

Throwable Panoramic Ball Camera


source: jonaspfeilde
Panoramic photography creates fascinating images. Very wide angle images are closer to the human field of view than conventional pictures. If seen through a panoramic viewer they let us experience a location as if we were there. Panoramic image stitching can create panoramas from pictures taken one after another. Unfortunately, acquiring the images takes a lot of time and moving objects may cause ghosting. It is also difficult to obtain a full spherical panorama, because the downward picture cannot be captured while the camera is mounted on the tripod.
In this work, we present a throwable panoramic camera that solves these problems. The camera is thrown into the air and captures an image at the highest point of flight – when it is hardly moving. The camera takes full spherical panoramas, requires no preparation and images are taken instantaneously. It can capture scenes with many moving objects without producing ghosting artifacts and creates unique images.
Our camera uses 36 fixed-focus 2 megapixel mobile phone camera modules. The camera modules are mounted in a robust, 3D-printed, ball-shaped enclosure that is padded with foam and handles just like a ball. Our camera contains an accelerometer which we use to measure launch acceleration. Integration lets us predict rise time to the highest point, where we trigger the exposure. After catching the ball camera, pictures are downloaded in seconds using USB and automatically shown in our spherical panoramic viewer. This lets users interactively explore a full representation of the captured environment.
We used the camera to capture full spherical panoramas at scenic spots, in a crowded city square and in the middle of a group of people taking turns in throwing the camera. Above all we found that it is a very enjoyable, playful way to take pictures.

I am a computer engineer working at the intersection of hardware & software. I am also a co-founder and the CEO of Panono. I love problems and climbing.
I graduated with a Diplom (M.Sc.) from the TU Berlin.
This page contains projects I worked on at the TU Berlin and the University of Canterbury, New Zealand. I also participated several times in the German contest for young scientists “Jugend forscht” while still at school. In 2002 my team won the second place at the national level with a robot that orients via a ceiling-mounted ultrasonic tracking system.
source: paudelbibekwordpress
For photographers, taking pictures of a nature scene is quiet hard to do and will require a special skill. That is why Panoramic Ball Camera that can be thrown anywhere upward to take the perfect 360 degree panoramic image will be so helpful.

Panoramic ball camera is created by Jonas Pfeil. This camera is designed with specific functions to allow you to capture unique panoramic images with ease.

Jonas said, to be able to produce a good panoramic image, a photographer must take it from several angles and compare the entire photo results to find the best one.

To use Panoramic ball camera is quite easy. Just throw it then this camera will take 36 pictures while rolling.
source: iengenharia
Uma bola fotográfica – este é o conceito por trás da chamada Throwable Panoramic Ball Camera. O aparelho faz uma imagem panorâmica de 360º, já que possui 36 câmeras de celular acopladas em seu corpo esférico, protegido por espuma.

Quando você joga a bola para o alto, um acelerômetro calcula o ponto mais alto em que ela vai chegar. Nesse cume, a imagem panorâmica é capturada. Para visualizar a cena, basta transferir a imagem ao computador por meio de um cabo USB.

A qualidade da imagem não é tão boa, já que são feitas por câmeras de celular, mas o resultado é divertido. O aparelho foi apresentado durante uma conferência em Hong Kong, mas ainda não existem previsões de lançamento comercial.
source: vccsiataccn
Jonas Pfeil 是一名最近刚从柏林理工大学硕士毕业的电脑工程师,曾在柏林理工大学和新西兰坎特布雷大学工作。他的研究项目包括全景相机球,增强实境装置,通过合作式开发系统编码的泡沫切割机,音频局域网协作等等。

可抛式全景相机球,就是由Jonas Pfeil设计组装的一个概念装置。不仅仅是用来抛的,而且无论你在哪,它被抛起来以后都可以拍摄360°全景照片。这个创新的相机在球体的表面使用了36个手机摄像头,并且用泡沫材料保护起来。当你把相机球扔到空中的时候,内置的加速度计以便计算出抛物线的顶点,然后启动所有的摄像头拍下照片。


所以Jonas Pfeil 使用了可抛式的照相机来解决这些问题,相机内建的传感器会在相机抛物线最高点的时候启动相机拍下照片。全景相机球可以捕捉很多移动物体的影响而不会产生鬼影。




不过我们还不清楚这项创意是否能够变成商业化的产品。它已经在Siggraph Asia 2011展会上展出了,后面呢?我们就拭目以待吧。
source: prophoto-onlinede
Ungewöhnliche Fotos erfordern ungewöhnliche Maßnahmen und nicht jedem steht für Luftaufnahmen gleich ein Flugzeug zur Verfügung. Das dachte sich offenbar auch der Berliner Student Jonas Pfeil und entwickelte einen Ball der besonderen Art.

Das Besondere: Dieser Ball ist mit 36 Handykameras bestückt. Wird der Ball nun in die Luft geworfen, dann erstellen diese Kameras ein Bild, aus denen dann ein Panoramafoto in beeindruckender 360-Grad-Optik entsteht. Jede der Kameras erreicht eine Auflösung von zwei Megapixeln. Der Ball, der in etwa die Größe eines Handballs hat, ist mit einem robusten Schaumstoff überzogen. Dieses Gehäuse wurde übrigens im 3D-Verfahren erzeugt. Ein Messgerät im Ball sorgt dafür, dass die Kameras nicht direkt im Flug, sondern erst dann auslösen, wenn die Ballkameramaschine in der Luft nahezu zum Stillstand gekommen ist.

Der findige Student hat über den Kameraball eine Diplomarbeit mit dem Titel „Throwable Camera Array for Capturing Spherical Panoramas“ an der TU Berlin geschrieben und will das ungewöhnliche Flugobjekt auf der Messe Siggraph Asia 2011 präsentieren. Zudem hat er den Panoramaball eigenen Angaben zufolge bereits zum Patent angemeldet.