JULIEN PACAUD | highlike


Жульен Пако


source: melhorangulo

Julien Pacaud é um ilustrador e contador de histórias visuais que vive atualmente em Le Mans, na França.

Suas colagens digitais seguem o surrealismo e de alguma forma, são puxadas do retrô ao futurista. Apesar do estilo reconhecido pela mistura de muitas imagens, o trabalho do francês consegue receber menos informação e mais conceito. Ele ainda arrisca nas fotografias vintage para expressar temas modernos, e em mensagens de impacto para compor suas obras.
source: amagazine

Julien Pacaud is a self taught illustrator from Le Mans, France. After researching his work, I was amazed to discover that creating striking collages (for editorials for New York Magazine, Architectural Digest and Bentley Magazine to name a few) is not his only forte. Pacaud has experimented as a snooker champion, hypnotist, esperanto teacher and astrophysicist; but what I love most is his true passion: time travel. Although Pacaud’s interests are somewhat obscure, along side cinema and TV they all influence his uniquely eccentric work. The beauty of his work comes through bizarrely unexpected juxtapositions. From flying fish to giant women reclining on what he calls a ‘love labyrinth’, these totally dream-like scenarios are expressive masterpieces that draw you in with their evocative nature. Pacaud’s subject matter comes from a mixture of vintage imagery dating anywhere between the 1900’s to the 1970s. What make his collages unique is their sense of timelessness – making it hard to identify when or where a scene is taking place. Pacaud’s work is not a representation of political or social commentary but, put simply, he likes “to mix various eras and landscapes to create these parallel worlds or perpendicular dreams”. Pacaud says he is “also interested in the confrontation between the randomness of nature and man-made architecture”. We love Pacauds’ old-world collages for their futuristic approach and for his intensely striking colour palette that seems to fuse Salvador Dali with Mad Men.
source: quarksgallery


Julien Pacaud, born in France in 1972. From 1993 to 1996, Julien studies cinematography at Louis Lumière school in Paris, France. There he meets filmmaker Jean-Christophe Sanchez with whom he creates the «Institut Drahomira», an artistic entity in which they express themselves in various domains such as cinema, music, graphic arts, …

In 2002, after hesitating between becoming an astrophysician, a snooker player or an esperanto teacher, Julien discovers the possibilities of computer image manipulation and very soon realizes that this medium suits perfectly his desire of artistic creation. He starts to accumulate «digital collage» pieces, already working with bargain-hunted vintage imagery and trying to go beyond the usual «cut and paste» technique in order to create coherent-but- surrealistic strange worlds that he likes to call «Perpendicular Dreams».

In 2004, his first commissioned illustration work is for the CD cover artwork of the «Néons Blancs et Asphaltine» album, by french singer Arman Méliès. Since then, besides his personal creations, he works as a freelance illustrator, for press, advertising or music industry.

In 2010, he’s the winner of the Swatch Special Prize, at Illustrative Young Illustrators Awards.

He hopes he can soon have enough free time to devote himself to his real passion : time travel.
source: robotmafia

Fantastische Collagen des französischen Illustrators Julien Pacaud, der in Le Mans, Frankreich lebt. Ein Portfolio des Künstlers und Drucke seiner Bilder findet man auf seiner Website.
source: bewaremag

Julien Pacaud est un illustrateur français vivant au Mans. Son travail, inhabituel, combine de manière élégante et sophistiqué ; surréalisme, cubisme et rendu vintage. On peut supposer que l’artiste s’est inspiré de Salavador Dali pour son travail.

A l’origine Julien ne se destinait pas à l’illustration, cet intérêt lui est venu en s’intéressant à la fiction. Pour lui la fiction représente la meilleure alternative au monde réel, puisqu’il peut imaginer son propre univers.

Le rendu « vintage » de ses créations permet à Julien de prendre du recul par rapport à notre actualité quotidienne.
source: cultandartru

Жульен Пако – это креативный иллюстратор из Франции. Он создаёт удивительные, многомерные объёмом своих смыслов коллажи. Его творчество находится где-то на стыке кубизма и сюрреализма. Многие работы навеяны Сальвадором Дали, но в целом довольно самобытный художник. Неожиданное сочетание людей и предметов в купе со странным ландшафтом дает отличный микс. Иллюстрации Жульен создает только в порыве вдохновения, не забывая уделить время своему главному хобби – путешествиям.
source: thesputniksgirlswordpress

Julien Pacaud è un illustratore francese che ha letteralmente catturato l’attenzione delle Sputnik Girls!Sarà il suo passato di astrofisico ed ipnotizzatore ma i suoi fantastici e visionari collage digitali ci hanno colpito fin dall’inizio, composizioni che sono allo stesso tempo futuristiche e retrò, paessaggi lunari che intervengono nello spazio come meteoriti che ci suggeriscono fughe su altri pianeti. Si tratta di immagini rielaborate in scenari leggermente surreali che l’artista chiama “Perpendicular Dreams”,i suoi lavori sono oggi così richiesti da essere utilizzati con regolarità nelle campagne pubblicitarie, per le copertine dei dischi nonché nelle pagine di molte pubblicazioni internazionali.Certamente continueremo a seguire questo artista che spera un giorno di poter dedicare tutta la sua vita alla sua passione , i suoi “viaggi nel tempo”…chissà dove ci porterà!