
Howeler and Yoon Architecture

Swing Time

Howeler and Yoon Architecture  Swing Time

source: obstanovka

Интерактивная светящаяся установка Swing Time появилась в Lawn on D – парке современной скульптуры около бостонского Convention and Exhibition Center на D Street.

20 качелей крепятся тросами к стальной конструкции, аналогичной тем, которые используют на обычных игровых площадках.

От белого до синего и фиолетового. Внутрь каждого обруча встроены светодиодные лампы. Они активизируются и изменяют цвет, как только качели приходят в движение, и лишь слабо светятся, когда те неподвижны.

Для всех возрастов. На мерцание колец “слетаются” все местные жители, не только дети, но и взрослые.

Для этого нового развивающегося района Бостона установка Swing Time стала первой экспериментальной площадкой такого рода.

Инсталляция разработана бостонской студией Howeler and Yoon Architecture, как городская универсальная система отдыха. Вдохновляясь классическими аналогами, они создали не только зону развлечений, но и активизировали пространство, используя космические световые эффекты.

i saloni outdoor furniture минимализм малое пространство мастер-классы москва декор дерево дети инсталляции испания италия керамика кресла подушки посуда проекты англия анонсы атмосфера винтаж голландия восток жить в роскоши люстры натуральные материалы новый год россия скульптура северный дизайн стиль стекло стены столы стулья ткани техноштуки трава трансформеры фантастическое фарфор франция цвет экодизайн японцы.
source: hypeness

Tem dias em que tudo que a gente quer é voltar a ser criança. Se você já experimentou essa sensação, certamente vai adorar conhecer estes balanços, que mudam de cor enquanto estão em movimento.

A instalação foi proposta pela empresa Höweler + Yoon Architecture na cidade de Boston, EUA. Para compor a brincadeira, foi criado um parque temporário na cidade com 20 balanços iluminados em formato circular. Apelidado de Swing Time, o projeto tem uma peculiaridade que promete chamar a atenção dos moradores da região: enquanto estão parados, os balanços emitem luz branca e, quando são colocados em movimento, eles passam a emitir uma luz lilás.

Os balanços foram instalados em três tamanhos distintos, para agradar a todos os gostos, e a brincadeira vale para crianças de todas as idades.
source: agence-o2designfr

SWING TIME est un espace de jeux interactif composé de 20 balançoires en forme d’anneau lumineux. L’installation active un parc temporaire entre le Boston Convention and Exhibition Center et D Street pour créer un espace public expérimental.

Fabrication sur mesure à partir de polypropylène soudé, les balançoires sont conçus en trois tailles différentes de sorte que les spectateurs peuvent participer, le but de l’exercice, est de jouer avec SWING TIME à titre individuel ou en groupe.

L’éclairage LED au sein de la balançoire est contrôlé par un micro-contrôleur personnalisé, signalisant le niveau d’activité de la balançoire. Un accéléromètre interne mesure les forces d’accélération de l’oscillation. Lorsque les forces sont statiques et les fluctuations ne sont pas utilisés, ils émettent une lumière douce, blanche qui éclaire la zone. Lorsque les balançoires sont en mouvement, le micro-contrôleur allume la lumière du blanc au violet, en créant un effet lumineux coloré.
source: dezeen

These glowing circular swings have been installed by Höweler + Yoon Architecture to brighten up a patch of Boston parkland and to encourage children to play outside the confines of the playground.

The Boston-based studio was commissioned by the city’s Convention Centre to create the centrepiece of a new temporary park set in an industrial area of the city.

Named the Lawn on D, the park is part of a redevelopment scheme aimed to attract technological companies to the area.

Höweler + Yoon Architecture came up with Swing Time, a set of 20 illuminated swings suspended from steel scaffolding that create an interactive installation on the green.

“We feel that play should not be limited to kids, nor to playgrounds. We had the idea of a playscape in the city that engages people of all ages in active play,” Eric Höweler, co-founder of Höweler + Yoon Architecture, told Dezeen.

“[It is] a defamiliarised playground – kind of like the tyre swing from your back yard, but this time with a twist,” he added.

The translucent plastic hoops contain LED lights that respond to activity. A microcontroller and accelerometer in each swing chart levels of motion and inclination to inform the colour changes.

“The basic principle of responsiveness tends to encourage people to interact with the piece and with each other,” Höweler said.

Immobile swings glow white, while blue indicates the swing is in use and a range of violet tones radiate depending on swinging intensity.

The installation opened to the public two weeks ago and will remain in place for the next 18 months.

“We’ve had an overwhelming response. The swings were super crowded on opening night and we’ve had requests for further installations from all around the country and internationally,” the designer said.

