
Kris Strawser


Kris Strawser  Switch

source: krisstrawser

One of a series of works involving massed arrays of neckties, lit by gallery lights to produce intersecting shadows
source: krisstrawser

“A promiscuous imagination … is dangerous” – Hugo Lindgren

I photograph surroundings that are significant to me, then fix those images to faceted planes in order to make walkable environments and 3D wall pieces. I mingle urban and rural detail and sometimes include contemporary and historical events and personalities who may interact across time. The result can range from fractured landscape to sinister cartoon environments. Sometimes I re-edit current events so that what has happened in public space can be considered a second time, in a new way. I spend a lot of time splicing together dissimilar things that are forced into conversation.

A former journalist, I work with the mutability of truth — an elusive target weaving through time. This current body of work is my approximation of how time bends and shifts perception, and how memory holds past and present for simultaneous access, review and modification. I intervene to set things right … or set things differently.