source: elaogloboglobo
O artista plástico Teppei Kaneuji, nascido em Kioto, faz sucesso no Japão com suas esculturas feitas de… tudo um pouco. Ele junta pedacinhos de objetos abandonados, como brinquedos, para criar peças divertidas. Às vezes cobre tudo com uma resina branca. Em uma de suas últimas séries, o artista utilizou apenas o que seria o cabelo de bonecos de plástico. Tudo se encaixa e se transforma numa nova figura. .
source: juxtapoz
This series by Japanese artist Teppei Kaneuji is entitled Teenage Fan Club. Known for his found-object assemblages, the artist uses plastic toys, scissors, helmets, and in this case, removable hair, gluing them together in bizarrely fascinating and colorful arrangements.
source: sickoftheradio
The most potentially pretentious and annoying area of art is the realm of found objects, which are usually everyday objects turned on their side or with a streak of spray paint in hopes of making a statement. This is not true for the work of Teppei Kaneuji, however. Works such as 2011’s “White Discharge” series contains a large collection of found art placed in interesting arrangements and glued together. Kaneuji’s work isn’t limited to found art, and another aspect of his creativity can be seen in 2009’s “Tower” series, which features small images of shapes, colors and random objects superimposed over the image of a brick building and placed on a 30 minute loop on a video screen. Kaneuji’s work is equally playful and clever, and offers a refreshing and unique perspective.