Fred Penelle & Yannick Jacquet
Mécaniques Discursives
source: highlike
Work: Mécaniques Discursives at Bozar Electronic Festival 2012
This installation project has developed out of the encounter of the engraver Fred Penelle with the video artist Yannick Jacquet (Legoman). It is a mixture of engraving and video projection representing a sort of absurd and poetic machinery unfolding across walls like some exquisite corpse using the principle of a chain reaction as its starting point. Frédéric Penelle has been going to great lengths for a number of years to release engraving from its traditional context and “beautiful paper”. He uses his installations to breathe new life into engraving by moving it off a path that is too well trodden. As regards Yannick Jacquet’s work, this is marked by a desire to step outside of traditional projection formats and put video into space. The main tool is audiovisual performances, installations and stage design. Their shared desire to leave the beaten path of their respective disciplines brought them together in this project.
Photographer: Yannick Jacquet
source: imalorg
Audiovisual installation
This installation project has developed out of the encounter of the engraver Fred Penelle with the video artist Yannick Jacquet (Legoman). The artwork Mecaniques discursives is a mixture of engraving and video projection representing a sort of machinery of the absurd and the poetic unfolding across walls like some exquisite skeleton using the principle of a chain reaction as its starting point.
Frédéric Penelle has been going to great lengths for a number of years to release engraving from its traditional context and “beautiful paper”. He uses his installations to breathe new life into engraving by moving it off a path that is too well trodden. As regards Yannick Jacquet’s work, this is marked by a desire to step outside of traditional projection formats and put video into space. The main tool is audiovisual performances, installations and stage design. Their shared desire to leave the beaten path of their respective disciplines brought them together in this project.
During their residency at iMAL, the artists will work with the musician Matthieu Safatly for the musical arrangement of their installation.
The artists
Fred Penelle
“In just under ten years, Frédéric Penelle (Brussels 1973), winner of the Art contest prize at the end of 2007, has given engraving a sudden burst of energy through his novel use of it in a way that is fundamentally original, malicious and as funny as it is serious. The installation of each exhibition places on a wall a swarm of characters and objects which mix, either play- fully or seriously, times, epochs, drawing, paining, black, colour, old images and whatever else besides, to tell, not one, but a thousand tangled tales in which each will recognise his own according to his imagination, what he has lived through, his dreams or concerns. In a heterogeneous set astonishingly coherent in its linear weirdness like a frieze, starting from a personal my- thology that brings together images known to all it holds up a portrait of the world that is surprising yet familiar at the same time. And this arrangement that is playful, amusing, inventive, sometimes threatening and also tragic in its device, constantly gives the impression that it might set itself in motion as if it was a vast comedy put on by actors who bear a strange resemblance to us. Might it be possible that we are taking part unawares? Very inspired and convincing.” (C.L.)
(la libre belgique 16/01/08)
Yannick Jacquet (Legoman)
Born in Geneva in 1980, Yannick lives and works in Brussels. Graphic designer by training, he now mainly devotes himself to moving images. His work is characterised by a desire to step outside of traditional projection formats and locate video in space. It mainly comes in the form of audiovisual performances, installations and stage design. His work is often in situ and is strongly influenced by questions connected to architecture. He regularly works with a number of artists and more particularly with those under the label AntiVJ where he is one of the founding members.
source: institutfrancaisjp
Ce projet d’installation est issu de la rencontre entre le graveur Fred Penelle et le vidéaste Yannick Jacquet (Legoman).
Mélange de gravure et de projection vidéo, elle représente une sorte de machinerie absurde et poétique se développant sur les murs à la manière d’un cadavre exquis, prenant comme point de départ le principe de la réaction en chaine.
Frédéric Penelle est né en 1973 à Bruxelles. Il s’efforce depuis un certain nombre d’années à faire sortir la gravure de son cadre et de ses “beaux papiers”. Par ses installations, il lui donne un nouveau souffle en la déviant des routes trop empruntées, “un sursaut d’énergie par une utilisation inédite dans une oeuvre foncièrement originale, malicieuse, aussi drôle que grave” (La libre Belgique, 16/06/08). Il a ainsi reçu fin 2007 le prix Art contest.
Yannick Jacquet, né en 1980 à Genève est graphiste de formation et se consacre maintenant principalement à l’image animée.
Son travail est marqué par un désir de sortir des formats de projections traditionnels et de mettre en espace la vidéo. Il se décline notamment sous forme de performances audiovisuelles, d’installations et de scénographie. Ses réalisations, souvent in-situ, sont fortement influencées par les questions liées à l’architecture.
Fondateur du label AntiVJ, il collabore avec de nombreux artistes.
L’envie commune de ces deux artistes de sortir des sentiers battus de leur discipline, les a naturellement rassemblés autour de ce projet.
source: dlaprak
De origem belga e suiço se transformaram em representantes das tendências mais contemporâneas de video mapping. Criações audiovisuais aumentadas porque transbordam os limites da tela tradicional para transportá-las ao espaço físico, ocupando elementos arquitetônicos como fragmentos de uma parede ou a fachada de um edifício ao mesmo tempo que interagem com o publico.
A obra Mecaniques Discursives da dupla, expõe sobre as paredes uma intervenção dinâmica de contínuo desenvolvimento, onde se misturam elementos audiovisuais com objetos animados num jogo perpetuo de luz e sombras que ação forma a uns espaços quase oníricos. O projeto de compara ao jazz, numa evolução constante adaptando-se ao lugar e ao publico.
source: shookdownes
Cuando la maquinaria poética de Yannick Jacquet topa con las grabaciones de Fred Penelle, el resultado es Mécaniques Discursives, una instalación que se despliega a lo largo de las paredes de una de las salas, representando lo absurdo y utilizando el principio de la reacción en cadena.
source: focusit
Dell’installazione multimediale “Mécaniques Discursives”, realizzata dal duo di artisti Fred Penelle e Yannick Jacquet. Un’opera d’arte che, mixando elementi fisici ad altri video-proiettati, ha voluto immergere il pubblico in un ambiente di forte impatto visivo, in grado di restituire a livello emozionale il tema guida dell’evento: il tempo come metrica di organizzazione del quotidiano e dell’immaginario.