

제이콥 하시모토

Superabundant Atmosphere

source: jacobhashimoto

Born, Greeley Colorado 1973 | Lives in New York City

Jacob Hashimoto simulates nature without purporting to replicate it. Based in New York and of Japanese decent, Hashimoto redefines Japanese screen painting with his assemblages of paper “kites” in undulating, interactive compositions. Jacob is represented by Studio La Citta, Rhona Hoffman Gallery, Galerie Forsblom and Mary Boone Gallery.

Hashimoto’s artwork embodies his longtime fascination with the intersections of painting and sculpture, abstraction and landscape. Each work is comprised of hundreds of small bamboo and paper kite-like elements. These kite elements are strung together in chains, and layers of these chains are stretched taut between short dowels that project from wall-mounted brackets, creating a densely layered and fragmented tapestry of image or pattern.

The elements forming these tapestries are a solid color of paper, or a complex, collaged pattern of multicolored cut paper. While the individual components remain more or less abstract, overall, clusters of pattern, stripes, or waves of color are formed, giving the works a pictorial quality that suggests organic forms, vistas, scrolling video games, or even board games. Through this unique process Hashimoto’s works convey an ephemeral wonder, entrancing the viewer with their continuously shifting illusion of light, space, motion, and sense of flight. Hashimoto’s working method is very open-ended, allowing him to sample art-historical references, icons of the every-day, and mismatched narratives within each composition.
source: jacobhashimoto

Superabundant Atmosphere, an installation by Jacob Hashimoto includes thousands of shimmering white “kites,” each handmade from silk glued over a tied bamboo frame. During the installation process, Hashimoto and five assistants will string the kites together and suspend them from the gallery ceiling, creating an enormous sculptural cloud rising upward and outward from the rear of the gallery. Although Hashimoto makes use of traditional kite-making materials and techniques, the small kites that form his installations do not actually fly. Instead, they are the modular units that he multiplies and arranges into structures that, while monumental in scale, appear to be weightless. As the light that streams through the gallery’s front window changes throughout the day, so too, will the appearance of Superabundant Atmosphere. Sometimes the installation will seem buoyant and ethereal, while at other times it will appear to be a solid mass. In any guise, Hashimoto intends for Superabundant Atmosphere to convey a sense of wonder and playfulness, as visitors encounter, walk around, and react to its presence.
source: murmurevisibleblogspot

“Jacob Hashimoto est né en 1973 aux Etats-Unis. Il vit et travaille entre New York et Verone, Italie.
Hashimoto réinterprète la peinture japonaise sur paravent en utilisant les techniques traditionnelles de fabrication de cerf volant pour composer ses installations murales tridimensionnelles à base de papier de riz, de suspensions de bambous et de ficelles. Son œuvre à pour origine une fascination de longue date pour la peinture et la sculpture, l’abstraction et le paysage s’inscrivant ainsi à l’intersection de ces disciplines. En effet, ni peinture, ni sculpture, les compositions de Hashimoto flottent délicatement devant les yeux, en créant des illusions de lumière, d’espace et de mouvement.”
source: arteculturamodablogspot

Jacob Hashimoto é um artista visual, nascido em 1973 no Colorado, EUA e reside em NY.
Ele cria estruturas-objetos tridimencionais compostas de várias miniaturas todas confeccionados com papel arroz, bambu. Algumas com fundo branco e outras com aplicações, tudo suspenso e unido por fios de pesca. Umas circulares, outras exagonais, outras ovais.
Um trabalho delicado, formando cascatas, nuvens, lindo, lindo. Apesar de ser americano, podemos ver a influência da herança oriental no seu trabalho.
source: blognaver

제이콥 하시모토의 Ephemeral Installations는 전체적으로 부드러운
화이트의 색조로 가벼운 rice paper를 이용해 몽환적인 동양적 정서를 표
부드러운 느낌이 동양의 종이연을 보는 듯 하다

조명에 따라 여러가지 영감을 느끼게 해주는 작품이다
[출처] 종이로 만든 몽환적 설치작품 Jacob Hashimoto’s Ephemeral Installations[패션인테리어,매장인테리어]|작성자 PIF스토리