


source: highlike
Statement: Helsinki, Finland-based photographer Janne Parviainen has been light painting since 2008, and recently created series of experimental photos showing a technique he calls Light Topography. Using a single LED light for each image, he carefully traces over every surface in the scene while the camera’s shutter is open. Fully tracing a room can take as long as half an hour. The resulting light outlines provide a trippy look at what each space contains. -Petapixel, Michael Zhang For years Janne Parviainen worked as a painter, happy with two-dimensions, until he came across light painting photography. He realized the technique could bring out that third, illusive dimension of depth in a way paint and canvas could not. His topographic light paintings circumscribe surfaces and people throughout his house, creating captivating 3-D models in the process. Parviainen first started in 2007 by using small LED lights to trace human bodies, using his wife and himself for models. He quickly grew more ambitious, creating multi-person shots where he would trace himself multiple times, creating the appearance of an entire audience. While many light painting projects can become gimmicky, Parviainen’s images build on the format with his own techniques and perspective. He uses a Sony Alpha DSLR-A200 to make the shots and says there is absolutely no post processing. He purposely shoots both JPEG and Raw at the same time so that he can post the JPEGs online without converting them. -Wired.com, Jakob Schiller It looks as if someone has captured paranormal activity invading a house, as neon waves of light roll over a lifeless body. But far from supernatural, this is the work of an artist armed with a kid’s torch and a lot of patience. Over the last four years Finnish photographer Janne Parviainen has created a series of light paintings using only a camera and led torches. Parviainen simply calculates his settings, opens the shutter, and then spends ‘a few seconds to hours, depending’, tracing a room with his LED to create images straight from the camera lens. -Daily Mail, Anna Edwards.
Work: Single image with no post processing of any kind. The effects are done with a white led light while camera is on long exposure. Exposure time 1731 seconds.
Photographer: Janne Parviainen
source: lightpaintingphotography
Light Painter Janne Parviainen, also known as JANNEPAINT, is a full time artist who has been snapping photographs for over fifteen years. Like many light painters his discovery of the medium was an accident. In early 2007, Janne was out at night capturing long exposure photographs and accidentally bumped his camera, when he looked at his photograph the street lights had left streaks that appeared to be writing in the image; from that point on Janne was a Light Painter. Janne is well known for his light painting figures and recently he has been producing some amazing skeleton imagery. His favorite things about light painting are the urban exploration and the constant source of inspiration that it provides him. Janne is not only a talented light painter he is also an accomplished oil painter. He creates color painting on glass that are incredible!
source: offmag
Janne Parviainen has created a personal painting technique that reflects the urban and technology centered life of today. His most common subjects are city environments and nature landscapes.
Parviainen paints on old, used windows with his mixed-technique that involves oil color, metal leaves and permanent markers. Working on both sides of the glass, he produces a very strong feeling of depth and space into his paintings. As a historical element, the old window panes create a story of their own; life has been observed through the windows countless times before in their previous use. The metal leaves presenting the sky with their luminosity and reflections emphasize the paintings’ technology-influenced appearence and so on distract it from the traditional nature portraits.
In the paintings of Janne Parviainen the urban landscapes – built by human hands and forgotten by the public eye – represent the city and it’s emotional concept. For today’s urban people, Finnish national landscape no longer is a top-of-the-hill view opening to a summery lake, but a constructed urban view, a place where you can associate with your history, actions and memories. The view of the painting reaches the city structures from a distance, like a snapshot through a window. The viewer of the painting can only anticipate the presence of people, they are not visible.
Light painting photography is an art form in which photos are manipulated manually using different kind of light sources during long exposure times. The idea of the art form is not to use any post production to the photo at all, all photos should be straight from the camera. While the camera is exposing the area of the photo can be used as a canvas by moving different lights in it, as if drawing or painting to it. The exposure times used in light painting vary from a few seconds to hours, depending on the desired effect. The actual light painting can be done with colored strobes, flash lights, light toys or tools especially engineered for light painting.
“What interests me most in light painting is the ability to draw in three dimensional space and the possibility to alter the reality without post processing programs. I like to use in my photos different kind of figures such as skeletons and ghostly light creatures. By using these figures I can add more humane stories into my photos and alter the cultural learned feelings they cause in the viewer of the photo. I especially like to use the skeleton figure because of it’s strong pre-learned emotional concept and place it in totally different situations and emotional stages than in which it’s usually seen in popular culture. ”
source: fotopremiyaru
Cветографика, лайтпейнтинг, люминография, светограффити – все эти термины обозначают технику рисования светом при фотосъемке.
Фонарик, зажигалка или другой источник света – это кисти и краски художников света, а воздух – холст. Ну и конечно необходим фотоаппарат с настройкой длинной выдержки. При помощи камеры с длинной выдержкой и разноцветных лампочек получают удивительные картины, нарисованные светом.
source: digiphoto
想要利用光繪創作非常簡單,只要準備好三腳架、具有B快門的相機、快門線及會發光的工具,就可以完成了,在拍攝時,畫面光線的明顯於否,取快快門時間的長短。想畫出一幅好作品,需要有無止盡的耐心,不斷的重新反覆地測試,才能找到你的最佳線條。就像Janne Parviainen說的,他從幾秒鐘到幾小時的曝光時間都有,如果有找Model的話,也更需耐心的配合。
source: indieemergente
El artista finlandés Janne Parviainen es un visionario en su terreno al dejar de lado los pinceles y el lienzo y hacerse de los cristales de las ventanas, colores de aceite y marcadores permanentes. Esto es en lo que se refiere a su “pintura tradicional”. Otra de sus inclinaciones es el arte de la fotografía de las pinturas de luz. Su proceso se basa en la manipulación de las imágenes de forma manual, sin ninguna intervención digital de programas de diseño. El uso de la luz es transformada con los disparos fotográficos de larga exposición que realiza cada determinado tiempo. Al no existir intervención de la tecnología, exprime al máximo las características de la cámara y su imaginación para visualizar un producto que es realmente llamativo.
source: dailygeekshow
Un photographe américain a réalisé une impressionnante série de clichés à l’atmosphère psychédélique et hypnotisante grâce à la technique du light painting. Nous vous présentons ces rayonnantes photographies toutes plus envoûtantes les unes que les autres.Le light painting est une technique consistant à photographier une image pendant un long temps d’exposition. Durant ce laps de temps, il suffit de déplacer une source lumineuse dans le but de créer diverses formes, qui se retrouvent ensuite sur le cliché dans leur intégralité. Jeremy Jackson en a fait sa spécialité et a pour projet de monter des ateliers dans lesquels il transmettra son savoir aux intéressés.