

كلاوس ويبر
클라우스 베버
Клаус Вебер

Sand fountain


source: blogqq

“Sand Fountain”到布置在画廊前墙上的“Untitled Broken Window”,再到布置在后厅里的“Untitled Vitrine”。“Untitled Vitrine”带我们进行了一次穿越了死亡象征的物品(它们被放在一个透明的盒子里,类似于白雪公主的棺材)的旅程。我们会看到一个被修改过的、按规定比例制作的人体解剖模型,它的腹部充满了奇怪的面部特征(“当我把那些教学器官拿出去时,就好像是有一张脸在盯着我看一样:一张具有人形的面具,只不过凹陷了下去,”克劳斯·韦伯说);它的旁边是一个用于半身像雕刻的模具(当人们围着它移动时,可以看到它的视觉效果从正像的变成了明暗相反的),另外还有一件利用这个模具制作成的铸像,以及一只带有用人类的毛发做成的触须的埃及蝗虫。作品“Sand Fountain”则提及了干旱与瘟疫。喷泉原本是为了展示征服了自然的力量,提供一种有益的公共服务(任何人都可以从喷泉里喝到水);而现在,喷泉更有可能象征了私人财产。这件作品像是一部巨大的、动作缓慢的打硬币游戏机,它指明了当前我们的文化中从公共到私人的不可阻挡的变动,以及愈加矛盾的围绕公共艺术提出的政策。
source: nottinghamcontemporary

Klaus Weber’s art works create ruptures with what we would call reality. In so doing they call our deepest belief systems into question. They provide an ironic counterpoint to the shared understanding – social, natural, scientific – that underpins our society. They also expose the maverick forces of nature that disrupt our own ability to control.

The natural world – and our changing view of what is natural – is a strong theme of the exhibition. The “natural” could also be regarded as the given – the underlying assumptions we all share. In the past it was thought society was shaped by just such a “natural” order. Perhaps it is not so different today.

Klaus Weber is an artist who lives and works in Berlin. Born 1967 in Sigmaringen, Germany, Weber’s work focuses on the relationship between the urban environment and the definitive associations between public and political space. The artist in residence at Villa Aurora, Los Angeles, in 2003 he undertook a twelve-month residency at Delfina, London, and exhibited Public Foundation LSD Hall at the Frieze Art Fair. The installation functioned as a proposal for a public building with the centre-piece being a crystal glass fountain circulating ‘Potentized LSD’ allowing the viewer to notice ‘the weirdness of daily life which through repetition has lost its meaning’. Weber’s fixation with the role of public space began one of the major collaborative political film projects of the 90’s with A-Clips, 35mm short films tied to a specific moment in Berlin. The project was later taken to London and New York.