

big bang……interruption!

source: designboom

through his sculptures and installations that give physicality to light, german artist hans kotter asks viewers to explore the infinite quality of space. a selection of materials such as mirrors, plexiglass, metal and LEDs make up his practice, perfectly planning their interaction with each other so that their reflections and refractions create complex optical illusions. undulating folds of chroma and wormhole-like voids materialize as three-dimensional forms, immersing the audience in enchanting tunnels and exploding channels of light. one such example exhibiting at galerie michaela stock is ‘big bang……interruption!’, a snapshot of a disaster with beams of glowing tubes detonating in place.
‘big bang……interruption!’, 2013 luminescence has enchanted kotter throughout his artistic career, spurring his creative vocation to the medium. he explains ‘there is no other element with such a lasting impact on life on our planet as light. light fascinates me in a huge variety of ways and i have investigated the medium of light, with its composition, physical contexts, colors, perception and cultural history for many years. the experiences and insights resulting from this investigation are later implemented in my works.‘
source: dignoworg

trabalho do alemão Hans Kotter bem que poderia se chamar assim, que nem coloquei no título. Porque as esculturas com LEDs e espelhos que o artista plástico criou transmitem precisamente essa sensação – cones e espirais luminosas que se perpetuam infinitamente.
source: aquicoralblogspot

Hans Kotter nació en 1966 en Mühldorf, Alemania. Su expresión artística está encauzada a la experimentación y al diseño e instalación de objetos y cajas luminosas, y lo concerniente a la luz. Durante los años 1993/1994 curso estudios en Art Students League ( escuela de arte independiente en Nueva York ) con Bruce Dorfman y William Scharf. En 2004 obtuvo el Premio de Cultura Baviera e-on ag studio programa Berlin. En 2007 fue profesor en la Academia Estatal de arte + diseño de stuttgart, Alemania. En 2011 artista en residencia, arte radionica Lazareti, Dubrovnik, Croacia.