


Jenn Hudson

source: wephoto

波士顿艺术摄影师Jennifer B. Hudson有一系列高度个性化、令人惊叹的照片。她最近创作的两副图片着实吸引观赏者的眼球:绝妙的超现实主义照片展示了两个头与自然合为一体的人。充满了无穷的吸引力的这些图片有什么样的具体含义呢?

Hudson说这是探究记忆和记忆丧失的实验性作品。这一作品始于用有机材料为人制作盔甲或头饰的大型雕塑装置,最终的作品是数码照片,即10 x10英寸的油墨图片。
source: jenniferhudsonfineart

Jennifer B Thoreson (Hudson) is a fresh, young visual fine art photographer creating staged imagery that is both artistically stylized and meticulously crafted. Drawing inspirations from themes of faith, restitution and re-purpose, and the intricacy of personal relationships, Jennifer is a dynamic and emotional illustrator of the human heart. With an innate ability to plumb the antique, the work is soulful; seeking the use of the forgotten or discarded, eerie and quiet. Raised in a spiritual and conservative home in rural Texas, Jennifer grew up imaginative, curious, and experimental, and has used her upbringing in her intensely personal artwork to bring insight and awareness using heartfelt, acutely mapped personal experiences. Jennifer is currently working in Albuquerque. New Mexico. she is an MFA Degree Candidate at the University of New Mexico, and is studying within the studio art in Photography program. Alongside varied private portrait commissions, she is an international speaker and lecturer whose programs are sought after year after year by many professional public and private photographic organizations. She has just completed her latest major body of work entitled ‘Medic’, a collection of ten images exploring the breadth of human relationships during illness and recovery. Jennifer’s work has been a part of many group and solo exhibitions, and is represented by three major galleries across the country.