Kozo Nishino
كوزو نيشينو
Memory of the Sky
source: journal-du-designfr
Sky Memory est une sculpture à grande échelle (30m de diamètre) de Kozo Nishino. Elle plane et scintille grâce à des arcs irisés dans l’immense hall d’entrée de la nouvelle tour 4 World Trade Center (ouverture en novembre) de l’architecte Fumihiko Maki.
Dans sa réflexion de création, Nishino se demande toujours comment il peut exprimer, dans une certaine forme, les sentiments au sujet des cieux qui entourent notre planète. De sa position élevée dans ce hall baigné de lumière naturelle, l’installation invite les visiteurs à entrer. Fabriquée avec du fil à souder, ultra-léger en alliage de titane, Sky Memory emploie une structure en treillis. Elle comprend deux sections de tailles différentes, dont chacune est fixée à la surface de la paroi en un point unique et y repose dans un équilibre parfait. Son apparence globale est celle d’une immense bague, elle fusionne très bien avec l’architecture environnante. Il aura fallu près de 4 années de travail intensif à Kozo Nishino pour réaliser cette oeuvre.
source: artcourtgallery
4 World Trade Center will be first office tower to open on the 16-acre site in November 2013. It was developed by Silverstein Properties which designed, built and opened 7 World Trade Center in May 2006.
As Nishino states regarding his creative work, “I always wonder how I can give expression, in some form, to feelings toward the universe that has granted us life, to feelings regarding the heavens that encircle our irreplaceable earth. To me, the familiar skies and clouds above us, the air and the wind, and even light and darkness, are all the heavens.”
From its raised position in the naturally lit hall, Nishino’s Sky Memory beckons people within. Fabricated with hand-welded, ultra-light titanium alloy wire and employing a trussed structure, Sky Memory comprises two sections of differing sizes, each of which is fixed to the wall surface at a single point and rests there in an exquisite balance. Glowing with iridescent arcs in the ambient light, the thirty meter diameter semicircular piece is mirrored in the black granite wall, thereby deepening the sense of the space, and the sculpture appears as a great circle.
With this image of an eternal ring and in its serene presence, Nishino’s sculpture becomes fused with Maki’s highly refined space.
Nishino completed Sky Memory at his studio in Kameoka, in Kyoto, Japan, over a period of four years of intensive labor. With this work’s installation, we anticipate a groundswell of interest in Nishino’s public art pieces, of which Sky Memory is a superlative example. It is hoped that this “memory of sky” realized through the hands of the sculptor Kozo Nishino will become a beautiful ring of light that reaches out to the people who enter that space.