

كيميكو يوشيدا
키미코 요시다
קימיקו יושידה
Кимико Йошида

source: cargocollective

Kimiko Yoshida is a Japanese/French artist whose evokative imagery are all based on elaborate self portraits.

Born in Tokyo, Japan in 1963, Yoshida studied at Chuo University, Tokyo and received a bachelor of Arts in 1986. in 1995 she studied photography at the Tokyo College of Photography, before going to the École nationale supérieure de la photographie, Arles, France the following year. She moved to France in 1995 where she now lives and works.

A unique artist with sophisticated style, Yoshida’s Asian influenced self portraits are unprecedented. Her work evokes pertinent questions as to the role of women in modern Asia and is strongly driven by feelings of transformation and fleeting:

“ … when I was three, my mother threw me out of the house. I left clutching a box filled with all my treasures. I went to a public park. The police found me there the next day. Since then, I’ve always felt nomadic, errant, fleeing.”

“Art is above all the experience of transformation. Transformation is, it seems to me, the ultimate value of the work. Art for me has become a space of shifting metamorphosis. My Self-portraits … are only the place and the formula of the mutation.”

Yoshida was the 1st Place winner in the self-portraits category at the International Photography Awards in New York, 2005. Yoshida work is part of selected collections:

Fine Arts Museum | Houston, USA
The Israel Museum | Jerusalem
Kawasaki City Museum | Japan
Price Waterhouse Coopers | Paris
Diane Von Furstenberg | New York
Sheika Paula Al-Sabah, Dar Noor | Dubai
Joey Tanenbaum Collection | Toronto
Commission by Centre national de la photographie | Paris

Yoshida’s art is praiseworthy, her work a reflection of the intimate relationship to her Asian roots and her understanding of western art history. By featuring her own person in a multiplicity of forms, Yoshida encourages dialogue and forces her audience to ask challenging questions about the nature of change.
source: waitmag

Affascinante e ipnotica. Kimiko Yoshida, icona e un riferimento della cultura artistica nipponica, continua a meravigliare i suoi incredibili self-portraits. Scena minimalista, un solo volto – il proprio – e una maestria unica nel maschersi, velarsi e trasformarsi.
source: mahberetnet

האמנית – Kimiko Yoshida

Kimiko Yoshida, אמנית יפנית גרה ועובדת בצרפת. עוסקת בעיקר בפורטרטים עצמיים בצילום, כמובן שהצילום כולל סטיילינג גבוה מאד. עבודה אינטסיבית עם צבע ודימוים נוספים הנכנסים לפורטרטים.
source: fotomencn











她的面颊圆润完美、清秀、光彩照人:极地鸟般美丽的睫毛衬托着一双深邃的黑眼睛,凝视着破碎的过去,微微张开的秀口红似鲜血。印有原始图案别致的衣着像祭司的长裙,展示出优美的身段。我们洗耳恭听:这白色的外表是出自她的踟蹰犹豫吗?她最终会倾诉她的爱情、渴望和痛苦吗? 艺术家们常以吊观众胃口、突出作品的神秘感,作为表现手段。但是,那些对吉田公子的作品提的问题比其他问题更密集,更尖锐,也出于上述原因就更让人难以忘怀,她的自拍像就是围绕这些问题而衔接到一起的。她在照片中的形象不断变化,一幅不同一幅,有圣母、殉道者、未婚新娘、巴比伦人、肯尼亚人或腓尼基人。