



source: we-find-wildness

ARIN HUEBER is a Swiss artist who recently presented her first major institutional solo exhibition at the Kunsthaus Baselland where she dealt with the architecture of the ground floor of the Kunsthaus and developed a series of sculptures that responded to the topic of fast movement.

The title of the show Traceur/Traceuse is the name given to a practitioner of the sport called parkour born in the Parisian banlieues in the late 1980s and which consists of using the urban surroundings as a playground through which the Traceur can move fluidly, using his body to overcome obstacles and barriers. For KARIN HUEBER, the urban practice that is parkour is above all a question of forms – forms of rest, forms of movement – she extended throughout the space.

The exhibition comprises two sculptures in metal and cords as well as six large wooden scultpures (‘Ostacles‘) painted in soft shades or coated in quartz sand, that appear according to the press release ‘to be stand-ins for human movements and gestures in the spaces of the Kunsthaus: they lean gently on walls, nestle against or lean on posts or lift themselves up confidently from the ground. The artist fixes the large format, ramp-like objects to the given space with blue tension belts. Even here, at this point in the space, the sculptures stand or lie, and arrange themselves in a circuit of the space. Their forms, which emerge from the artist’s freehand drawings, remind one of past or even possible leaps in the space’.

With parkour as the backdrop, KARIN HUEBER‘s work invites the public to a fresh reading of abstract sculpture as well as of the complex dynamics that evolve between forms, structures and people.
source: kunsthausbasellandch

Die 1977 in Zwingen (BL) geborene Künstlerin lebt und arbeitet in Zürich und Basel. Studiert hat sie u. a. an der Staatlichen Hochschule für bildende Künste, Städelschule, Frankfurt am Main und an der Hochschule für Gestaltung und Kunst, Institut Kunst, Basel. Für ihre erste grössere institutionelle Einzelausstellung im Kunsthaus Baselland wird sie explizit mit der Architektur des Erdgeschosses des Kunsthauses arbeiten und daraus Skulpturen entwickeln, die dem Thema der schnellen Bewegung Rechnung tragen.
Zuletzt vertreten war Karin Hueber u. a. in Einzel- und Gruppenausstellungen wie im Palais de Tokyo, Paris (2013, „Just a perfect year“, GDM), im Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein, Vaduz (2011 „Entgrenzungen und Passagen als Kunst“) oder in der Kunsthalle Basel (2008, „The Inside out Exhibition. Ein Projekt für die Rückwand“).
source: kunsthausbasellandch

Born in Zwingen (BL) in 1977, artist Karin Hueber lives and works in Zurich and Basel. Karin Hueber studied at the Staatliche Hochschule für bildende Künste, Städelschule, Frankfurt am Main and at the Hochschule für Gestaltung und Kunst, Institut Kunst, Basel, amongst other schools. For her first major institutional solo exhibition at the Kunsthaus Baselland she will deal directly with the architecture of the ground floor of the Kunsthaus and develop sculptures that respond to the topic of fast movement. Karin Hueber recently participated in solo and group exhibitions including at the Palais de Tokyo, Paris (2013 ‘Just a perfect year’, GDM,), at the Kunstmuseum Liechtenstein, Vaduz (2011, Unbounding and Crossing Over as Art) or at the Kunsthalle Basel (2008, ‘The Inside Out Exhibition, a project for the back wall of the Kunsthalle’).