 내가 볼으로서 사회 인식의 의미를 부여하고 따라서 이러한 문제를 해결하기 위해 선택 했어요. 찾기 및 저를 위해 인간 사이의 의사 소통의 미묘한 태도를 검사하면 모든 이들의 일상 존재의 균형과 대칭 또는 부족을 노출에 대해입니다. ”
source: agentspro1
الرسم بـ أستخدام الاسلاك للفنان الإسباني Frank Plant
استخدام الأسلاك وجعلها فن، في حد ذاته إنجاز جميل وفن مميز، وقد أبدع الفنان الإسباني فرانك بلانت بعمل لوحات خلفيتها الجدران من الأسلاك السوداء ظهرت وكأنها لوحات مرسومة وليس من الأسلاك.
source: iveinternetru
Фрэнк – скульптор из Барселоны.. Он изучал скульптуру в Университете Искусств в Филадельфии, штат Пенсильвания. После окончания Британской академии изобразительного искусства в 1993 году он переехал в Амстердам. И там начал развивать свои рисунки в сталь. Эти простые и непростые поиски форм и композиций предметы быта. Это и трехмерные кинетические скульптуры из металла. Скульптор использует и фотографию и расписные деревянные фоны, световые короба, двигатели, датчики, звука, музыку – все стало неотъемлемой частью его скульптуры. При изучении новых способов общения со зрителем, интерактивность играет все более центральную роль в работе.. Его работы находятся в частных и государственных коллекциях по всей Европе и Северной Америке.
source: itpaperblog
Le bellissime sculture in filo di ferro dell’artista americano che vive e lavora in Spagna Frank Plant. Potete trovare tutti i suoi lavori, sul suo sito personale, e sul suo account Flickr.
Frank Plant es un escultor americano afincado en Barcelona. Formado en en la University of the Arts in Philadelphia ( Pennsylvania), en 1993 se trasladó a Amsterdam y empezó a trabajar soldando acero . Nos gusta de él su facilidad para trasladar objetos cotidianos a una nueva dimensión tridimensional. Lo teníamos aquí al lado y no lo hemos descubierto hasta ahora.
source: barcelonaschiringuito
Frank Plant es un escultor americano afincado en Barcelona. Formado en en la University of the Arts in Philadelphia ( Pennsylvania), en 1993 se trasladó a Amsterdam y empezó a trabajar soldando acero . Nos gusta de él su facilidad para trasladar objetos cotidianos a una nueva dimensión tridimensional. Lo teníamos aquí al lado y no lo hemos descubierto hasta ahora.
source: saloonacoil
הצייר פראנק פלאנט (Frank Plant) נולד ולמד בארצות הברית וכעת מתגורר בברצלונה. כל הפסלים שלו מרותכים מחוטי מתכת ומדמים בצורה מדויקת קווי עפרון או עט. חלק מעבודותיו של האמן נמצאים בגלריות לאמנות ברחבי צפון אמריקה ואירופה, חלקן נמכרו כפריטי עיצוב לדירות פרטיות וכמה מהן מקשטות רחובות של ערים ברחבי העולם.
source: parameninaswordpress
Achei muito bacana o trabalho do americano Frank Plant. O artista, que atualmente mora em Barcelona, faz esculturas maravilhosas em aço. No site do cara dá para ver como é todo o processo. Adorei as esculturas de pessoas em situações bem corriqueiras, como estendendo a roupa ou jogando amarelinha.
source: yangod
艺术家 Frank Plant 通过对钢的焊接形成的雕塑,壁挂的样子就像是精致的线条图。