

Дзюн Китагава

source: core77

Zippers can be many things, but I bet you wouldn’t normally describe them as “whimsy.” But that’s exactly what they are, thanks to Japanese street artist Jun Kitagawa. He has created a standout public installation in cities around Japan that gives passersby more than just something pretty to stop and take in.

Kitagawa is no stranger to offbeat public displays of art. His inaugural installment came to be after finding himself with a bunch of unwanted T-shirts and living in a town with numerous nude statues. Obviously the best (and only, in my opinion) use for those T-shirts were for covering the statues. And in an act that rides a perfectly crooked (and humorous) line between vandalism and public service, a street artist was born.

His zippers are found painted on walls and sculpted to interact with natural resources. The zippers’ intent? To give viewers a more intimate look into the world we interact with every day through a familiar object.
source: spoon-tamago

Jun Kitagawa accidentally became an artist when he found himself stuck with an inventory of t-shirts that would not sell. He decided to dispose of them by going around town and “covering up” nude statues – a stunt that, depending on where you are on the spectrum of cultural politics, could be considered either an act of vandalism or public service.

Kitagawa’s art has since evolved but his penchant for public spaces and an emphasis on humor still remains. One of his most fascinating works are an ongoing series in which he installs 3-dimensional zippers in various public spaces around Japan, offering an intimate look – one that’s often left up to the imagination – into our world. “I like to surprise people with a light eroticism,”* explains Kitagawa in a statement.
source: mymodernmet

With a great sense of humor, Jun Kitagawa creates all kinds of playful art in public spaces. The Japanese artist was first discovered when he wanted to get rid of an excess of t-shirts, so, he went around town placing them on human statues. Unknowingly, he had just completed his first installation.

Since then, Kitagawa has developed an affinity for public art and recently began developing a series of giant Zippers. His first piece featured a partially unzipped circular zipper painted on a tunnel wall. The well-received mural inspired the artist to produce additional, three-dimensional versions of that same concept.

So he began unzipping the world with his whimsical installations. Each site-specific project reveals normally concealed areas, including a building’s framework and the dark water that lingers beneath a pond’s surface. Kitagawa blends reality with the uncanny, creating an interactive environment that invites people to explore with curiosity and wonder. His surprising work challenges everyday expectations and offers viewers a chance to look at the world with a fresh perspective.
source: bemlegaus

Zíperes e mais zíperes, onde você imaginar! É mais ou menos assim que dá pra descrever esta série de trabalhos do artista Jun Kitagawa. Inusitados como o próprio início de sua carreira, que aconteceu quase sem querer. Ao ficar com um lote “micado” de camisetas nas mãos, sobra de um inventário, ele teve a ideia de cobrir estátuas nuas pela cidade, o que na época soou como um tipo arte urbana. De lá pra cá muita coisa mudou e suas obras evoluíram bastante, mas sem nunca deixar de lado o toque de humor. Prova disto são os zíperes deste post, que fazem parte de um festival ao ar livre, o Rokko Meets Art, que conta com uma série de artistas.
source: citimezjolcomcn

日本艺术家Jun Kitagawa的创意3D作品,倘若一个人的嘴巴真的拥有拉链该多好,不想说话的时候拉起来,这样别人也就看得出,便不会打扰。倘若脑袋也有拉链,不该想的事情也把它拉起来,等到该想的时候再打开。但切忌拉链也有生锈的时候,你心里的那条拉链,善待之……
source: nolookru

У девушки оказалась целая коллекция старых футболок, которые было жалко выбросить. Дзюн Китагава (Jun Kitagawa) взяла в охапку футболки и пошла гулять, надевая их на встречающиеся статуи. Сейчас, японка увлеклась новой идеей. Она создает гигантские молнии, которые приоткрывают лазейки в другие пространства. Молния раскрывает дно на поверхности водоема или основу пола на поверхности покрытия. Очень нестандартно и необычно.