

versuch unter kreisen

JULIUS VON BISMARCK  versuch unter kreisen

source: cowsinjackets

Wer den Raum betrittt, in dem der Versuch unter Kreisen von Collide at CERN-Preisträger Julius von Bismarck installiert ist, bemerkt zunächst nichts Ungewöhnliches – bis plötzlich etwas in Bewegung gerät. Die Hängelampen im Raum beginnen zuerst langsam und dann immer stärker zu schwingen, als würde das Gebäude schwanken. Jedes Licht folgt einer bestimmten Choreografie. Die mathematisch berechneten zyklischen Bewegungen dabei sind von Wellenmustern inspiriert.
source: mediaartdesignnet

We are now at the CyberArt exhibition, under the lumino-kinetic installation “Versuch unter Kreisen” by Julius von Bismarck. This is the artistic result of a residency spent at CERN, where particles circulate on rings at great speed. The four lamps that are suspended from the ceiling also describe circles, but at varying speeds. Starting from there, every imaginable choreography is possible as well as every interpretation. The lamps describe figures that imperceptible transitions trigger one to the other. According to the artist, it’s only a question of mathematics here, though one asks oneself which one of the four incandescent lamps directs the others. And just as quick as they come into alignment as though linked by invisible ties, there is one that seems to accelerate while another can’t manage to keep up with the group. You can watch them for hours on end, hypnotised by the aesthetic beauty of physical laws. The artist, Julius von Bismarck, when receiving his prize admitted to having learned a lot at the CERN. It is likely that the scientists were also marked by his presence.
source: ignantde

We follow the crareer of Berlin-based artist Julius von Bismarck since quite some time. Born in the south German town of Breisach, he grew up in the same area as me, around Freiburg. Surrounded by the French Vosges (wine, cheese) and the Schwarzwald (beer, trolls), he finds a spiritual-cultural tension that informs his latest work, ‘Versuch Unter Kreisen’. Bismarck explains: ‘For me, the mountains and the woods are a neutral area where it’s possible to develop your own point of view on things. Being in the city all the time, I get lost in the mainstream of culture.’ Commissioned by CERN, home of the world’s largest particle accelerator and erstwhile ground zero of the ‘god particle’, Bismarck created an austere set of overhead lamps undulating like pendulums. The Avant/Garde Diaries met him underneath a bridge on a meandering trip through the mountains of the Locarno region in Switzerland to learn more about his inspiring artwork.
source: chambre237

Julius von Bismarck réside à Berlin et est né dans une ville allemande au sud de Breisach. Entouré par les Vosges françaises et la Forêt Noire il y trouve une inspiration spirituelle et culturelle qui influence sa dernière oeuvre «Versuch Unter Kreisen». Bismarck explique: «Pour moi, les montagnes et les forêts sont une zone neutre où il est possible de développer son propre point de vue sur les choses. Quand je suis constamment en ville, je me perds dans le courant dominant de la culture ». Commandée par le CERN, le foyer du plus grand accélérateur de particules du monde, Bismarck a créé un jeu austère de lampes ondulantes comme des pendules.