source: siu-kee
Ho, Siu-Kee (b. 1964) obtained his BA degree in Fine Arts from the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 1989. After some years of artistic practice in Hong Kong, he furthered his study in U.S.A. and graduated with an MFA degree in Sculpture from the Cranbrook Academy of Art in 1995. In 2003, he received his Doctor of Fine Art degree from Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT) University, Australia with the research topic of “Bodily Perception as a Means of Expression in Contemporary Art Practice”. Ho has participated in various prestigious exhibitions worldwide including the 23rd International Biennial of Sao Paulo in 1996 and the 49th Venice Biennial in 2001 as Official Hong Kong Representative. For his outstanding artistic achievement, Ho was included as an entry in the World Biographical Dictionary of Artists (Allgemeines Kunstlerlexikon, Die bildenden Kunstlerlexikon aller Zeiten und Volker) , Vol.73, Germany in 2011 and was awarded the Associate Membership of Royal British Society of Sculptors ARBS, London, UK in 2012.
Most of Ho Siu Kee’s artworks begin with the exploration of his own senses and bodily perception. They appear as self-portraitures through the visual presentation of his own body imagery employing different media, such as sculpture, installation, photography and video. The visual presentation materializes and projects the innate personal experience as means of artistic expression which is expected to make up the communication between the “Self” and the “Other”.
source: avahkbueduhk
Dr. Ho Siu Kee obtained both his BA degree in Fine Arts and Post-graduate Diploma in Education from the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 1989 and 1990 respectively. After some years of artistic practice in Hong Kong, he then furthered his study in U.S.A. and graduated with an MFA degree in Sculpture from the Cranbrook Academy of Art in 1995. In 2003, he received his Doctor of Fine Art degree from Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT) University, Australia with the research topic of “Bodily Perception as a Means of Expression in Contemporary Art Practice”. Dr. Ho has participated in various prestigious exhibitions worldwide including the 23rd International Biennial of Sao Paulo in 1996 and the 49th Venice Biennial in 2001 as Official Hong Kong Representative. With his outstanding artistic achievement, Dr. Ho was included as an entry in the World Biographical Dictionary of Artists (Allgemeines Kunstlerlexikon, Die bildenden Kunstlerlexikon aller Zeiten und Volker) , Vol.73, Germany in 2011 and was awarded the Associate Membership of Royal British Society of Sculptors ARBS, London, UK in 2012. Parallel to his artistic practice, Dr. Ho is also a committed art educator in local post secondary education sector. He served in the School of Design, Hong Kong Polytechnic University as a full-time faculty from 1997 to 2000. In 2000, he joined the Hong Kong Arts Centre to help the establishment of its art education division namely Hong Kong Art School. Prior to the appointment at Hong Kong Baptist University, Dr. Ho was the Academic Head of Hong Kong Art School responsible for the overall academic direction of the school. – See more at: http://ava.hkbu.edu.hk/people/dr-ho-siu-kee/#sthash.zQkSQXLg.dpuf
source: siu-kee
何氏曾參與多個國際性展覽,包括代表香港參加第二十三屆聖保羅國際藝術雙年展及第四十九屆威尼斯雙年展,亦曾獲美國亞洲文化協會、意大利Civitella Ranieri Center及香港藝術發展局等機構頒發藝術獎助。何兆基的名字被收錄於德國出版的全球藝術家大辭典Allgemeines Kunstlerlexikon, Die bildenden Kunstlerlexikon aller Zeiten und Volker (2011年第七十三卷) ,於2012年更獲英國皇家雕塑家學會選為海外附屬會員。
source: avahkbueduhk
浸大視覺藝術院何兆基博士 獲英國皇家雕塑家協會推薦成為附屬會員