
Jorge Macchi


source: arteseanpblogspot

Jorge Macchi (1963-) Nasceu em Buenos Aires, onde vive e trabalha. Cursou a Escuela de Bellas Artes de Buenos Aires. Em 2001, recebeu bolsa da Fundação Gugenheim. Residência artística com bolsa na França, Holanda, Inglaterra, Alemanha e Itália. Usa a cidade e o cotidiano como elementos para suas obras. Há interação delas com a música e a escrita. Desenhos, vídeos, objetos e instalações. Participou das Bienais de São Paulo, Veneza, Istambul, Cuba e do MercoSul e São Paulo.
source: artspace

The Argentine conceptualist painter, sculptor, and filmmaker Jorge Macchi makes works that are challenging, loaded, and delightful in their utter simplicity. He doesn’t often tarry long in any one subject or medium, though he has shown an abiding interest in music and its representations. His 2003-4 video Caja de música (“music box”) turns overhead footage of a six-lane highway into an automatic musical instrument. In his found text piece Monoblock (2003), text from several pages of obituaries in an Argentine newspaper are excised, leaving only crosses, Stars of David, or crescent moons, used to note which religion the deceased had practiced. The result is contemplative collage of newsprint, in a shape reminiscent of an apartment block.

Macchi is the recipient of a Guggenheim Fellowship, retrospectives at the Walker Art Center, the Blanton Museum, and the Hammer Museum, and has participated in over a dozen biennials, including Venice and and Sydney.
source: artsynet

Considered one of Argentina’s leading living artists, Jorge Macchi works in a wide range of mediums, from sculpture and painting to installation, video, and conceptual and performance work. Macchi often begins his process with a drawing, giving form to an image that he finds compelling; some images will remain as drawings or watercolor sketches, while others evolve into three-dimensional works or videos. “Everything starts with an image, a sort of surprise in the midst of the linearity of daily experience,” he has said. Macchi is interested in chance and the accidental, and readymades—such as newspaper clippings, city maps, and sheet music—frequently find their way into his work. In Buenos Aires Tour (2003), a collaborative mixed-media work in which Macchi cracked a pane of glass over a city map in order to determine a random path through it, music, sounds, and other materials found along the route make up an alternative tour. He cites John Cage and Jorge-Luis Borges as influences.
source: proaorg

Jorge Macchi nació en Buenos Aires en 1963. Estudió arte en la Escuela Nacional de Bellas Artes de Buenos Aires y formó parte del grupo de artistas conocido como Grupo de la X. Entre 1994 y 2005 realizó residencias en el exterior invitado por fundaciones e instituciones de Francia, Holanda, Inglaterra, Alemania, Italia y Estados Unidos. En 2000 recibió el Premio Banco de la Nación Argentina y en 2001 recibió la beca Guggenheim. Como docente coordinó grupos de discusión y análisis de obra en Intercampos y en Lipac y, en 2009, el seminario de análisis de obra de la Universidad Torcuato Di Tella. Participó en diversas exposiciones en centros de arte contemporáneo de Argentina y el exterior y de las bienales de La Habana (2000), Porto Alegre (2003 y 2007), Estambul (2003), San Pablo (2004), Venecia (2005) y Yokohama (2008). Representó a la Argentina en la Bienal de Venecia 2005. Forma parte de la Colección Tedesco y de la exhibición Algunos Artistas / 90 – HOY. Vive y trabaja en Buenos Aires.