Gunilla Klingberg | highlike

Gunilla Klingberg

Transtube System


Gunilla Klingberg  Transtube System

source: nordenhake

Swedish artist Gunilla Klingberg’s ceiling-mounted sculpture Transtube System is composed of ordinary rice-paper lampshades. The shades are connected end to end till they become a Moebius strip. The mundane materials transform into a giant amorphous form, into mere ectoplasm.
source: philagrafika2010org

Stokholm, Sweden, 1966, lives and works there.
Klingberg studied magazine and newspaper design at RMI-Berghs, Stockholm, and sculpture at Konsfstack, University College of Arts, Crafts, Design, Stockholm. Numerous solo exhibitions of her work have been held across Europe, and in 2005 she received a five year working grant from the Swedish Visual Arts Fund.
source: ricegalleryorg


Gunilla Klingberg was born in Stockholm, Sweden, where she studied Sculpture at Konstfack (University College of Arts, Crafts, Design), and Magazine and Newspaper Design at RMI-Berghs. She has had solo exhibitions in museums and galleries throughout Europe and was included in ARCO, Madrid (2008), and the 10th Istanbul Biennial (2007), and in Philagrafika: The Graphic Unconscious (2010) in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Large-scale public commissions include the Triangeln Railway Station (2010) in central Malmö, Sweden, and the Nye Akershus Hospital (2008) Norway. In 2010, Klingberg received the Edstrandska Foundation Award, a five-year working grant from The Swedish Visual Arts Fund.Gunilla Klingberg lives and work in Stockholm. She is represented by Galerie Nordenhake, Stockholm and Berlin.