


source: kevinnecessary

What I do.
“You’d be happiest doing an illustration in the morning and editing footage in the afternoon,” said a former editor of mine. He’s right. I am the creative professional equivalent of a Swiss Army Knifeā„¢.

I’m a self-taught illustrator and cartoonist. I have worked as a newspaper graphic designer, reporter, and editor. I co-founded a video production company. I enjoy making art, telling stories, finding whatever outlets I can for the crazy ideas in my head. It doesn’t matter in what medium they appear.

What I believe:
Art communicates ideas. Art should tell a story. Art should entertain. Art should be a force for good and social justice. Art should comfort. Art should shock. Art should be fun.

Who I am:
I’m a native of Cincinnati, Ohio, where I live with my fiesty wife, Julie, and my feistier cat., Huckleberry. I enjoy fine bourbon whiskeys, obsessing over nerdy franchises that start with the word “Star” and are directed by J.J. Abrams, and making up and singing songs on the fly. Really stupid songs.