Höweler co-founded Höweler + Yoon Architecture alongside fellow architect Meejin Yoon. In 2012 the studio won the Audi Urban Future Award for their conceptual project BosWash, which imagined with a hybrid of individual and public transport.
source: archdaily

In Boston, playgrounds are no longer just for kids. Twenty LED-lit circular swings have been installed outdoors as a part of “Swing Time,” Boston’s first interactive sculpture installation. The hanging, glowing orbs are a twist on traditional rubber-and-rope swings, dangling from a minimal steel structure similar to those used in conventional playgrounds. LED lights embedded in the swings activate and change color as each swing moves, returning to a dim white light when static. The piece is designed to blend Boston’s design community with its expanding technology sector while playfully engaging residents.

Inspired by traditional playgrounds, Swing Time aims to activate outdoor spaces in Boston using technology and creativity, and was designed by Boston-based Howeler and Yoon Architecture in response to a lack of opportunity for urban play in the city. Swing Time is located at the Lawn on D, a contemporary sculpture park that borders on the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center on D Street on the city’s southern waterfront. The Lawn on D belongs to Boston’s newly minted Innovation District, an experimental area designed to foster the city’s burgeoning technology sector. Mayor Thomas M. Menino has defined the Innovation District as an “urban environment that fosters innovation, collaboration, and entrepreneurship,” creating a unique challenge for the designers of Swing Time.

The project represents a fusion of technology and community engagement while providing a new platform to celebrate local ingenuity. Each swing is formed of custom moulded and welded polypropylene built in three sizes for optimal use by residents of all ages. Movement in each swing is measured by an internal accelerometer that triggers the change of colour in the LED lighting system, ranging from white to blue and purple. The brief from Howeler and Yoon adds: “Swing Time’s responsive play elements invite users to interact with the swings and with each other, activating the urban park and creating a community laboratory in the Innovation District and South Boston Neighbourhoods.”
source: arquitecturayempresaes

Sorpréndete con este parque experimental obra del estudio Höweler + Yoon Architecture para la ciudad de Boston. Es un parque interactivo pensado para el disfrute de toda la comunidad en el que las luces cambiantes de sus aros colgantes te invitan a dejar volar tu imaginación. Te parecerá estar columpiándote en la mismísima luna.

El proyecto del parque experimental que el estudio de arquitectura y paisajismo Höweler + Yoon Architecture a denominado Swing Time está enmarcado en el proyecto de la comunidad de Boston sobre el paisaje denominado The Lawn D.
El estudio ha propuesto una zona de juegos interactiva con los usuarios. El parque Swing Time está formado por 20 aros flotantes. La oscilación de los columpios y la emisión de luces de diferentes gamas cromáticas delimitan y crean un espacio público singular.

Los aros colgantes están fabricados con polipropileno en tres tamaños diferentes de modo que toda la comunidad pueda participar de la experiencia, hacer ejercicio, jugar o simplemente descansar en el Swing Time de manera individualizada o en grupo.

Técnicamente cada anillo está dotado de un sistema de iluminación LED que se dispone en el interior de cada aro y es el responsable de su iluminación. Técnicamente dispone de un micro-controlador que detecta el nivel de movimiento y un acelerómetro que mide la fuerza de aceleración de cada una de las piezas. Cuando los anillos se encuentran en reposo emiten una tenue luz blanca que ilumina toda el área de juegos. Al detectar el movimiento, el micro-controlador varía la iluminación interna y crea una luz en tonos púrpuras que crea un efecto vibrante con diferentes coloridos.
source: hafelegateway

Yerleştirme, Boston’da Boston Convention and Exhibition Center ile D Street arasında yeni bir şehir parkı yaratmak için oluşturulan geçici bir parkta gerçektirildi. Salıncaklar kaynak yapılmış polipropilenden özel olarak üretilmiş. Birbirinden farklı üç şekilde tasarlanan salıncaklar sayesinde kullanıcılar bir araya gelip oyuna katılıp Swing Time ile tek başlarına ya da gruplar halinde eğlenebiliyorlar. Salıncaklarda yer alan LED aydınlatmalar küçük bir kontrolör yardımıyla salıncağın aktif olup olmadığı konusunda dışarıya görsel bir uyarı vermiş oluyor. Dahili ivme ölçer, salıncağın hızını ayarlıyor. Salıncaklar kullanılmaz ve sabit dururlarken yumuşak bir beyaz ışık etrafı aydınlatıyor; ancak salıncaklar kullanımdayken mikro-kontroller sayesinde üzerinde yanan ışık beyazdan mor renge dönüşüyor ve daha renkli bir etki yaratılmış oluyor. Oyuna çağıran Swing Time, onu kullanılan kişi ve herkesin birbiriyle etkileşime girmesine olanak tanıyor.
source: celevy

漫画やアニメのシーンでよく目にした「三日月に腰掛ける」というあのシチュエーション。子供の頃に夢見たあのシーンを味わえる公園がアメリカのボストンに登場しました。この公園は「The Lawn on D」と呼ばれ、様々なイベントやインスタレーションを行う場として地域活性化プロジェクトの一つで公開されているそうです。

そのインスタレーションの一つとして今回登場したのがこの三日月形ブランコ「Swing Time(スウィング・タイム)」。制作したのは建築やマルチメディアデザインを手がける「Howeler + Yoon Architecture」

