


source: iancochran

I am interested in layers, internal structure, and the formation of objects. I have always been drawn to the composition of matter in our world. I find objects to be a good medium to create an analog for humans and our understanding and experience of the reality we live in. They show us the world in a fairly unbiased way. Geometry is one of the foundations of the cohesion common to all form. At a very basic level all things are molecules bonded together at angles. I am fascinated with the ways in which all things share basic foundational elements with infinite capacities.

The way the mind reads objects give insight into the way I create sculpture. I compose forms and materials together in order to reference the way that structure can be read throughout the tiers of formation of matter e.g., molecular bonding. The logic and configuration of the physical world has rules that can’t be broken. Objects occupy the same space as we do and we must both adhere to the same physical properties of the fabric of the universe. Human beings have a close relationship to matter and I believe that at some level we are able to read and see objects for their physical reality and are able to see the world we live in through them. I’m interested in creating things that compel the viewer to look a little more closely at our reality and the way we perceive it.

I achieve this by creating work that makes use of mass, volume and the understanding we have of these. Whether that’s through architectonic formations, solid volumes, or lines within space that create that same understanding of volume. I also employ other visual phenomena such as the qualities of space and light or the way in which light can create space. I find it interesting to work with the combination of three-dimensional space and two-dimensional space, the transition between these, as well as the interstices. I strive to create sculptures which acknowledge the space where they exist and teach us about the world we exist in.
source: brooklynartscouncilorg

Ian Cochran grew up in Chicago before receiving a BFA in Sculpture at the Kansas City Art Institute, Missouri. Ian Currently lives in Brooklyn and works as an artist assistant in Greenpoint.