
James McNabb

City Table

James McNabb

source: highlike

Work: The journey from the suburbs to the city has a way of flipping our world upside down. This table provides several dynamic views from extreme perspectives allowing viewers to see the urban landscape in ways they have never seen before.

The City Series is a collection of wood sculptures that represent a woodworker’s journey from the suburbs to the city. Each piece depicts the outsider’s perspective of the urban landscape. Made entirely of scrap wood, this work is an interpretation of making something out of nothing. Each piece is cut intuitively on a band saw. The result is a collection of architectural forms, each distinctly different from the next.
Photographer: James McNabb
source: kickstarter

The City Series is a collection of wood sculptures that represent a woodworker’s journey from the suburbs to the city. Each piece depicts the outsider’s perspective of the urban landscape. Made entirely of scrap wood, this work is an interpretation of making something out of nothing. Each piece is cut intuitively on a band saw. The result is a collection of architectural forms, each distinctly different from the next.

We are amazed by the overwhelming amount of positive feedback we’ve received lately, and its time for us to begin making the next generation of pieces for this collection.

We’ve chosen Kickstarter to announce that we’re breaking ground on the next chapter of the City Series, and to ask our supporters to help make it possible. It is our goal to double the size of the collection with new and improved city inspired sculptures by the end of 2013. We are also seeking venues to exhibit the entire collection in major Metropolitan areas like New York and Philadelphia.

We are currently stock piling scrap wood from various locations, but the cost of making this work is still very expensive. The new designs will require new equipment and a plentiful inventory of supplies. When we find a venue to exhibit this work, we will need funding to make pedestals, shipping crates, and promotional materials.
source: teroforma

Pennsylvania based artist James McNabb has created these gorgeous wood sculptures by collection scraps of wood and then cutting away at them with a band saw. He refers to this process as “sketching with a band saw,” he mentions that his original intent was not skylines but rather the creation of pieces resembling tools and other objects. After creating close to 250 of these objects in one day the cityscape began to take form. Regardless of the original intent having been lost McNabb’s creations are beautiful and fascinating to inspect up close. I love how you can still see the rough edges left by the saw and the colored ends of the scrap wood. Oh, and check out the shadows these cast, very cool, potentially my favorite part.
source: journal-du-design

L’artiste James McNabb basé en Pennsylvanie, signe pour la MFA Thesis Exhibit, une collection de petits bijouxs architecturaux en bois. Il décrit son processus comme « une esquisse avec une scie à ruban » et dont son intention initiale n’était pas de construire des lignes d’horizon semblables au paysage urbain des villes, mais de créer des pièces en bois individuelles étrangement familières à des buildings.

C’est après avoir construit près de 250 petits objets en un seul jour, qu’il a commencé à les rassembler pour donner vie à ces fresques incroyables.
source: arhinovosti

Работая с отходами древесины, американский дизайнер Джеймса Макнабб (James McNabb), решает сразу две проблемы – привлекает внимание к проблеме перенаселенности современных городов и решает проблему утилизации древесных отходов.

Начиналось его хобби довольно прозаично, вырезая фигурные колодки для уникальной партии мебели, он обратил внимание, что они похоже на небоскребы, и через какое-то время на свет появился проект «The City Series», серия городских пейзажей из отходов древесины. Все его мини-города необычной формы, город-колесо полуметровой высоты, собранный из пяти тысяч отдельных зданий, город-шар, перевернутый город в виде стола. «Мои деревянные городские пейзажи – это мой мир безграничных возможностей» – говорит Джеймса Макнабб. Он считает процесс выпиливания зданий, сродни медитации, расслабляющим и благотворно на него влияющим, так как не нужно концентрировать внимание на технических моментах, и можно полностью отдаться на волю фантазии. Каждое здание его мини-городов уникально – двух одинаковых нет.
source: saoromaomoveis

“Série City” consiste em esculturas de madeiras espetaculares sobre uma visada de uma cidade como se fosse vista de um avião. James se inspirou em paisagens urbanas e escolheu a engrenar seus conhecimentos de carpintaria para esta série de paisagens urbanas. Esculturas altamente detalhadas são feitas de restos de madeira descartada e a cada uma, a arquitetura é única. Inspirados em Filadélfia designer o artesão James McNabb foi o artista que assinou essa bela obra de arte.
source: mydesy

