



source: escritoriodearterio

Usando luz, o artista sul coreano Jeongmoon Choi cria instalações que parecem brincar com a ilusão. Quem vê suas obras tem a sensação de estar em um cenário de ficção científica, já que as imagens formadas pelas linhas de luz parecem flutuar no contexto onde estão inseridas. A iluminação ultravioleta destaca os fios instalados no ambiente, criando “esculturas” que parecem representações digitais. Impressionante!
source: itsnicethat

We all know that lasers are cool. Statistically speaking they’re cooler than David Hasselhoff, Madonna and ice put together. Yessir. But what about threads posing as lasers? Just how cool are they exactly? It’s not a question that had ever crossed our minds until we saw the work of Jeongmoon Choi, a Korean artist who uses UV lighting and coloured thread to create striking installations. By shining UV rays onto geometrically arranged luminous threads Jeongmoon transforms galleries into spaces that resemble retro gaming grids and complex light shows. Tron fans take note, this is the fine artist for you!
source: plataformaarquitecturacl
El artista Jeongmoon Choi utiliza la luz y el hilo para crear instalaciones que juegan con los aspectos de la perspectiva y la ilusión. Con reminiscencias de algo producido en un espectáculo de luces láser, sus campos tridimensionales formados por líneas lumínicas, están instalados en un espacio ultravioleta para crear entornos interactivos.
Su trabajo consiste en proyectar la geometría, como la arquitectura, creando “esculturas” tridimensionales que brillan misteriosamente, como si se tratase de una representación digital.
La arquitectura proyectada, logra intervenir el campo y crear nuevos espacios geométricos, los cuales son iluminados con el objetivo de crear entornos interactivos.
source: etapes
Aujourd’hui basée à Berlin, l’artiste coréenne Choi Jeongmoon est diplômée de l’école des beaux-arts de Cassel. Son travail vise à redéfinir des espaces par l’utilisation de lumières UV. Ainsi elle conçoit des chambres, plongées dans le noir, dans lesquelles se dessinent des formes géométriques colorées qui interviennent sur le volume et la perspective. Choi Jeongmoon expose principalement ses installations en Europe et en Corée du Sud avec notamment des passages à Séoul.
source: beautifuldecay
Korean artist JeongMoon Choi uses surprisingly simple materials to create installations that appear to be pulled off the computer screen. Simply using thread and UV lights JeongMoon illuminates complex geometric patterns. The arranged thread patterns glow against the dark space at times resembling three dimensional plans. Her installations explore the gallery space, both literally and conceptually. Glowing angles bounce off walls and ceilings emphasizing an architectural space that typically tries to not attract notice.