Cybertecture Egg
source: jameslawcybertecture
In the 21st Century, buildings will not be created by just concrete, steel and glass of the 20th Century, but also with the intangible materials of technology,
multimedia, intelligence and interactivit .
Buildings are no longer about. This enlightment gives rise to a new form of architecture – “Cybertecture”
The concept for the Cybertecture Egg was inspired by looking at the world in terms of the planet, being a self sustaining vessel with an ecosystem that allows life to exist, grow and evolve. Like planet earth, the building exudes a sustainable ecosystem, derived from an integrated and seamless Cybertecture to give the building’s inhabitants a conducive environment to work in.
Cybertecture is the revolutionary concept that provides a symbiotic relationship between the urban fabric and technology. Pioneered in 2001, Cybertecture forges both the hardware of the built environment and software systems and technologies from the micro to macro scales of development.
The genesis of Cybertecture is in response to man’s progress into the 21st century, where working and living environments need to adapt and evolve to cope with the demands of modern working life. It plays an integral part in this evolution by providing awareness and connectivity via seamless integration of technology into the fabric of space.
Cybertecture designs, from technology, products and interiors to systems, buildings and masterplans, allow flexibility and accessibility to inform, adapt, react, communicate, manipulate and control environments, whilst being sustainable and environmentally considered in application and context.
Cybertecture embraces the future through continuous innovation and evolution of design and technology. It provides a myriad of solutions, all of which are diverse in individual application but holistic to the overall user environment, and always being integrated with innovation being pursued.
Cybertecture is the logical progression in the evolution of design and technology. Innovating locally and affecting globally, it addresses the fundamentals of sustainable and balanced designs, with every step taken in consideration to local and global impact.
In a world fast growing and developing with limited resources, Cybertecture aims to create more awareness with healthier environments to live, work and play in.
source: designdirectory
James Law Cybertecture International is a multidisciplinary design and builds practice, which pioneered the concept of Cybertecture in 2001. This 21st Century discipline weaves the hardware and software of the urban fabric and built reality into a seamless fusion of architecture, technology and engineering, resulting in cyber-based solutions for a lifestyle for the future. With over 100 personnel based in offices in Hong Kong, the UAE and India, the company is organized around two main divisions: Cyber Design, which undertakes Cybertecture buildings, interiors, multi-media, urban design and masterplanning, and Special Projects which designs, develops and manufactures Cybertecture Technologies. The company is responsible for designing some of the most innovative Cybertecture projects in the world, including the world’s first artificial intelligence media laboratory for the Hong Kong Government; the world’s first Bricks & Clicks shopping mall for Dickson Cyber Express; the world’s first morphable house in partnership with IBM in Denmark; and the world’s first technologically integrated experience for the Electronic Arts Experience at The Peak in Hong Kong. The company has also received numerous awards, and has been accorded the Best Architecture Award by the CNBC Property Awards and International Property Awards, both at local and international levels. Such projects include the Pad tower in Dubai, (Best Residential Development Award and Best Arabian Architecture Award, 2007), the C70 project in Mumbai (Best Asian Architecture Award 2009), and the Technosphere in Jebel Ali, (Best Arabian Architecture Award and World Architecture Award, 2009).
Through its Special Projects division, the company is developing key products which will rewrite and redefine the components for living in the 21st century. From mass produced multi-media pavilions, to city-wide monitoring systems, to integrated health and well being devices, these innovations will evolve the urban context of man. The Cybertecture Mirror is the latest product to be launched and has received world-wide acclaim. James Law Cybertecture goes beyond the norm in its design ideology and execution, through promoting and championing the pursuit of a symbiotic, sustainable urban fabric and integrating technologies into the familiar glass, steel and concrete environment of the 21st century.
source: lightandbeyond
James Law is Chief Cybertect and James Law Cybertecture International is a global consultancy specializing in futuristic architecture, infrastructure and city planning and advance research and production of custom software applications that power Cybertecture projects. What is Cybertecture? A vision of the world, in which the now and future world is designed and created inspired in a symbiotic balance between space and technology.
In the merging of these services and projects, James Law Cybertecture International develops the core Cybertecture vision of the world, in which the now and future world is designed and created inspired in a symbiotic balance between space and technology. James Law has designed some of the most innovative Cybertecture projects in the world, including the world’s first artificial intelligence media laboratory for the Hong Kong Government; the world’s first Bricks & Clicks shopping mall – Dickson Cyber Express; and the world’s first “morphable” house in partnership with IBM in Denmark.