這顆看起來奔放的球體是木雕藝術家 James McNabb 的作品「City Sphere」,他擅長以木頭為材料,將城市的風貌以相當奇妙的方式來呈現,大家應該能從這顆像極刺蝟的作品中發現。

建築是他作品裡的主要架構,透過高高低低、外型大不相同的大廈建築的並列結合,使得木雕本身散發出一種不同的現代都會感。而平常大編都是帶大家欣賞各式各樣已經完成的作品,但今天則是要帶大家來看看這顆奇妙的城市建築球的創作過程~ McNabb 的創作理念之一就是「環保」,身為木雕藝術家的他會盡可能的減少木材的使用,大量利用廢棄與零碎的材料來完成創作。上頭這顆木球若以單一木材而來,必須削掉相當多的部份,因此他選擇利用三塊零碎的木材結合,最後磨製成完美的球體。


如同剛才所提到的,以零碎木材為主要創作材料的 McNabb 在建築的雕刻上當然也是採取始終如一的態度,而且不只是木材的長短不用多加修改就能做出參差不齊的效果,就連不同木質的材料所呈現出的顏色差異,也是他作品中的一大特色。

很快的進行到收尾的階段,其實 City Sphere 的創作過程不難理解,但要如何讓它變得好看有型就需要一番磨練了。藝術家先將球體吊在天花板上,在把剛雕刻好的建築們給裝到一個個的凹洞裡,至於哪棟建築該放哪就是全憑個人喜好,只要做出錯落不齊的高低落差即可。為了要讓整體看起來是有活力的,除了小部分的參差不齊是不夠的,McNabb在覆蓋率達到百分之五十後,遍開始研究讓作品看起來更有特色,就整體來看也要是不整齊的才有意思。所以他選擇把球體組合成左右不均勻,形成傾斜的軸心與微妙的平衡。最後的最後就完成了這顆「City Sphere」,在各大展覽中,總是很能吸引各家媒體與觀眾的目光,還能輕推作品與它互動。介紹完這一系列的創作過程,如果對它很有興趣,同時自己也有些木工底子的朋友,不妨也在家裡試做一顆,客廳裝潢瞬間轉變風格,博物館也差不多是這麼一回事吧!
source: newsbeastgr

Πρόκειται για κατασκευές που θα ζήλευαν και οι πιο ταλαντούχοι αρχιτέκτονες, αφού αποτυπώνουν με απόλυτη ακρίβεια την πραγματικότητα. Πίσω από αυτές βρίσκεται ο καλλιτέχνης ονόματι James McNabb, ο οποίος τοποθετεί το ένα κτίριο δίπλα στο άλλο σχηματίζοντας τελικά μια μεγαλούπολη και για την ακρίβεια το Μανχάταν. Οι ουρανοξύστες που είναι φτιαγμένοι από σκαλισμένο ξύλο έχουν διαφορετικά σχήματα και μεγέθη για να αποδίδουν αυτήν ακριβώς την ασυμμετρία των κτιρίων της αληθινής Νέας Υόρκης. Η συλλογή απαρτίζεται συνολικά από 5.000 κτίρια.
source: mimarimedya

Amerika’lı sanatçı James McNabb tarafından yapılan bu çalışmalar kentlerin fütüristik manzaralarının belki biraz karikatürize edilmiş hallerini yansıtan doğaçlamalar olmasıyla oldukça başarılı ve dikkat çekici çalışmalar olarak karşımıza çıkıyor. Fazla söze gerek yok , mimari ve endüstriyel tasarım konularının biraz yorumlanıp biraz harmanlanmasıyla çarpıcı sonuçlar elde edilmiş..Sizi çalışmalarla baş başa bırakıyorum..İyi seyirler.
source: hisitaly

Il McNabb Studio è formato da James, Stephanie ed il loro cane Buster (sommo esperto di dormite e mangiate). Le loro più grandi passioni sono i dettagli, il legno e ovviamente il design.

Nella loro serie Big City l’intento è quello di tradurre in legno tutto quello che le città possono comunicare, tutte le ambizioni di chi decide di trasferirsi per brevi o lunghi periodi, le infinite possibilità che si annidano in ogni angolo… siano esse di fallimento o di grande successo.

Chiuso nel suo studio di Philadelphia, James ha tenuto fuori tutto lo stress per cercare “creare qualcosa dal nulla” con un lavoro che ha definito meditativo e terapeutico; semplici scarti di legno che, lavorati minuziosamente, hanno il potere di far viaggiare la mente e allietare lo sguardo.