Ларс ван де Гоор
source: taringanet
Lars van de Goor es un fotógrafo fanatizado, entre otras cosas, por los árboles y su entorno, priorizando los colores y la luz en cada una de sus fotografías, y recurriendo al retoque en muchos de los casos.
source: photointerviewru
When I was a child I dreamed of living in a house inside a giant tree in a fairy tale forest. Even now I would prefer such a house to the most luxurious villa without any doubt. This is how I see ideal comfort, home, safety and magic. Enchanting forest which would be a perfect place for the house of my dream is excellently depicted in the photography of Lars van de Goor. Today I want to introduce to you this wonderful photographer who is a master of reflecting the beauty of nature in his works. It’s amazing that in spite of shooting mostly through his neighborhood, Lars creates such diverse and versatile images: majestic lanes resembling a natural gothic cathedral, lightful edges of elf forests, empty paths and ominous thickets as seen in suspense movies – all this can be the same park near Amsterdam where our today’s guest loves to walk and photograph.
In my opinion, Lars van de Goor is more than just a photographer, he is a photo artist. His technique and the way he post processes images may seem controversial to some people, but I think a photo that creates a special mood in you and makes you believe in magic, pushes everything else to the background.
We thank Lars for this great interview and wish him new triumphs in both creative and business activities.
source: sitedouban
Lars Van De Goor,荷兰摄影师,出生于1964年。他的摄影作品对光的感觉很强烈,锐度不高,很舒服,像60年代摄影师拍出的风格,比较安逸。其实这个荷兰摄影师Lars Van De Goor没太多新意,但很多作品都能随便的触及人内心柔软的局部。很多画面仿佛在梦境或许回想看到过,这种美丽的觉得如此直接,直接到重复观看不忍封闭。
令人难以置信的是自学成才的摄影师Lars van de Goor没有用Photoshop来加强这些数字图像。 “在我的图片里面的所有的太阳光线都是真实的,”他说。“我真正的组成是99%,唯一我要做的编辑就是让他们着色和瑕疵清除,这样的事情。
source: feel-spirit-bonsaiblogspot
Focus sur un photographe : Lars van de Goor
Lars van de Goor est Néerlandais.
Il est né en 1964 aux Pays-Bas, sur une péniche, près d’une ferme, située entre lacs et prairies.
Sa première passion était la musique, la dernière la photographie et le montage.
D’une certaine manière il compose encore.
Il a commencé la photographie en 2007.
La plus grande révélation a été quand quelqu’un lui à dit : “Tu n’es pas un photographe, tu es un artiste.
Cette prise de conscience lui donné la liberté de créer et de nous émerveiller.
source: ellfru
Профессиональный музыкант из Нидерландов Ларс ван де Гоор (Lars van de Goor) лишь пару лет назад открыл для себя фотографию. Теперь он пишет музыку для глаз. Он скорее фотохудожник, нежели фотограф, его манера пост обработки и техника фотографии может быть спорной, однако когда фотографии передают все многообразие красоты и настроения природы и помогают убедиться, что волшебство есть, все остальное отступает на задний план.