In Asia, James Law Cybertecture International is currently designing projects in India , China, Korea, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Japan and Hong Kong including projects for China’s largest interactive Cybertecture center for China Telecom, a new chain of automated cyber post offices for the Hong Kong Post Office, Egg Shaped Office Building in mumbai as well as the world’s first Electronics Arts Experience for Electronic Arts of America.
Recently, James Law Cybertecture International was involved in the conceptual design of a Cybertecture Memorial Plaza at the site of the fallen World Trade Center Towers in United States.
James Law Cybertecture is also consulting for the United Nations for the design of a virtual world archive designed to preserve World Heritage Sites.
James Law Cybertecture International is currently working with unspecified partners on a worldwide memory communication project code name OHM that revolutionizes the function of communication between the entire population on earth based on memory fragments.
In 2004, James Law was selected as the only Chinese recipient of the Asian Innovation Award given by the President of Singapore. In the same year, the Prime Minister of Sri Lanka invited James Law to participate in a brainstorming presentation on the topic of Cybertecture for the future planning and reconstruction of Sri Lanka.
James Law has lectured in UK, Hong Kong, Japan and China on the topic of Cybertecture, and has been guest lecturer at universities throughout the region. As an architect, James Law won the prestigious Royal Institute of Architect Award for Design in an International Competition and has subsequently become a member of the Royal Institute of British Architects. James Law is also a member of several think tanks broadly encompassing the issues of future technology, design and Cybertecture. James Law was previously a director of internationally renown US architectural design firm Gensler International prior to setting up James Law Cybertecture International on the first day of the new century 2001.
We exchange couple of mails & I have recommended him for a 5 star Hotel Project. I really hope that we can work together for upcoming Hotel Project.
After Terrorist Attack in Mumbai last week I would suggest him to Design Special Scanning System & Evacuation System for his Cybertecture Egg project in Mumbai.
source: animalworld
Гонконгская архитектурная компания James Law Cybertecture International ввела в обиход оригинальный термин – cybertecture, определяющий новый уровень современной архитектуры. По словам специалистов компании, в 21-м веке здания нужно строить не только из бетона, стали и стекла – эти традиционные материалы нужно органично соединить с мультимедийными интерактивными технологиями.
Примером такого сверхсовременного здания стал проект Cybertecture Egg для индийского города Мумбаи. Постройка, возведенная по технологиям cybertecture, будет иметь вид гигантского яйца и станет символом нового этапа развития Индии в 21 веке.
Архитектурная концепция Cybertecture Egg основана на восприятии здания как отдельной самостоятельной планеты. Точно так же, как и Земля, здание будет иметь свои эко-системы в виде зеленых садов и свое население.
Административно-офисное здание площадью 33 000 м² будет состоять из 13 надземных уровней со служебными помещениями и трех подземных, обеспечивающих 400 парковочных автомобильных мест. Кроме системы солнечных батарей и ветряных установок для использования природных ресурсов, Cybertecture Egg предусматривает большую площадь внутренних садов для дополнительного охлаждения здания и систему вторичной переработки воды для полива растений.
Каркас здания нетрадиционной формы будет выполнен по технологии diagrid exo, которая позволяет создавать гибкие пространства без внутренних перегородок. Кроме того, такая система сокращает использование строительных материалов примерно на 15 % по сравнению с традиционными ортогональными постройками.
Главным достоинством проекта Cybertecture Egg, помимо оригинальной формы и зеленых технологий, станет компьютерная система «умный дом». В частности, технология здоровья Cybertecture позволит обитателям здания контролировать свое кровяное давление и вес при помощи встроенных датчиков, расположенных во внутренних помещениях.
source: antiguopasalavida
Asombroso este edificio de oficinas con forma ovoide, tendrá trece pisos y estará situado en la ciudad de Mumbay (Bombay). Es un encargo que ha hecho la constructora india Vijay Associates al estudio de arquitectura James Law Cybertecture. El edificio estará construido en 2010 en el nuevo distrito de negocios de la ciudad india.
source: novinky
Projekt Cybertecture Egg překvapí mnohé neobvyklým tvarem a nezvyklou koncepcí. V indické Bombaji totiž vyroste už za dva roky třináctipatrová komerční budova, jejíž architektonické ztvárnění nenechá nikoho na pochybách o tom, že se jedná o výjimečnou stavbu. Stavby 21. století by měly dle názorů některých architektů narozdíl od těch minulých využívat více nehmotných prostředků – multimediálních technologií, know-how, interaktivních prvků a nových, nezvyklých architektonických řešení. Co se týče materiálů, tak strohý beton by měla nahradit vzletnější kombinace sklo – kov.
