source: fadedandblurred
Photography is a serious art, but I think sometimes photographers (like all artists) can take themselves too seriously. There is a constant desire to create something new and fresh. We face the day-to-day competition of the thousands of other photographers out there and the knowledge that everyday that number grows. Then there are the clients trying to get our services for next to nothing because, after all, anyone can press a shutter button. The constant pressure of trying to prove yourself can be overwhelming at times. It is important to take a step back once in awhile and remember that there is a joy in what we do. That is why I love work like that of Jean-Baptiste Courtier. I don’t know anything about him. His website is fairly sparse. I do know, though, that his work makes me smile. His photographs find the humor in themselves. It is not work that can be laughed at, but laughed with. You may question what they mean, that there has to be a deep symbolic philosophical undertone, but I don’t think there is. It’s just put out there for us to smile at. I wish he had more work out there because I would love to see what else he can come up with.