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Katheryne Pichette lives and works in Montreal. She is presently completing a second Master’s degree at UQAM in visual art of which she is also an undergraduate. Her body of work has been displayed at the SAS Art Gallery, at the Society for Arts and Technology, at CDex and UQAM’s Gallery. She is also participating at Montreal’s High Lights Festival for the third time.

The Heterotopia of Wonder
Heterotopia is an absence of place to language, like utopia is an absence of place to space. They are counter-spaces of real places outside all places, juxtapositions of incompatible spaces, singular overlays of time. They are utopias, manifest and physically identifiable.

Hence, for the last few years I have concentrated my artistic practice on the representation of the heterotopia of Wonder from models that I have haphazardly chosen and on which I am presently inquiring: “If Wonder was a territory, what would it look like?” Inspired by their witness accounts, I build images that reveal their fictional universe.