


source: ellecarmen
Freudenthal/Verhagen are a Dutch photography duo based in Amsterdam.
Carmen Freudenthal & Elle Verhagen met right after graduating from the Gerrit Rietveld Academy (university of applied sciences for Fine Arts and Design) were Carmen studied photography and Elle studied fashion design.
There was a immediate recognition of a mutual taste in image making and what fashion imagery should look like.
Their still lasting cooperation started of with a publication in I-D magazine in 1989.
In their work they are always in search for ways to expand the definition of fashion photography, crossing lines between fashion and art, looking for cultural relevancy.
The images are, over the years, diverse in discipline and form, but always show a sense of disturbance and a multi layered story.
This has resulted in a body of work with an unique personal handwriting and markable face.
Carmen and Elle have created all look-books and art-directing several shows for Bernhard Willhelm from 2001 till 2007,.
For recent exhibitions they integrated photography with 3-dimensional installations, projected video on photographs and printed photographs on draped silk sheets.
F/V combine their art work with commissioned projects for fashion-, design- and commercial clients.
Their work has been published in I-d magazine, Dazed & Confused, Jalouse, Flash Art International and in numerous photo- and design books.
They participated in exhibitions in Europe, the United States and Japan, including solo exhibitions in Milan and the Netherlands.
source: eautifuldecay
Dutch collaborators Carmen Freudenthal (photographer) and Elle Verhagen (stylist) have been working together since 1989. Their collaboration with fashion designers, performers and other artists results in a wide variety of work, which is always recognizable for its humorous approach of daily life and its use (and abuse) of contemporary imagery and (photo)graphic techniques.
source: freudenthalverhagen
Freudenthal/Verhagen are a Dutch photography duo based in Amsterdam. They met right after graduating from the Gerrit Rietveld Academy were Carmen studied photography and Elle fashion design. There was a immediate recognition of a mutual taste in image making and what fashion imagery should look like. Their still lasting cooperation started of with a publication in I-D magazine in 1989. In their work they are always in search for ways to expand the definition of fashion photography, crossing lines between fashion and art, looking for cultural relevancy. The images are, over the years, diverse in discipline and form, but always show a sense of disturbance and a multi layered story. This has resulted in a body of work with an unique personal handwriting and markable face.
Carmen and Elle have created all look-books and art-directing several shows for Bernhard Willhelm from 2001 till 2007,. For recent exhibitions they integrated photography with 3-dimensional installations, projected video on photographs and printed photographs on draped silk sheets.
F/V combine their art work with commissioned projects for fashion-, design- and commercial clients.
Their work has been published in I-d magazine, Dazed & Confused, Jalouse, Flash Art International and in numerous photo- and design books.
They participated in exhibitions in Europe, the United States and Japan, including solo exhibitions in Milan and the Netherlands.
source: lookatme
Датчанки Кармен Фредентал (Carmen Freudenthal), фотограф, и Эль Верхаген (Elle Verhagen), стилист, сотрудничают с 1989 года. Вместе они создают новые образы для фэшн-съёмок крупных домов мод и глянцевых журналов, делают серии независимых инсталляций и разрабатывают рекламные кампании для различных клиентов. Их стиль узнаваем благодаря чувству юмора, с которым эта пара подходит к решению творческих задач, и умелому обыгрыванию реалий повседневной жизни, а также классических техник фотографии и дизайна.
source: ghostroom
1989以来、ファッションデザイン、パフォーマー等と交流を深め、様々なシーンで頭角を表しているCarmen Freudenthal (photographer) and Elle Verhagen (stylist) 。その日常を切り取ったユーモア溢れるアプローチは現代美術の評価を集めている。