Off II
source: rosenmunthe
Through digital communication like Facebook, Twitter, online dating and personal websites, the representation of our personality becomes more and more streamlined. We have the possibility to project an idea of how we are as a person into the world around us, but with the constant option of censoring information and invent fictional characteristics. Never have we had access to so much information about each other, and never has the information been so unreliable. In this project I have downloaded pictures of ‘friends’ that I only know through the Internet, and given them a new context. The persons are only visible through a digital representation, while the surroundings are as analog as possible. The sceneries are photographed places that invited to interaction – places that missed the company of human beings. The milieu adds a new meaning to the way the digital personas act, and gives their simplified characteristics meaning and personality again, by adding a setting to their digital components. The project looks directly at the dichotomy of digital and analog processes, juxtaposing one against the other, and challenges viewers to make sense of what seems like a fractured image. The images themselves provide scenes of isolation and loneliness, as the characters within are so seemingly detached from their environment.
These images come to life when the viewer move in relation to them – seen up close, the people are blurred and the viewer has to step back to bring the motive into focus. At the same time, the scene in which the person is placed is blurred when viewed from a distance. So you have to move back and forth – between non-figurative colored squares and figurative representations of personality.
source: ufunk
A photography project by artist Johan Rosenmunthe. Pixelated people, while the surroundings are as analog as possible. A way to think about our place in this new dematerialized environment. The artist use pictures found on Facebook, from people he only knows through the Internet.
Through digital communication like Facebook, Twitter, online dating and personal websites, the representation of our personality becomes more and more streamlined. We have the possibility to project an idea of how we are as a person into the world around us, but with the constant option of censoring information and invent fictional characteristics. Never have we had access to so much information about each other, and never has the information been so unreliable. In this project I have downloaded pictures of ‘friends’ that I only know through the Internet, and given them a new context. The persons are only visible through a digital representation, while the surroundings are as analog as possible. The sceneries are photographed places that invited to interaction – places that missed the company of human beings. The milieu adds a new meaning to the way the digital personas act, and gives their simplified characteristics meaning and personality again, by adding a setting to their digital components.
source: lamonomagazine
Os presentamos el ingenioso trabajo fotográfico realizado por el prolífico artista Johan Rosenmunthe (1982), llamado Off, que redunda sobre el concepto. La serie compuesta por fotografías selectivamente pixeladas, pretende ser una dicotomía entre los procesos digitales y los analógicos, yuxtaponiendo uno contra el otro, desafiando al espectador a dar sentido a lo que parece ser una imagen fracturada. Las personas retratadas sólo son visibles a través de una representación digital, mientras que los alrededores son completamente reales y casi analógicos, produciéndonos, en muchos casos, una cierta sensación de frustración al recordar la carga de una imagen fallida o una conexión a Internet lenta.
source: journal-du-design
Johan Rosenmunthe est un artiste photographe danois, il nous propose cette série de clichés baptisée « Off II, 2010″ où il met en scène les photos pixélisées d’amis virtuels qu’il n’a jamais rencontré dans la vie réelle. Ses « amis » sont ajoutés en photomontage à des lieux bien connus de l’artiste, une oeuvre qui met en parallèle la réalité et les sentiments virtuels.
source: zupi
Em seu último projeto chamado Off II 2010, o fotógrafo Johan Rosenmunthe fez download de fotografias de seus “amigos” conhecidos somente via internet e as deu um novo contexto, em paisagens frias e solitárias, somente as pessoas estão pixeladas ou, mais informalmente, em quadradinhos, e o fundo em alta resolução.
Por consequência do uso constante de plataformas como Facebook, Twitter e encontros online, a representação da nossa personalidade tornou-se completamente superficial. As mídias sociais nos dão a possibilidade de encontrar qualquer informação e, assim, projetar a ideia “perfeita” de como somos. As informações disponíveis podem nem sempre ser reais. Duvidar é o nosso dever.
Com as imagens pixeladas, Rosenmunthe cria a pergunta: “Será que sabemos como ela(e) é? Ou apenas sabemos o que achamos o que ele(a) é?”. Lembre-se, nada melhor do que o “cara a cara”. Confira as imagens do projeto abaixo.
source: mixedgrillnl
Vriend: persoon waarmee je door gevoelens van genegenheid bent verbonden, alsof Van Dale. Door social media, en Facebook in het bijzonder, heeft het woord vriend en de term vriendschap een heel andere betekenis gekregen. Sommige mensen hebben op Facebook honderden of zelfs duizenden vrienden, terwijl een actieve vriendschap onderhouden met een paar mensen. De Deense fotograaf Johan Rosenmunthe besefte dat ook en zette dat gevoel in beeld om. Hij downloadde foto’s van mensen die hij alleen via internet kende en blurde ze op de foto’s. Dat levert beelden op die afstandelijk en zelfs een beetje triest zijn. Rosenmunthe zegt zelf:
We have the possibility to project an idea of how we are as a person into the world around us, but with the constant option of censoring information and invent fictional characteristics. Never have we had access to so much information about each other, and never has the information been so unreliable.
source: twdcview
丹麥攝影師 Johan Rosenmunthe 在最新作品「Off II 2010」中,從社交網路上下載了幾位朋友的照片,將他們放在一個與現實毫無相關的情境中。有趣的是,這些人都是他在網路上僅有「點指之交」的朋友,幾乎不認識。
人物照片被馬賽克化,放入一個真實而平凡的場景,然而不論人物放得多大,或正做著什麼事,這畫面都顯得空洞而冷漠。Johan Rosenmunthe 觀察到隨著社群網站如 Facebook、Twitter 的氾濫,人們用幾個淺顯的詞語、幾張浮泛的照片來消費自己的人生,我們的個性、我們之所以為人的價值,正逐漸簡化。我們簡單地區分他人,同時也被簡單地記住,每個人如馬賽克一般,僅是幾個色塊組成,單一而模糊。
我們從未這麼了解彼此的生活細節,卻也從未感到這麼寂寞。」Johan Rosenmunthe 說道。他的作品疏離並且孤寂,其中的人影和身處的環境隔隔不入,亦如現實中的我們。
source: sgustok
Вербальное общение уходит на второй план, благодаря средствам современной связи, таким как фейсбук, твиттер, всевозможным чатам и форумам. Представление о человеке становится всё более и более размытым.
В виртуальной реальности каждому предоставляется возможность придумать себе любой образ. Так, например, простая школьница может выдавать себя за звезду телеэкрана, а известный общественный деятель на деле может оказаться аферистом.
«У нас никогда не было доступа к такому количеству информации друг о друге, и ещё никогда она не была такой ненадёжной. В этом проекте я скачал фотографии из «друзей», что я знаю только через Интернет, и дал им новый контекст. Лица заменяют пиксели, в то время как локации реальны. Декорации предлагают взаимодействие места и человека. Симбиоз окружающей среды и цифрового представления персонажа смывает значение и качества личности, по сути являясь лишь трафаретом для очередного образа», — Johan Rosenmunthe.
source: gigazine
風景写真に通りすがりの人が写り込んでしまった場合にモザイク処理をかけることもありますが、あえて全身をモザイク処理して、まるで人間だけが風景から浮き上がっているかのように見せている写真が紹介されていました。「Off」「Off II」という2つの作品はアーティストのJohan Rosenmunthe氏が作り出したもので、人物以外の部分は極力写真加工をせず、アナログとデジタルの差異を明確にする手法を取っています。