Jedním z odvážnějších projektů v tomto smyslu je budova ve tvaru skleněného vejce, která by měla vyrůst v indickém městě Bombaj. Námět pochází z dílny studia James Law Cybertecture International a dle svých tvůrců nese i název „Cybertecture Egg“.
Cybertecture Egg
.: Cybertecture Egg Foto: James Law Cybertecture
Projekt se zejména svým zakulaceným skleněným pláštěm hlásí k přírodním motivům a evolučnímu systému. Tvar vejce symbolizuje počátek vývoje života. Tvar budovy si lze interpretovat také jako na planetu Zemi, která svým obyvatelům (v tomto případě pracovníkům uvnitř domu) chce poskytnout co odpovídající životní a pracovní podmínky.
Celá koncepce je zaměřená do budoucnosti, do 21. století. Vejce je na jedné straně jakoby useknuté, takže oválný tvar je náhle narušen plochou stěnou. Třináct pater kanceláří a na vrcholu terasy by se mělo otevřít už v roce 2010.
Tvar vejce má za důsledek, že povrch je ve srovnání se zhruba stejně velkou, ovšem konvenčně tvarovanou budovou asi o 10-20 % menší.
source: enqisblogi
ჰონკონგის არქიტექტურულმა კომპანიამ James Law Cybertecture International–მა შემოღო ორიგინალური ტერმინი –სუბერტექტურა.სპეციალისტების აზრით 21–ე საუკუნეში შენობები უნდა აშენდეს არა მარტო ფოლადით,მინით და ბეტონით,არამედ ეს ტრადიციული მასალები ორგანულად უნდა შეერწყას ინტერაქტიურ მულტიმედიურ ტექნოლოგიებს.
Здание-яйцо (Cybertecture Egg)
ზეთენამედროვე შენობის მაგალითად იქცა პროექტი Cybertecture Egg ინდოეთის ქალაქ მუმბაისათვის. შენობას ექნება გიგანტური კვერცხის ფორმა და იქნება სიმბოლო ინდოეთის განვითარებისა 21–ე საუკუნეში.
შენობის ფართობი იქნება 33 000კვადრატული მეტრი,ზემოთ 13 სართული და მიწისქვეშ 3 სართული,400 ავტომობილის პარკირების ადგილით.აღჭურვილი იქნება მზის ბატარეებით და ქარის ტურბინებით,კომპიუტერული სისტემით “ჭკვიანი სახლი”.დიდ ფართობზე იქნება შიდა ბაღები და წყლის მეორადი გადამუშავების სისტემა მცენარეების მოსარწყავად.
source: 21cad
由James Law Cybertecture International设计的The Cybertecture Egg,孟买二十一世纪建筑物, 已经不再只限于混凝土、钢筋及玻璃,当中亦已包括了新的物料,如科技、多媒体、智能及互动元素,令建筑能发挥更多可能性及多元化,这正是Cybertecture应用于建筑的理念。 The Cybertecture Egg位于印度孟买价值最高的商业区, 是一幢13层高的商业大楼。其地标式的设计包含了环保元素、智能系统及新机械特质等;由于大楼歪斜的设计,可减低阳光的直接照射,因此其可用空间相对传统的大楼亦较为少了10-20%,但另一方面,大楼配合了计算机及科技的应用,大大提升了大楼的整体设计。 The Cybertecture Egg闪耀的设计仿如宝石般照耀着周边的大楼, 另外, 由于套用了Cybertecture的概念,大楼里面是一个长达30米的无柱空间设计,令用者享受到Cybertecture带来的灵活及无限可能的好处,亦为印度孟买带来二十一世纪最创新的大楼。
source: archibaleni
La ‘cyber architettura’ a forma di uovo, del visionario progettista alla guida dello studio James Law Cybertecture International di Hong Kong studia l’equilibrio tra spazio e tecnologia al fine di una integrazione del mondo architettonico con le nuove tecnologie digitali.
source: nortuspinger
“Cybertektoniczne Jajo” łączy architekturę, infra-strukturę,nowe technologie i sztuczną inteligen-cję. Ten nowoczesny biurowiec przypomina obiekt z filmu Sci-Fi, kształtem nawiązujący do jajka. Ciekawy i zaskakujący jest przykładem architektu-ry na miarę XXI wieku. Projekt zlokalizowany w dzielnicy biznesowej w Bombaju ma być ukończony w 2010 roku.
Jajkiem nazwany jest także ratusz w Londynie , znajdujący się na południowym brzegu Tamizy, zaprojektowany przez Sir Normana Fostera w 2002r. Budynek porównywany jest z niekształtnym jajkiem dzięki czemu jest dobrze rozpoznawalny.